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Petöfi Circle / Budapest neo-Marxist School,

Petrovic, Gajo

Piatakov, Yury

Pipes, Richard

Pitești penitentiary

Pjade, Mosa

Plekhanov, Georgi

Pleșu, Andrei

pluralism; Gorbachev and; Lenin vs.; post-Communism and; revolutions (1989-91) and. See also democracy; diversity


Poland: anti-Semitism; Communist Party; defeat of former Communists (September 2005); de-Stalinization; impersonal democratic procedures; Kaczynski brothers; Kwarniewski; March student upheaval; Mazowiecki; Zygmunt Modzelewski as foreign minister; not exactly totalitarian; perestroika and; post-Communism; Rakowski; revisionism and; Workers' Defense Committee (KOR). See also Kolakowski, Leszek; Polish dissidents (1987-89)

Polish dissidents (1987-89). See also Solidarnosc/Solidarity

Politburo; Jakub Berman; Brezhnev; Kaganovich; Lenin's; Romanian members

political modernity. See modernity

political monopoly: Communist Party; Fascist; “Gorbachev phenomenon” and. See also dictatorship; hegemony; totalitarianism

political parties; Cominform (Communist and Workers' Parties); Fascists internalizing Lenin's cult of the party; Italian National Fascist Party; Nazi Party (NSDAP); one-party system; Party of Democratic Socialism; post-Communist; Romanian; Russian Liberal Democratic Party; Serbian Radical Party; social democrats; Socialist Unity Party (SED). See also Bolshevism; Communist Party; vanguard party

political synchronization, law of

politics of amnesia

politics of antipolitics. See also reinvention of politics

politics of charisma. See charismatic politics

“politics of knowledge,”

Pollack, Detlef

Pomian, Krzysztof

Ponge, Francis

Pope John Paul II

Popov, K., “The Party and the Role of the Leader,”

Popper, Karl R.

Popular Fronts, vs. Nazis

populism: dangers of; de-Stalinization; ethnocratic; Fascist; post-Communism

Portugal, civil unrest vs. right-wing dictatorship

post-Communism; East and Central Europe; “electoral volatility,”; ethnocentric nationalism; fantasies of salvation; “heroic mobilization,”; intellectuals; legitimation from the past; and Leninist debris; morality; nature of transitions; “normality,”; paradoxes; political partiesi; specters; treatment of former party and secret police activists and collaborators. See also post-Leninism; post-Marxism; post-totalitarian system; revolutions (1989-91)


post-Leninism, East and Central Europe


post-totalitarian system. See also dissidents; post-Communism

Prague: Prague Declaration; Prague Spring; show trials


Praxis group

Preoteasa, Grigore

press, freedom of

Priestland, David

Prokhanov, Aleksandr

proletariat: Bukharin and; class consciousness; democracy; dictatorship of; Gorky; “in itself” and “for itself,”; internationalism; Lenin and; Marx and; morality and; redeemer; Stalin and

public sphere: anti-Communist demonstrations; The Black Book of Communism and; de-Stalinizing; private person and; reconstitution of. See also citizenship; civil society

purges: Communist; Nazi. See also genocide; show trials

Putin, Vladimir

Rabinbach, Anson

racialization/de-racialization. See also biological distinctions; ethnocentricity; genocide; Jew

Radek, Karl

radical evil; Communism; Fascism

Radio Free Europe

Radio Moscow

Rahv, Phillip

Rajk, László

Rákósi, Mátyás

Rakowski, Mieczyslaw

Răutu, Leonte; “Against Cosmopolitanism and Objectivism in Social Sciences,”



Reddaway, Peter

redemptive mythologies; Communist; Fascist; post-Communism and. See also eschatology; messianism; salvationism; utopia

Red Terror (1918)

Rees, A. E.

Reich, Wilhelm

reinvention of politics; East and Central Europe; Soviet Union resistance; anti-Communist demonstrations; anti-Nazi; and revolutions (1989-91); self-conscious creation of a site of. See also dissidents; revolution

“return to Europe,”

“return to Lenin,”

“return to the source,”

Révai, József

revisionism: Communist; Fascism lacking

revolution; from above; archangelic; from below; Cuban; eschatological doctrine of; French (1789); genuine; Hungarian (1956); irreversible moment breaking with the past and creating a totally new world; “legal revolution,”; Lenin's revolutionary novelty; Marxist thought on; October (1917); originating in a millenialist vision of perfect society; post-Communist demand to end; radical; “The Revolution isn't dead; the Revolution is sick, and we must help it,”; rules of the game; Russian (1905); Russian (1917); Russian revolutionary tradition; Russian Socialist Revolutionaries; socialist; takeover of power; total; as ultimate événement; Western revolutionary tradition. See also Cultural Revolution; dissidents; revolutionary movements; revolutionary passion; revolutions (1989-91), Eastern and Central Europe

revolutionary class. See also proletariat

revolutionary movements: Communist; Fascist; Jacobin

revolutionary passion: Communist; Fascist

revolutionary situation, Lenin's definition of

revolutions (1989-91), Eastern and Central Europe; Berlin Wall falling; citizenship rebirth; and civil society; common sense as core value; dissidents and; leading to diversity; lesson of; morality and; and pluralism; roundtable strategy; Soviet collapse catalyzed by; utopia ended by

Riegel, Klaus-Georg “rights talk,” post-Communism. See also citizenship; freedom; human rights; individual

Robinson, Neil

Rocco, Alfredo

Rohm, Ernst

Rolland, Romain

Roller, Mihail

Roman, Valter

Romania: Antonescu; Communist Party (RCP); Communist party resurrection; Constitutional Court; Danubian confederation; de-Stalinization; general elections (2009); Greater Romania Party; Ianoși; ideological apparatchiks; Iron Guard; legal procedures for Communist crimes; National Liberal Party; National Peasant Christian and Democratic Party; National Salvation Front; parliamentary putsch (April 2007); Party Cadres Department; Pătrășcanu; Pleșu; post-Communism; problematic exit from state socialism; purges; radical-authoritarian trends; regret for predictability and frozen stability; revisionism; Romania Mare Party; Social Democratic Party; Stalinism; working class passivity. See also Ceaușescu, Nicolae

Roselli, Carlo

Rosenberg, Alfred

Rosenthal, Bernice Glatzer

Rothschild, Joseph

roundtable strategy

Rubashov, Nikolai (Koestler's hero),

Russell, Bertrand; The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism

Russia: The Black Book of Communism and; Communist Party of the Russian Federation; “competitive authoritarianism,”; conspiracy theories; glasnost; human rights movement; Liberal Democratic Party; “managed democracy,”; nationalism; October Revolution (1917); post-Soviet; radical-authoritarian trends; revolution (1905); revolutionary tradition; Russian Revolution (1917); Russian Socialist Revolutionaries; Socialist Revolutionaries; Stalinist-nationalist coalition; “Weimar Russia,”. See also Soviet Union

Russian Communist Party. See also Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU); vanguard party

sacralization: by ideology; infallible party line; memory of the gulag; of politics; revolutionary power; “semiotic,”. See also charismatic politics; messianism; mysticism; salvationism