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Fortunately, the evening moves quickly, and the room starts to thin out, but unfortunately, near the end of the night, Liz is purchased and is whisked away by a surprisingly handsome man that treats her more like a long-known friend than a man buying her time. She kisses me quickly on the cheek before exiting, leaving me alone at the bar. I stay put, not fending off the men nearly so nicely and courteously as Liz was able to, but I’m now completely nervous, terrified even, of being on my own. My anxiety is mounting with every suitor, and I’m sure it is starting to register as a desperate look on my face.

When the fifth man approaches me in under fifteen minutes, my anxiety shows, and I uncomfortably turn from him, telling him to speak with Derek. I’m starting to fear every man that moves my way, and I feel extremely vulnerable, as though I’m at risk of being abducted at any moment. I sit, praying desperately to be left alone. When a hand lands gently on my arm, I spin toward the man, ready to bolt. But as I open my mouth to excuse myself, I look up to the most comforting eyes in the world, dark and hooded as usual, and probably anything but comforting to anyone else, but exactly what I needed to see in this moment. As I look at him, I exhale an incredibly deep breath of air and I suddenly feel safe again.

Tears of an emotional overload that I don’t quite understand prick my eyes, and as he sees them, he leans swiftly to my ear and whispers, “Hush. You’re okay. It’s almost time to go.”

He takes my hand and leads me to a table where he sits beside me. I hope desperately he won’t leave my side, but moments later, a different threat appears. Mr. Grayson approaches the table as Derek glares in his direction. When he sits, Derek’s jaw clenches tight, and he refuses to look at Mr. Grayson. My skin is suddenly crawling, and my insides feel like they are rotting in disgust. Mr. Grayson starts to shuffle the cards on the table as Derek continues to ignore him. When Mr. Grayson suggests a wager, Derek’s eyes narrow instantly. He gives the man a look of warning as my body stills and goes cold.

Mr. Grayson starts to speak. “Winner gets the girl. How about it? Huh?” Grayson’s tone is taunting.

“She’s not working yet.” Derek’s tone is a warning.

“I’m the club director, not a john, and I don’t technically need your permission.” Grayson’s tone is now threatening.

The look in Derek’s eyes is painful to see. He knows that Grayson is right and that there is little he can do to protect me from Grayson should he choose to use me against him. I can easily see the powerless emotion behind his eyes. Derek gives a terse nod, knowing that refusal will only cause Grayson to exact his cruel revenge on us both, while playing at least offers a hope of protecting me. My heart warms at his compassion, and it also chills at the threat looming over us.

Finding some measure of courage from the helplessness of the situation, I manage to open my mouth and speak. “What about me? Don’t I get to play too?” I look to them both hopefully. Derek returns my gaze with confusion and worry, while Grayson looks on, amused at the turn of events.

Mr. Grayson snorts before responding sarcastically, “Very well, whore. Have your fun. And what will be your terms? You want to fuck us both at the same time if you win?” He’s mocking me and enjoying my nervousness, but I’m not afraid of this pathetic monster.

I think long and hard as both men watch me. Of course I want Derek, but I want to give Mr. Grayson no reason to retaliate should I actually manage to win, and as his annoyance at me starts to show on his face, I respond, “Perhaps I could sleep alone.”

He chuckles. “Very well. Lady’s choice … if you can be called such.”

We divvy up the chips, Mr. Grayson deals, and we start to play. I’ve been witness to a good many poker games in my life, thanks to a father who was addicted to gambling and lost his entire fortune, as well as his life, because of it, so I’m not green. And it becomes quickly understood that I’m more of a threat than perhaps I was first perceived. A small crowd gathers quickly around us as we continue to play. It’s not often they see a woman playing, least of all with a manager and director, so the interest is immediate. An hour in, when the tables turn and I’m holding a considerable advantage, Mr. Grayson’s irritation starts to show. I let nothing of my confidence show as I take the final hand and end the game. The men in the crowd chatter excitedly at my win as they start to break apart. Derek looks desperately relieved, and I sit stoically, giving nothing away.

Mr. Grayson stands to leave the table, but leans to my ear quickly. He mutters more than loud enough for both Derek and I to hear. “Have it your way, bitch. Every time you are refused to me, you make the first time I have you just that much worse. I will fuck you very soon, mark my word. How humiliating and torturous it is, is entirely up to you … and your babysitter.”

And as he walks away, Derek hastily leans and whispers in my ear, “You should go upstairs. Now.” The quick brush of his hand on my arm tells me he’s not angry; he just wants me out of there. I’m ready to be gone too.

I quickly retreat from the room and to the elevators. First night in the gaming room, done. Relief floods my body as I enter my room, and I finally relax. It is late, and I’m exhausted, but rather than changing and going to bed, I wait quietly, listening for Derek to return to his room. And shortly thereafter, I hear his door close.

Chapter 14

“Can I change my mind?”

He says nothing as he stands in his doorway taking me in. His expression is impassive, but as he watches me for many long seconds, it becomes clear he won’t send me away. He holds the door open so I can enter. When I do, he stands back, eyeing me speculatively. He waits for me to say something, refusing to break the silence.

And on a nervous and shaky breath, I speak. “I don’t want sex.”

His eyebrows rise as he contemplates my words. He’s eyeing me coolly, and I have no way to know what he is thinking. Finally, he responds, “So what exactly is it that you want?”

“I want to kiss you.”

He inhales a deep breath through his nose as his jaw clenches and his brow furrows. He’s considering my words, and I’ve obviously asked for far more than I realized, judging by the harsh expression on his face. After many more long moments, he responds again. “So, let me get this straight. You could have anything. Sex, orgasm, pretty much anything, and you want a kiss?”

“I want as many kisses as I choose,” I correct, a slight amount of boldness kicking in.

He continues to regard me with clenched jaw and all the seriousness of the world in his eyes, but eventually, he gives me his answer. “Okay. Lady’s choice.” He turns from me and walks into his kitchen.

He pours a glass of red wine for himself and offers me one as well, which I politely refuse. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he was nervous, and as he takes a long pull from his glass, he watches me out of the corner of his eye.

He returns the glass to the counter, and then he speaks once more. “I’ll give you what you want, but only on my terms.” He watches me intently before continuing. “When you’re finished with my mouth, I’m going to fuck you, and I’m going to do it with my finger buried in that sweet, little bottom of yours. Now is it worth it to you?”

My eyes pop open wide, and it’s my turn to eye him speculatively. As I do, I consider his proposal carefully. It will happen regardless of whether I like it or not. The only question is whether it will be Derek who claims that entry first, or some random stranger. I’ll have to get used to far more than a finger, and quite frankly, Derek can fuck me in any way he chooses. He doesn’t need my permission, and yet he’s asking for it. I’d rather it be Derek than anyone else. So, is it worth a kiss? Without a doubt.