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“We filed that complaint because we were desperate, uncle, Papa’s marriage drove us crazy,” said Escobita. “I swear we’re very sorry for all the trouble we’ve caused you. The matter of your pension will be resolved very quickly now, I imagine. As you know, we don’t have anything to do with the company anymore. Papa sold it to an Italian firm. Without even telling us.”

“We’ll withdraw the complaint whenever you say, uncle,” Miki added. “As a matter of fact, it’s one of the things we wanted to talk to you about.”

“Thanks very much, but it’s a little late now,” said Rigoberto. “Dr. Arnillas explained that when Ismael died, the suit you filed, at least as far as I’m concerned, was dismissed.”

“There’s nobody else like you, uncle,” said Escobita, displaying, Don Rigoberto thought, even more stupidity than it was reasonable to expect from him in everything he did and said. “By the way, Dr. Claudio Arnillas, that wimp in a clown’s suspenders, is the worst traitor ever born in Peru. He lived by sucking on Papa’s teats his whole life, and now he’s our sworn enemy. A servant sold body and soul to Armida and those Italian mafiosi who bought Papa’s company at bargain prices—”

“We came to straighten things out and you’re complicating them,” his brother cut him short. A contrite Miki turned to Don Rigoberto. “We want to hear you, uncle. Though it still saddens us that you helped Papa with that marriage, we trust you. Give us a hand, give us some advice. You’ve heard the disastrous situation we’re in, we don’t know what to do. What do you think we should do? You have a lot of experience.”

“This is much nicer than I expected,” exclaimed Doña Lucrecia. “Saga Falabella, Tottus, Passarela, Dejavu, so on and so forth. Well, well, nothing less than the best stores in the capital.”

“And six movie theaters! All of them air-conditioned,” Fonchito applauded. “You can’t complain, Papa.”

“All right,” Don Rigoberto gave in. “You two choose the least bad movie and let’s go into a theater right away.”

Since it was still early in the afternoon and the heat outside was intense, there were almost no people in the elegant installations of the Centro Comercial Open Plaza. But the air-conditioning was a blessing, and while Doña Lucrecia looked in some shopwindows and Fonchito studied the films on the billboard, Don Rigoberto amused himself by looking at the yellow tracts of sand that surrounded the enormous expanse of the Universidad Nacional de Piura and the sparse carob trees scattered among those tongues of golden earth where, though he didn’t see them, he imagined fast-moving lizards peering all around with their triangular heads and gummy eyes, searching for insects. Armida’s story was incredible! She ran away from scandal, lawyers, and her irate stepsons, only to seek refuge in the house of a man who was at the center of yet another monstrous scandal, complete with the tastiest ingredients of yellow journalism: adultery, extortion, anonymous letters signed with spiders, abductions, false abductions, and apparently even incest. Now he really was impatient to meet Felícito Yanaqué, to listen to Armida, to tell her about his last conversation with Miki and Escobita.

Then Doña Lucrecia and Fonchito came up to him. They had two suggestions: Pirates of the Caribbean II (his son’s choice) and A Fatal Passion (his wife’s). He opted for the pirates, thinking they would lull him better than the tearful melodrama the other title foretold and that he might manage to take a nap. How many months had it been since he’d set foot in a movie theater?

“When we come out, we could go to this tearoom,” said Fonchito, pointing. “What delicious-looking pastries!”

“He seems happy and excited about this trip,” Don Rigoberto thought. He hadn’t seen his son so cheerful and lively for a long time. Ever since the appearance of the wretched Edilberto Torres, Fonchito had become reserved, melancholy, absentminded. Now, in Piura, he once again seemed the good-humored, curious, enthusiastic boy he used to be. There were barely half a dozen people inside the brand-new movie theater.

Don Rigoberto inhaled, exhaled, and began his speech.

“I have only one piece of advice to give you.” He spoke solemnly. “Make peace with Armida. Accept her marriage to Ismael, accept her as your stepmother. Forget about the foolishness of trying to have the marriage annulled. Negotiate a financial compensation. Don’t deceive yourselves, you’ll never be able to seize everything she’s inherited. Your father knew what he was doing and tied things up very nicely. If you insist on this legal action, you’ll burn all your bridges and won’t get a cent. Negotiate in a friendly way, agree on an amount that may not be what you wanted but could be enough so you can live well without working, having a good time and playing tennis for the rest of your lives.”

“And suppose the kidnappers have killed her, uncle?” Escobita’s expression was so pathetic that Don Rigoberto shuddered. In fact, what if they had killed her? What would happen to that fortune? Would it remain in the hands of bankers, managers, accountants, and international law firms, which now kept it beyond the reach not only of these two poor devils but of tax collectors all over the world?

“It’s easy for you to ask us to be friends with the woman who stole Papa from us, uncle,” said Miki, with more grief than anger. “And who has kept everything the family had, even the furniture, my mother’s dresses and jewelry. We loved our papa. It hurts us very much that in his old age he became the victim of such a filthy conspiracy.”

Don Rigoberto looked him in the eye and Miki didn’t look away. This little scoundrel who’d embittered Ismael’s last years, and for months had kept him and Lucrecia on a tightrope, stuck in Lima and smothered in judicial appearances, allowed himself the luxury of a good conscience.

“There was no conspiracy, Miki,” he said slowly, trying not to let his rage show through his words. “Your papa married because he cared for Armida. Maybe it wasn’t love, but he cared for her very much. She was good to him and comforted him when your mother died, a very difficult time when Ismael felt very alone.”

“And how well she comforted him, getting the poor old man into bed,” said Escobita. He stopped talking when Miki lifted an energetic hand, indicating that he should shut his mouth.

“But above all, Ismael married her because of how terribly disappointed he was with the two of you,” Don Rigoberto continued as if, unintentionally, his tongue had been unleashed all by itself. “Yes, yes, I know very well what I’m saying, nephews. I know what I’m talking about. And now you’re going to know it too, if you listen without further interruptions.”

He’d been raising his voice, and now the twins were quiet and attentive, surprised by the gravity with which he spoke to them.

“Do you want me to tell you why he was so disappointed in you? Not because you’re bums, playboys, drunkards who smoke marijuana and snort cocaine as if it were candy. No, no, all this he could understand and even excuse. Though, of course, he would have preferred his sons to be very different.”

“We didn’t come here for you to insult us, uncle,” protested Miki, turning red.

“He was disappointed because he found out you were impatient for him to die so you could inherit his money. How do I know? Because he told me so himself. I can tell you where, what day, what time. And even the exact words he used.”

And for several minutes, with absolute calm, Rigoberto reported the conversation of several months earlier at lunch in La Rosa Náutica, when his employer and friend told him he’d decided to marry Armida and asked him to be a witness at his wedding.

“He heard you talking in the San Felipe Clinic, saying stupid, immoral things beside his deathbed,” Rigoberto concluded. “You precipitated the marriage of Ismael and Armida because you’re insensitive and cruel. Or rather, because you’re fools. You should have hidden your feelings at least for those few moments and let your father die in peace, believing his sons were sorry about what was happening to him, and had not begun to celebrate his death when he was still alive and listening to you. Ismael told me that hearing the two of you say those awful things gave him the strength to survive, to fight. You were the ones who revived him, not the doctors. Well, you know that already. It’s the reason your father married Armida. And so that you’d never inherit his fortune.”