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The dog hesitated at her tits, licking the luscious mounds of flesh all over. Her nipples perked, even in her tired state, and the dog ran his long tongue the full length across them. She tried to move her tits out of the way, but the dog thought she was playing a game, and he swiped at her bobbing nipples as they passed his huge face.

Betty was tired beyond words, but the dog had obviously only begun. She tried to cross her knees and discourage the animal.

Suddenly she felt a great heat at her crotch and she knew that the dog had forced her legs open and had placed his cock at her pussy. He began pumping wildly, still not in her cunt, his slick prick sliding up and down her white thigh. She tried to lift up to see the evil thing that was happening to her, but the dog put his front paws on either side of her neck, forcing her back down.

The hot tip of his cock was at her pussy lips, pushing its way down her slit over the inflamed nubbin of her clitoris. The hood slipped back from the naked knot of nerves and Betty felt the prick touch her point of pleasure.

"Ohhhh! Shit!" she screamed, more in excitement than in disgust.

What am I being reduced to? They're making me nothing but an animal and I can't do a thing about it.

She tossed and turned, but it only helped slide the cock down to her cuntmouth. The dog hovered momentarily there, and then shoved his hips in and out with great rapidity, pushing the head of the huge, sticky prick further and further into the mouth of her cunt. She bucked some more, trying to force the dog cock out of her, but with one final thrust the dog was buried to the two knots of hard flesh into her cunt.

Betty tossed and turned more violently. But she could feel the hard, iron like balls of flesh at the base of his cock pushing hard at her for entry. Still jack hammering his haunches at her, the dog was wedging his entire cock into her succulent pussy.

She tried to close her legs, putting her heels on the animal's flanks and squeezing, but he was securely embedded between her lily-white thighs. The hairiness against her body tickled every inch of her fighting form, making it more difficult to resist his advances.

She felt the bulbs of hardened flesh begin to slip into her cunt, and she started yelling at the top of her lungs. She imagined that she would have to have hot water thrown on the dog to get the animal off. Shorty reached over the bed with his big, black hand and covered her face, muffling her scream.

"Fuck her doggie, fuck her!" Joey encouraged. But the animal didn't need any encouragement. Its haunches were already moving, jamming the knots into her cunt.

Betty felt the knots pass it, spreading her cunt like it had never been spread before, even by Albert. Panting and slobbering on Betty, the dog stopped pumping for a second and looked around bewildered, almost surprised that he had done it.

"Stop it, you beast, stop it!" Betty demanded in hoarse tones. She wasn't talking to the dog, but to Joey. "You're the sickest human being I've ever met," she said, spitting out her words with a venomous tone and a sneer.

"I ain't never fucked a dog, lady, so watch out who you're callin' the kettle black!" Joey was laughing harder than ever.

Betty could see Bud across the room, his face red and his body vibrating with anger. She sympathized with his helplessness just as he was sympathizing with hers.

She could feel the dog start to move again. Fire began surging inside of her, spreading from her bloated, tight cunt to her belly, from there to her bobbing, jelly like tits.

The hard bone in the animal's chest rested on her breastbone, almost hurting. It would have hurt if the dog was not supporting its heavy weight on its front paws as it drove the turgid, seeping cock into her. She wanted to cry. She grimaced as the stroking cock began to give her pleasure.

I hate myself! I hate myself! her thoughts kept saying, but the excitement and pleasure kept mounting. She felt another, nasty, dirty orgasm drifting down her body, begging for escape. The frenzy of the animal above her told her that he was going to have his also.

The rasp of his fur on her skin became more and more exciting until she forgot her distaste for the scene and abandoned herself to the pleasure of his cock.

She began humping in time with the dog's short strokes, pushing up her hips as he was coming down at her. The redness of her pussy was flaming. She felt the juices in her rosy cunt flowing down to aid the orgasm which was approaching at runaway speed.

The cock was swelling up inside her, pulsing with the rapid heartbeat of the animal. It was difficult to match his demonic, frantic pace, but soon Betty forgot about her disgust and caught up with him, the reddened lips of her cunt surging up around the base and knots of the pounding cock. It was strange feeling the bristling fur scraping her soft cuntmouth, but she began to think of the dog as friendly – just an animal getting pleasure – and she abandoned herself.

A strange hotness welled up within her, something she had never felt before. She couldn't imagine it being the dog's orgasm, because his pace hadn't been affected at all. But it was! The hot spunk began flowing out of her tight cunt, seeping down her dangling legs. All of the muscles of the animal were tight as his orgasm spent itself rapidly.

The dog then tried to pull out, the knots and its cock still swollen inside of an unsatisfied Betty.

She screamed again, the dog's attempted withdrawal nearly tearing her cunt open. She finally came as the dog struggled to get free. Betty screamed again, the pain mingling with her orgasm, becoming indistinguishable from it, and flowing out of her cunt.

"Hold the dog still!" Joey yelled. "It'll kill her!"

Shorty bounded over the bed and grabbed the dog with his powerful, black hands, holding his hind legs.

Betty was relieved as she felt the brutal prick begin to go flaccid inside of her. She sighed deeply and the dog slipped its meat out of her.

"Have you had enough?" she asked Joey bitterly.

"No!" Joey said.

"What do you mean?" she asked indignantly, pulling as hard as she could at the ropes.

"I mean you have to blow the dog first."

"Look, boss," Willy said. "It's already past dark. We got to get our money. I ain't waiting here another minute."

"Tie him up, Shorty," Joey said casually. Willy had forgotten that Joey held all the cards. Shorty would do anything for him, even kill if he was asked.

"Okay, boss, you win."

"You're Goddamn light I do. Nobody fucks with me, you hear?" snarled Joey.


"Well, you're setting tied up anyway. Tie him up like I said, Shorty." Shorty moved over to Willy with the only remaining piece of rope in the room and bound his hands.

"I been good to you boss, why do this to me?" Willy asked almost pleading.

"Because you're more damn trouble than you're worth," Joey hissed, arching his eyebrows, making his face look even darker than it already was.

Joey turned back to Betty and untied her wrists. He moved her over to the middle of the bed and then whistled for the dog. It moved slower than it had before, still recovering from a giant orgasm.

"Now blow him!" Joey demanded.

"Not on your life!" Betty answered.

"It might be your life if you don't do it!" he said, sneering and looking evil.

"It'll have to be," Betty said. "I've gone through enough today. If you want any more, it'll have to be as a necrophiliac."

"What's that?" Joey asked, angry that he didn't know.

"That's where they fuck dead people," she said.

"Not a bad idea," he said facetiously. "But we need you for the exchange, so that game's off for today."

"Then forget it, because I'm not doing any more."

"Tie her hands again and then put the dog's cock on her face," Joey said to Shorty.