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Mann, Michael

Mann, Thomas

Maoism: in evolution of communism; moral-humanist Marxism chasm

Mao Zedong: on “modern revisionism,”; rebels against; revolutionary passion; supreme leader. See also Maoism

maquis, vs. Nazis

Marcou, Lilly

Margolin, Jean-Louis

Margolius, Rudolf market economies. See also capitalism

Markisch, Peretz

Marković, Mihailo

Marks, Steven G., How Russia Shaped the Modern World

Márkus, György; Dictatorship over Needs (Heller, Fehér, and Márkus),

Martin, Terry

Marwick, Arthur

Marx, Karl; authoritarian personality; and class consciousness; de-Stalinization and; Eleventh Thesis on Feuerbach; The German Ideology; “heretics,”; Marx-Engels Archive; and proletariat; revisionism and; Theses on Feuerbach. See also Communist Manifesto

Marxism; authoritarian-voluntaristic; class struggle central to; critical; culpability; deradicalization; de-Stalinization and; disenchantment with; eschatology; freedom; and humanism; ideology; vs. individual; institutional and intellectual; internationalism; Leninism and; “Marxist Darwinism,”; millennialist; monism; Nazism's affinities with; neo-Marxists; and Nietzsche; non-Leninist versions; party mysticism; post-Marxism; revisionism; revolutionary; science; Soviet-style; Stalin and; theodicy; utopia; violence sanctified by; Western. See also Communism

mass murder. See also exterminist policies; genocide; Holocaust; purges; terror

Matustik, Martin

Mauss, Marcel

Mayakovsky, Vladimir

Mazowiecki, Tadeusz

Mečiar, Vladimir

memory: of Communist crimes; competitive regimes of; ethnicization of; of Holocaust; hypermnesia; mismemory. See also amnesia

Mensheviks; Bukharin and; comparison between Nazism and Communism; exiled; Jews associated with (by Stalin); Lenin vs.; Russian tradition; split with Bolsheviks

Merker, Paul

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, Humanism and Terror

messianism; Communist; Fascist; post-Communism. See also charismatic politics; redemptive mythologies

Meszáros, István

Michnik, Adam: campaign against; “From humanity, through nationality, to barbarity,”; individuality; new evolutionism; “perestroika virus,”; “perfect society,”; revisionism; revolutions (1989-91); shared vision of public good; “velvet restoration,”; “West of center,”

millennialism; Fascist; Leninist; Marxist. See also chiliasms; eschatology

Mills, C. Wright

Milošević-style expansionist chauvinism

Milosz, Czeslaw

Mints, Isaac

mismemory. See also amnesia; falsification

mission: Communist; Fascist

Mladenov, Petar

Mlynář, Zdeněk; The State and the Individual; “Towards a Democratic Political Organization of Society,”; “What to Do with the Party?” (with Gorbachev)

modernity; Communism and; Fascist; identity myths; illiberal; liberal; nationalism; post-Communism; revisionism and

Modrow, Hans

Modzelewski, Karol, Open Letter of the Basic Party Organization of PZPR (Polish United Workers' Party) and to Members of the University Cell of the Union of Socialist Youth at Warsaw University (with Kuroń)

Molotov, Vyacheslav


monism: avoiding; Marxism

Monnerot, Jules

morality; Communism and; dissidents and; Fascism and; moral blindness; post-Communist; reinvention of politics; revisionism and; revolutions (1989-91) and. See also criminality; evil; truth

Moravia, Communist Party

Müller, Jan-Werner

murder: class murder (“sociocide”). See also mass murder

Mussolini, Benito; death (1945); differences from Communists; Enciclopedia Italiana contribution; leader charisma; mission; My Autobiography; one-party system; Rocco with

mysticism: Communist; Hitler. See also charismatic politics; messianism; sacralization

mythologies: anti-Fascism; Bolshevik; civil society as; dialectics as instrument of; exclusionist; Judeo-Bolsheviks; “Judeo-Masonic conspiracies,”; Judeo-plutocracy; Marxism-Leninism; nationalist; post-Communist; proletariat; salvationist fantasies; Soviet system. See also millennialism; redemptive mythologies

Nagy, Imre

Naimark, Norman

“nanny,” yearning for the state as

National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives

nationalism; anti-Communist; Communist Manifesto and; dangers of; ethnocentric; “Jewish bourgeois,”; polycentric vs. ethnocentric; post-Communist; radical; Russian; salvationism; socialist; specters of; during World War I

National Socialism. See Nazism

National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) NATO

Naumov, Oleg V.

Nazism; biological distinctionsi; civilization; Communism “more evil” than; defeat; dehumanization of the enemy; differences between Communism and; disenchantment; East and Central Europe dictatorships admiring; ethnic cleansing; evil identified by; genocidal; ideology; intentionality; leader charisma; and morality; Nazi Party (NSDAP); number of victims; Nuremberg Laws (1936); one-party system; party charisma; resistance to; show trials not used by; similarities with Communism; Soviet citizens sent back to USSR; Soviet-Nazi “nonaggression” pact (1939); terror. See also Hitler, Adolf; Nazism vs. Jews

Nazism vs. Jews; comparing Nazism and Communism; exterminist policies; genocidal; Jews seeking refuge in USSR from. See also Holocaust

Nechaev, Sergey; Revolutionary Catechism





Neruda, Pablo

Neumann, Heinz

New Economic Policy (NEP)

new evolutionism

New Faith

New Left: Socialist; Western

New Man

“new thinking,”

New York Review of Books

Nietzsche, Friedrich

Night of the Long Knives (1934)

Nikolaevsky, Boris

Nivat, Georges

Nolte, Ernst

nomenklatura, Soviet Union,

Norden, Albert

North Korea, Leninist parties coming to power

“objective enemies,”

October Revolution (1917),

Offe, Claus

Open Letter of the Basic Party Organization of PZPR (Polish United Workers' Party) and to Members of the University Cell of the Union of Socialist Youth at Warsaw University (Kuroń and Modzelewski)

Orbán, Viktor

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE); “Resolution on Divided Europe Reunited: Promoting Human Rights and Civil Liberties in the OSCE Region in the Twenty-first Century,”

Orwell, George

OSCE. See Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

other. See enemies


Overy, Richard

Palme, Olaf

Palouš, Martin

Pandrea, Petre, Memoriile Mandarinului Valah (Memoirs of a Wallachian Mandarin)

“The Parade of the Powerful Stalin Breed [plemia],”

Paraschivescu, Miron Radu

pariah, notion of

Paris Commune

Parisian May

parties. See political parties

Partisan Review

party charisma: Communist; Fascist

Patočka, Jan; care of the soul; Charter; Havel following

Pătrășcanu, Lucrețiu

Pauker, Ana

People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD)


personality cult. See leader charisma/personality cult