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‘Yes,’ I said faintly, my eyes drifting to the huge shadow. ‘Yes. I think so.’

Anywhere in Tokyo you could be aware of the presence of the yakuza: the underground gangs who claimed to be descendants of the samurai tradition. They were some of the most feared and violent men in Asia. Sometimes it was just the sounds of the bosozoku motorcycle gangs that reminded you of their existence, like a chrome wave rolling down Meiji Dori at dead of night, sweeping everything in front of them, the characters for kamikaze painted on their helmets. But at other times you’d be aware of gang members in less tangible ways: odd visual segments – the flash of a Rolex in a café, a boxy man with a punch perm rising from a restaurant table and tucking his polo shirt into black Crimplene trousers, a pair of shiny snakeskin shoes on a hot day on the subway. Or a tattoo on the hand that bought a ticket in the queue in front of you. I didn’t give them much thought, not until I walked across the club that night and, in the hushed silence that had fallen, heard someone sitting near the dance floor whisper, ‘ Yakuza. ’

At the table there was absolute silence. All the hostesses seemed sunk inside themselves, nervously avoiding meeting anyone else’s gaze. Everyone seemed determined not to sit with their back to the Nurse, who was still seated in the alcove, motionless as a snake. I was given a place near Fuyuki in his wheelchair and I was close enough to study him. His nose was so small it looked as if it had been eaten away in a fire, making every breath rattle noisily. But his face, if not exactly kindly, was peaceful, or watchful, like a very old tree frog’s. He didn’t attempt to speak to anyone.

His men sat quietly, their hands placed respectfully on the table while they waited for the man in the ponytail to prepare Fuyuki’s drink. He produced a heavy shot glass wrapped in a white linen napkin, which he filled to the brim with the malt whisky, swirled it twice, dumped the whisky in the ice bucket, wiped the glass carefully with the napkin, then refilled it. He held up his hand to stall the other men from drinking and there was a brief hiatus while he passed the glass to Fuyuki, who lifted it with a trembling hand and sipped. He lowered the glass, pressed one hand to his stomach, the other to his mouth to hide a belch, and, satisfied, nodded.

‘ Omaetachi mo yare.’ The ponytailed man jerked his chin towards the ceiling to indicate that the men could now drink. ‘ Nonde.’

The henchmen relaxed. They lifted their glasses and drank. Someone stood and removed his jacket, someone else pulled out a cigar and snipped it. Slowly the mood softened. The girls refilled the glasses, tonged in ice and mixed the drink with the Some Like It Hot swizzle sticks, using the little plastic silhouettes of Marilyn to push the ice around in the glass and it wasn’t long before everyone was talking at once and the conversation was louder than at any other table in the club. Within an hour all the men were drunk. The table was littered with bottles and half-finished dishes of pickled radish, dainty purple yam and lobster crackers.

Irina and Svetlana asked for Fuyuki’s meishi. It wasn’t an odd thing to do – out of habit most customers presented us with their business cards within a few minutes of being seated, but Fuyuki didn’t give out his cards lightly. He frowned and coughed and looked the Russians up and down suspiciously. It took a long time and a lot of cajoling to get him to fish into his suit – his name, I noticed, when he moved, was embroidered in gold thread above the inside pocket – slide out some meishi and distribute them around the table, scissoring them between his brown fingers, his palm facing down. He leaned over to the ponytailed man and whispered in a dry, scratched voice, ‘Tell them not to treat me like a trained monkey. I don’t want anyone calling me and asking me to the club. I’ll come when I want to come.’

I stared down at the card in my hands. I’d never seen one so beautiful before. It was on rough, unbleached handmade paper, the edges ragged. Unlike most cards it had no address and no English translation on the back. It bore only a telephone number and Fuyuki’s kanji, only his second name, hand-calligraphed in pine-soot ink.

‘What is it?’ Fuyuki whispered. ‘Is something wrong?’

I shook my head and gazed at it. The little kanji were beautiful. I was thinking how wonderful this old alphabet was – how morose and thin the English language seemed in comparison.

‘What is it?’

‘Winter Tree,’ I murmured. ‘Winter Tree.’

One of the men at the end of the table began to laugh before I’d finished. When no one else joined in, he changed the laugh to a cough, covering his mouth with a napkin and fumbling to take a swallow of his drink. A baffled silence fell, and Irina scowled, shaking her head regretfully. But Fuyuki sat forward and said, in his whispery Japanese, ‘My name. How did you know what my name means? Do you speak Japanese?’

I looked up at him, my face white. ‘Yes,’ I replied, a little unsteadily. ‘Just a little.’

‘You can read it too?’

‘Only five hundred kanji.’

‘Five hundred? Sugoi. That’s a lot.’ People were looking at me as if they had only just realized I was a human being, and not a piece of the furniture. ‘And where did you say you were from?’

‘ England?’ It came out as a tentative question.

‘ England?’ He leaned over and seemed to be peering at me. ‘Tell me, are they all so pretty in England?’

Being told I was pretty by anyone… well, it was just lucky that it didn’t happen very often, because that was when I got itchy and uncomfortable, remembering all the things that were probably never going to happen to me. Even if I was ‘pretty’. Old Fuyuki’s comment made me blush and retreat into myself. I didn’t speak from that moment on. I sat in silence smoking cigarette after cigarette and made every excuse to get away from the table. If there was a fresh glass to be brought from the bar, or a new plate of snacks, I’d leap up and get it, taking my time.

The Nurse barely moved all night. I couldn’t help sneaking glimpses at her – her shadow almost motionless on the alcove wall. I could tell the waiters were uneasy about her presence: usually one of them would slip into the room and find out what the occupant wanted to drink, but tonight it seemed only Jason had the courage to speak to her. When I came to the bar for a fresh hot towel, I saw him in there. He had taken the whisky menu to her, moving confidently, unafraid, and was sitting casually against the table, his arms crossed, looking down at her. I had a few moments to study her.

She sat side on to me and she was amazing to look at – every inch of her skin was covered in a crumbly white powdered makeup, caking the cracks on her neck, the lines on her wrists. The only breaks in the white were her odd tiny eyes, small and dark as finger-holes in dough, single-lidded, set a long way from her nose, so deep inside her head that the sockets seemed empty. Mama Strawberry had been worried about me looking at the Nurse, but you couldn’t have met her eyes if you tried, and their odd positioning must have meant she had poor eyesight, because she was holding the menu very close to her face, passing it back and forward in front of her face almost as if she was smelling it. I didn’t turn and go straight back to the table, but lingered for a few moments at the bar, pretending to be preoccupied with inspecting the hot towel, as if it might be flawed.

‘She’s kinda sexy,’ I heard Jason tell the bar staff when he came out with her order. He leaned his elbows casually on the bar and spoke to no one in particular. ‘Sexy in a freako S and M way.’ He looked over his shoulder at her, a small, amused smile twitching at his mouth. ‘Reckon I’d do the bad thang with her if I had to.’ He turned back then, and saw me standing at the bar, staring at him in silence. He winked and raised his eyebrows, as if sharing a tremendous joke with me. ‘Nice legs,’ he explained, nodding at the Nurse. ‘Or maybe it’s the heels that are doing it for me.’