Riegel, Klaus-Georg “rights talk,” post-Communism. See also citizenship; freedom; human rights; individual
Robinson, Neil
Rocco, Alfredo
Rohm, Ernst
Rolland, Romain
Roller, Mihail
Roman, Valter
Romania: Antonescu; Communist Party (RCP); Communist party resurrection; Constitutional Court; Danubian confederation; de-Stalinization; general elections (2009); Greater Romania Party; Ianoși; ideological apparatchiks; Iron Guard; legal procedures for Communist crimes; National Liberal Party; National Peasant Christian and Democratic Party; National Salvation Front; parliamentary putsch (April 2007); Party Cadres Department; Pătrășcanu; Pleșu; post-Communism; problematic exit from state socialism; purges; radical-authoritarian trends; regret for predictability and frozen stability; revisionism; Romania Mare Party; Social Democratic Party; Stalinism; working class passivity. See also Ceaușescu, Nicolae
Roselli, Carlo
Rosenberg, Alfred
Rosenthal, Bernice Glatzer
Rothschild, Joseph
roundtable strategy
Rubashov, Nikolai (Koestler’s hero),
Russell, Bertrand; The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism
Russia: The Black Book of Communism and; Communist Party of the Russian Federation; “competitive authoritarianism,”; conspiracy theories; glasnost; human rights movement; Liberal Democratic Party; “managed democracy,”; nationalism; October Revolution (1917); post-Soviet; radical-authoritarian trends; revolution (1905); revolutionary tradition; Russian Revolution (1917); Russian Socialist Revolutionaries; Socialist Revolutionaries; Stalinist-nationalist coalition; “Weimar Russia,”. See also Soviet Union
Russian Communist Party. See also Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU); vanguard party
sacralization: by ideology; infallible party line; memory of the gulag; of politics; revolutionary power; “semiotic,”. See also charismatic politics; messianism; mysticism; salvationism
Sakharov, Andrei; Reflections on Progress, Coexistence, and Intellectual Freedom
Salazar, António de Oliveira
salvationism: fantasies; nationalist. See also eschatology; messianism; redemptive mythologies; utopia
Salvemini, Gaetano
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Scammell, Michael
Schapiro, Leonard
Scherbakov, Aleksander
Schmitt, Carl
Schwan, Gesine
science: Communism and; Nazism and
Scott, James C.
Second Socialist Transformation secret police, Soviet
Secret Speech, Khrushchev denouncing Stalin (1956)
Serbia: “competitive authoritarianism,”; Radical Party; socialists
Shafarevich, Igor
Shakhnazarov, Georgiy
Shoah. See Holocaust
Short Course of History of the CPSU
Short Course of Political Economy
show trials: Eastern Europe; Sinyavski-Daniel; Stalin’s
Shtern, Lina
Siberian School
Siegelbaum, Lewis
Silone, Ignazio
Simic, Charles
Sinyavsky, Andrei; Sinyavski-Daniel trial
Slánský, Rudolf
Slovakia; Mečiar; radical-authoritarian trends
Smirnov, Georgii
Snyder, Jack
Snyder, Timothy: “absence of economics,”; Bloodlands; comparing Communist and Nazi systems; ethnic cleansing; number of Soviet and Nazi victims; Stalinist anti-Semitism
social Darwinism
social democracy: Bolshevism vs.; European; German; international; Leninism and; proletarian; Romanian Social Democratic Party; Russian Social Democrats; Western-style
social engineering: Communist; Fascist; post-Communism and
socialism; “building of socialism,”; charismatic party for; Communist Manifesto and; de-Stalinization and; double-talk and double-think; Fascism’s origins in; Gorbachev and; with a human face; ideological chaos created by collapse; international; Leninism discrediting; Marx’s “heretics,”; nationalist; New Left; post-totalitarian; “reformed Soviet,”; relegitimization of; revisionism and; revolutionary; Russian Socialist Revolutionaries; scientific; Second Socialist Transformation; Socialist Unity Party (SED). See also Communism; Marxism
Solidarnosc / Solidarity, Poland; Geremek; Mazowiecki; Walçsa. See also Michnik, Adam
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr; The First Circle; Gulag Archipelago; Nobel Prize for Literature
Sorbonne, occupation of
soul, care of the soul
South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Souvarine, Boris
Sovietization; Eastern Europe
Soviet Union; Academy of Science; amnesty decree; anti-Fascism; Cold War; collapse (1991); constitution (1936); constitution (Sakharov); criminality; Cultural Revolution; de-Bolshevization; de-Stalinization; dissidents; Great Patriotic War for the Defense of the Motherland; mezhdunarodniki; Moscow Helsinki Group; nomenklatura; perestroika; post-Communism; Radio Moscow; reinvention of politics; revisionism; secret police; shestidesiatniki; Soviet citizens sent back from Hitler’s Reich; Soviet-Nazi “nonaggression” pact (1939); terror. See also Bolshevism; Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU); Gorbachev, Mikhail; gulag; Leninism; Russian Communist Party; Sovietization; Stalinism
Spanish Civil War
Spanish Communist Party
Speer, Albert
Sperber, Manès
Spring of the Nations (1848)
Stalin, Joseph; biography; The Black Book of Nazi Crimes against Soviet Jews banned by; and Comintern; Communist power not dependent on; constitution (1936); in Costea letter; death (1953); de-racialization after; de-Stalinization; dialectics; and Eastern Europe; experiments on human beings; Gorbachev condemning; “Great Experiment,”; Great Purge; Great Terror; ideological obsession; vs. Jews; Kaganovich with; Khrushchev denouncing crimes of; leader charisma/personality cult; and Leninism; mausoleum; post-Communism and; and proletariat; purges; reinvention of politics; revolution from above; show trials; “warfare personality,”; xenophobic. See also Stalinism
Stalinism; anti-Fascist; “Bolshevism of the extreme right,”; civilization; Commission for the Rehabilitation of Stalinism’s Victims; conspiracy theories; dehumanization of the enemy; de-Stalinization; differences between Nazism and; Eastern Europe; enemies of; ethnic cleansing; Fascism syncretized with; ideology; internationalism defined by; “language of magic,”; “little Stalins,”; Marxist freedom and; Molotov; neo-Stalinism; party charisma; pathology of universalism; political myth; post-Communism and; reversion; revisionism and; Romania; Russianization; Russian National Bolshevism; similarities with Nazism; soslovnost; terror; Yaroslavsky. See also Stalin, Joseph
Stevens, Anthony
Stojanovic, Svetozar
Strasser, Gregor
Strasser, Otto
Streicher, Julius
submission syndrome
Sullis, Edgardo, Il Duce-Imitatione de Mussolini
Suny, Ronald
Sverdlov, Nikolai Yakov
Szeleńy, Ivan
Tamás, G. M.
Tamir, Yael
telos: of “democratic dictatorship,”; of Nazism