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Vajda, Mihaly

vanguard party; Gorbachev and; Lenin and; Mlynář and. See also Bolshevism; Communist Party

van Ree, Erik

Velikhov, Evgeny

“velvet counterrevolution,”

“velvet revolutions” (1989). See also revolutions (1989-91), Eastern and Central Europe

Vietnam: North; War

Villa-Vicencio, Charles

violence: Communist; Fascist; sanctified by Communism and Fascism;

World War I. See also class struggle; murder; terror

Voegelin, Eric

voluntarism: Leninist; Marxist

Voronov, Ivan

Voznesensky, Andrei

Vranicki, Predrag

Vyshinsky, Andrei

Walęsa, Lech

Walicki, Andzej

Walker, Rachel

Wallach, Erica Glaser

Warsaw Pact

Wat, Aleksander Way, Lucan

Weber, Eugen: archangelic revolution; comparing totalitarianisms; Fascism; My France

Weber, Max

Weil, Nicolas

Weitz, Eric

Werth, Nicolas

West: anti-Fascism; Communist parties; Communist “separate-ness” from; crisis of self-confidence; democracy; and democratization of Eastern and Central Europe; dissident movement; humanism; law of political synchronization; Marxism; New Left; post-Marxism; sixty-eighters; social democracy; and utopia

who-whom principle (kto-kogo)

Wielgohs, Jan

Wieworka, Annette

Wing, Betsy World Marxist Review

World War I; aftermath; nationalism during

World War II; aftermath; Merker; Nazi defeat; Romanian party's Moscow émigré center; Russianization of Stalinism

Xoxe, Koçi

Yakovlev, Alexander; A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia; Gorbachev and; and Leninism; “new thinking,”; social utopias; Stalinism as “Bolshevism of the extreme right,”

Yaroslavsky, Yemelyan

Yeats, W. B., The Second Coming

Yeltsin, Boris

Yugoslavia; Communist League of; Communist Party; disintegration; ethnocentric nationalism; Marxist theorists; Milosevic-style expansionist chauvinism; problematic exit from state socialism; secession wars; Simic on; Tito

Zambrowski, Roman

Zetkin, Clara

Zhdanov, Andrei/Zhdanovism; contract of silence; vs. Jews; vs. purges based on class origin; Revai implementing; Romanian version; “two-camp theory,”

Zhirinovsky, Vladimir

Zhivkov, Todor

Zinoviev, Grigory; Severnaya kommuna

Zinovyev, Aleksandr


Žižek, Slavoj

Zoshchenko, Mikhail

Zubok, Vladimir

Zweig, Stefan

Zyuganov, Gennady