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He knows full well that Derek fucked me to keep me away from him. I’m sure butt man believes this to have been out of spite. I, on the other hand, know it had far more to do with my wishes than his own. But butt man is livid, and as he yells and screams every insult he can come up with at Derek, Derek looks coolly back at him. Butt man finally storms from the room with Frederick following behind. As Frederick reaches the door, he turns around and takes us both in. With a “humph” and a shake of his head, he trails after butt man, leaving Derek and I alone.

Before Derek leaves, he asks me to wait in his room, and as he walks me across the hall, he excuses himself to do some “damage control” downstairs. He doesn’t seem mad at me, though he would have every right to be, and I wonder what damage control could possibly entail. Mr. Grayson will have, without a doubt, heard by now about my little choke, and I hate that Derek’s being forced to fix my mess. The fact that it could involve Mr. Grayson makes me feel even guiltier.

I wait for what feels like an eternity, though the clock says it’s only been fifteen minutes. I’m anxious, worrying about Derek. I want to go downstairs and fix this mess myself, but I know he would kill me. He wants me here, and I get it. It’s safe here; it isn’t downstairs. And were I able to take his place, I would in an instant. He understands that protective feeling too. It’s why he’s downstairs instead of me. He cares, and so do I. It’s an impossible mess.

There is an open bottle of wine on his kitchen counter, and I help myself. When he enters and sees me in the kitchen, I trill at being caught making myself so at home in his private space. But he walks to me instantly, pulling me into his arms. He’s definitely not mad, and he’s definitely comfortable with me being in his space. He grabs the wine bottle, a second glass, and with my hand in his, he leads me to the bathroom.

After the bath is drawn, and he’s undressed himself and then me, we settle into the warmth together, and he pulls me into his body. His hands trail gently down my back and over the round cheeks of my bottom. When he reaches the backs of my thighs, he pulls my legs to straddle his and returns his hands to my bottom. As he delves between my cheeks, he brushes lightly over the puckered skin of my anus. He rubs gently but doesn’t penetrate me.

As he reaches his other hand to my face, pulling my mouth to his, he pauses and asks, “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” I shake my head, but he doesn’t believe me. “You’re sore.” It isn’t a question.

I smile gently at his worry, and I nod. There’s no sense lying to him. He’ll know if I do. But then I close the space between our mouths and kiss him gently, savoring his lips slowly.

When I pull from his mouth, his eyes are searching mine, and I finally speak. “I wanted it to be you. I asked for this. You can’t feel bad for doing what I wanted.” I’m imploring him to see my side of this, but he holds himself so responsible for me.

“Just because it was your idea didn’t make it a good idea.” But he’s smirking, and I can see that he’s relaxing, so I decide to push him just a bit further.

“Did my bottom feel good to you? I was incredibly wet for you. Shocked the hell out me, quite frankly.” I wink a quick and hopefully seductive eye at him—very uncharacteristic for me. Must be the wine…

But he does seductive so much better than me, and his next words have me eating out of the palm of his hand. The fact that his finger is again stroking lightly over my anus doesn’t help matters. “I thought nothing could get tighter than your pussy. I was wrong. But, I’ll take that wetness now if you don’t mind.” With his own smirk, and a wink, he kisses me again.

He takes me to bed and has me on my hands and knees with my chest to the bed and my ass up high. And I wait for his touch. The lights are on, and he’s eyeing me closely. When I feel the bed move behind me, my heart starts to race in anticipation, and I know that his fingers or his cock will be the next to touch my sensitized pussy, but I’m wrong, and as his hands part the cheeks of my bottom and his mouth instantly touches my anus, I gasp and pull forward in panic. But Derek gets his way, and he just as quickly pulls my hips back to his waiting mouth. He holds me firmly in place as his tongue starts to move across the puckered skin. Holy shit!

I’m frozen in place, holding my breath, and trembling. The sensation is amazing. Could I block out the fact that it involves his mouth on my bottom, I could enjoy this immensely, but all I see is the backside view of this act. His view is beyond compromising. It is downright lewd, but it feels so damn good. His mouth is soothing on my sore entry, and as I stay still in his clutching hands, he continues to taste every inch of my soreness. His tongue passes beyond the rim of my anus, gently forcing within. It isn’t painful in the least, and instead is an intense massage to my pain. He’s passionate in his attention, and as he continues to explore every surface of me, I start to relax. He’s not afraid of seeing or tasting me this way. What has me so convinced that I should be embarrassed about this?

I don’t have time to ponder this long before his fingers find the very wetness he’s been craving, and as they plunge to my depths, I moan loudly and push back toward him. He lets go of my hip, knowing full well that he doesn’t need to still me now. I push toward him, wanting to close out any space, and he thrusts vigorously into my tight sheath with two long fingers. I’m moaning and panting like an animal. I want to be filled by him, and this isn’t enough. As I come, I’m begging him to fuck me, and he does.

He abandons my ass instantly, pulling himself to his knees, and thrusts his cock harshly into my pussy as my orgasm rages through my body. The sensation of his entering me just as I’m climaxing causes my throat to unleash another loud and vulgar moan as my orgasm re-invigorates itself and leaves me shuddering under his pounding force. As my orgasm fades slowly, he pulls from my body, flips me to my back, and takes my body once again.

As he makes love to me, my wetness continues to coat our bodies, and I’m ready for my release again within minutes. I can’t get enough of him tonight, and from the look in his eyes, he’s as insatiable as ever. The only sounds in the room are our soft moans, and the wetness of our movements smacking and sucking against one another. We come together as he clutches my face in his hands, holding my eyes harshly with his. I don’t leave his side for the rest of night.

Chapter 23

The next morning, Liz and I are sent to the spa for the day. As Derek walks us to a waiting cab, Liz asks, “Why aren’t we taking the limo?”

Derek doesn’t hesitate before answering her honestly. “I don’t want Mr. Grayson knowing where to find Ashton. The cab driver knows to wait for you, and I’ve taken care of his expense for the day. If you get done early, go shopping, out to lunch, a movie. I don’t care. Just don’t come back to Trimbles before this evening. Mr. Grayson is scheduled to fly out to Vegas this evening, so as long as you stay gone until early evening, you’ll be fine.”

He then turns to me and speaks directly to me. “I’m sorry. I’d take you myself, but if I’m here, Mr. Grayson will be less likely to try to find you.”

His eyes flit quickly to Liz’s before he leans to my mouth and kisses me gently. I look to Liz and take in her shocked, open mouth and wide eyes.

And in Liz form, she can’t keep her mouth shut; however different Liz and I are, she’s so very much like me in this regard. “Well, never thought I’d see that one. Well done, Mr. Pennington.” And before he can say a word to her, she climbs in the cab.