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Conquest, Robert


“conspiracy of academicians,” See also intellectuals

conspiracy theories; East and Central Europe; Islamist; about Jews; nationalist; Russian; similarities between Communism and Fascism; Stalinist

Constantinescu, Miron

Constituent Assembly, Lenin disbanding (1918)

constitutionalism: post-Communism. See also democracy

constitutions, Soviet

cosmopolitanism: Jews accused of; Răutu's “Against Cosmopolitanism and Objectivism in Social Sciences,”; rootless; Soviet terror vs., See also Zhdanov, Andrei/Zhdanovism

Costea, Mirel (Nathan Zaider)

Council for Economic Mutual Assistance (CEMA)

Courtois, Stéphane; The Black Book of Communism

criminality: number of victims. See also Communist criminality; dehumanization of the enemy; evil; genocide; purges; terror

Croatia: “competitive authoritarianism,”; Croatian Spring; president Tudjman

Cuba: Castro; mass murder; revolution

Cultural Revolution: Chinese; Soviet

culture of responsibility

Czechoslovakia; Charter; Communist Party; ideological apparatchiks; neutrality of intellectuals; People's Democratic Republic; socialism with a human face; Stalinist purge vs. Jews; velvet divorce. See also Czechoslovakian dissidents; Prague

Czechoslovakian dissidents (1987-89). See also Havel, Václav; Patočka, Jan

Czech Republic; Bohemia; lustration law

Dahrendorf, Ralf

Dan, Fyodor

Daniel, Yuli, Sinyavski-Daniel trial

Danubian confederation, Communist


Dawisha, Karen


Declaration of Moscow Conference of Socialist Clubs

Declaration of the Rights of Toiling and Exploited People (1918)

Dedkov, Igor

dehumanization of the enemy; Communist; Fascist; “objective enemies,”

demagogy: dangers of; messianic; nationalist; xenophobic

de Maistre, Joseph

democracy; anti-Fascist; Bolshevist; Communism vs.; delegative; dissidents; electocracies and; Fascists vs.; Gorbachev and, “grayness,”; illiberal; intraparty; liberal; “managed,”; nationalism and; “people's,”; post-Communist threats to; post-democracy; proletarian; revisionism and; revolutions (1989-91) and; Western. See also pluralism; social democracy

deportation: Nazi; Soviet

deradicalization, Communist



Deutscher, Isaac

deviclass="underline" in history See also evil

dialectics; Diamat (dialectical materialism); of disenchantment; refunctionalization

dictatorship: Bolshevik; consensus; “democratic,”; of “foreigners,”; over mind and body; over needs; of proletariat; pro-Nazi; of purity; repressive ideocratic; of ritual. See also Hitler, Adolf; Mussolini, Benito; Stalin, Joseph

Dictatorship over Needs (Heller, Fehér, and Márkus)

Dimitrov, Georgi

Diner, Dan

di Palma, Giuseppe

disenchantment: with Marxism; with Nazism; post-Communism

dissidents; conflicts among; Gorbachev and; Lenin for persecution of; one of three layers in Communist societies; samizdat; Soviet Union; Western Europe. See also resistance; revolution

dissidents of East and Central Europe (1987-89); vs. Communist criminality; intellectuals; lack of influence after 1989; post-Communism; reinvention of politics; revisionism and; and revolutions (1989-91). See also Czechoslovakian dissidents; Polish dissidents

diversity: revolutions (1989-91) leading to,. See also pluralism

Djilas, Milovan “doctor's plot,” Stalin and domesticism

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, Demons

double-talk and double-think. See also amnesia; falsification

Dubček, Alexander

Dubiel, Helmut

Durkheim, Emile

East and Central Europe; anti-Fascism; anti-Nazi resistance movement; civil society; “competitive authoritarianism,”; de-Bolshevization; de-Stalinization; domesticism; Europeanization; ideological apparatchiks; vs. Jews; law of political synchronization; Leninism; post-Communism; post-Leninist; reinvention of politics; revisionism; Sovietization; Stalinist; uncivil societies. See also dissidents of East and Central Europe; revolutions (1989-91); individual countries

East Germany (GDR): civil society; dissidents (1987-89); ideological apparatchiks; Leninism; Modrow; national Stalinism; Party of Democratic Socialism

economics: bourgeois capitalist entrepreneurs; CEMA; de-Stalinization and; East and Central Europe; forced labor; Gorbachev and; Leninist; Marxist; of mass killing; Pauker-Luca sabotage; privatization and; recession; revolutions (1989-91) and; Short Course of Political Economy. See also class struggle; economies

economies: command; globalized; market, See also capitalism

Ehlen, Peter

Ehrenburg, Ilya; The Black Book of Nazi Crimes against Soviet Jews

Eichmann, Adolf

Eisenstadt, S. N.

Eisner, Gerhart

Ekiert, Grzegorz

Eley, Geoff

Éluard, Paul

enemies: of Communism; constructing; evil; of Fascism; “objective,” See also aliens; bourgeoisie; conspiracy theories; dehumanization of the enemy; Jew

Engels, Friedrich; Marx-Engels Archive. See also Communist Manifesto

engineering. See social engineering

English, Robert

Enlightenment: Communism and; Fascism and universalism of. See also humanism

epistemic infallibility

eschatology: Communism similar to Fascism in; Communist Party; Marxism-Leninism; post-Communism; revolutionary. See also chiliasms; millennialism; redemptive mythologies; salvationism; utopia

Estonia, Soviet/Russian occupation

The Eternal Jew

ethics. See morality

ethnic cleansing. See also genocide

ethnicization: of memory; of terror. See also biological distinctions

ethnocentricity: nationalist. See also ethnic cleansing; ethnicization; racialization/de-racialization

“European civil war,”

Europeanization, East and Central Europe

European Union (EU)

evil; Bolshevik New Faith and; Communism “more evil” than Nazism; of Communist regimes; enemies of Communism and Fascism; Kant's “Concerning the Indwelling of the Evil Principle with the Good, or, on the Radical Evil in Human Nature,”; Nazi enemies; salvationism and; Stalinism and; traditional morality. See also criminality; devil; falsification; radical evil

Evola, Julius

experiments, on human beings

exterminist policies: extermination camps; Leninist; Nazi; Stalinist. See also genocide; purges

externalization, of source of failure

Fabian, David

factionalism, Communist. See also Mensheviks; Trotsky, Leon / Trotskyites

Falcon, Irene

Falk, Barbara

falsification: East and Central European regimes; homo prevaricatus; of idea of good; Marxist “false consciousness,”; Putin regime; Short Course of History of the CPSU; Stalinist. See also amnesia; Big Lie; fantasies of salvation; truth

fantasies of salvation

Fascism; vs. Bolshevism; Communist anti-Fascism; differences between Communism and; ideology; Italian; leader charisma; and morality; party charisma; post-Communism and; redemptive mythology; revolutionary movement; revolutionary passion; similarities with Communism; Stalinism syncretized with; ur-Fascism; utopia of; violence sanctified by; Western anti-Fascism. See also enemies; Mussolini, Benito; Nazism