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The bulging hardness of the great dog's cock maintained an unyielding, continuous force inside her cunt and the long, rigid dick continued to produce stretching sensations in the barrel of her vagina. She felt a tickling at her ass from the stiff hairs of his balls and scratchy warmth over the entire area of her pussy and thighs from his thick, soft coat.

The overwhelming feeling that beat at her awareness was that combination of elements that added up to gross, brute intimacy. The heat and size of his cock generated a continuously welling storm of excitement in her, even while he leaned motionless in the cradle of her legs. She tormented herself deliberately with the certainty that she was totally helpless in his grasp. His strength was so much greater than hers that no leverage available to her would enable her to overcome the grip he had on her waist. And the cock that impaled her was so deeply embedded and so rigid that no sideward movement could conceivably dislodge it.

Betty admitted her feelings aloud to Shad. "Oh, you lovable bastard!" she crooned. "You know where you've got me, don't you! Look at me, for Christ's sake! Me flat on my back with my legs wrapped around a big, hairy dog who's got his pecker stuck clear in to his balls in my cunt! And I can't do a Goddamn thing about it!"

Shad whimpered contentedly and lapped at one of her nipples. She tightened her grip on his forelegs reflexively and groaned.

"And you know what? Know what, you son of a bitch? I don't want to do a Goddamn thing about it, except enjoy every second of it! You're going to fuck me, aren't you. You're going to fuck me, and I'll bet I come three times before you do once! I'm going to pound my cunt against your belly and come and come and come! And your cock is going to keep poking until you fill me up with your jism and I yell for more! I'm a lewd, unspeakable slut, letting an animal fuck me… and Ilove it! Fuck me, Shad! Go ahead and fuck!"

She jerked with her legs driving her cunt onto the base of the hard cock and grinding bristling hairs into her quivering membranes. Shad grinned, panting, and began to fuck her. His haunches bunched and thrust, while her feet bounced on his back and her knees jerked. Her cunt burned from the savage friction. Waves of lust swept her, each leaving her gasping and giddy. She felt as if she were in a delirium of pleasure. She had abandoned all the subtle shades of emotion she would have shared with a human male; her entire consciousness was focused on physical sensation and the delightful defiance of convention.

"Fuck hard!" she hissed violently. "Ram it! Ram me, Shad!"

Her back perspired heavily, and she felt sweat trickling off her sides. Her skin stuck to the pad so that she felt herself sliding back and forth as Shad pumped at her. The long masses of hair under Shad's shoulders brushed her nipples as her tits surged, and she watched strings of his saliva that hung between his tongue and her chest.

Shad's thrusts were smoothly rhythmic-hard, even spaced jabs that hurt delightfully as they battered her. With each thrust of his cock, his forepaws swept her under him violently and abruptly. At the end of the stroke, they merely relaxed briefly, rather than returning her to her original position, and she slowly recognized the fact that less and less of her ass was supported by the bed.

"Shad!" she panted. "You're going to pull me off the bed!" Her visual image of the results overwhelmed her. "Good God, no!" she exclaimed.

Reluctantly, she released the grip of her thighs on the hard body and spread her feet to brace them against the corner posts of the bed. Pushing as hard as she could and twisting her body from side to side, she wriggled back onto the bed without interrupting the mechanical pumping of the big dog's cock. With a sigh of happy excitement, she clasped her thighs to his sides again and hooked her heels at his rump.

"Ohhh, fuck, you lovely beast!" she crooned to him. "Just keep on fucking, love! Hard, hard, hard!" Then, with a wild note of triumph, "I told you… so! I… I'm going to…come! Now – now – now!"

Spasmodic contractions tightened her cunt-mouth rhythmically on the base of his cock and traveled inward along her barrel in a close-spaced train of waves. She squeezed with her thighs and let go of his forelegs to clutch at his shoulders. Hugging him fiercely, she pulled her upper body to him and buried her tits in his fur. His muzzle rested at the hollow of her throat, the great, wet tongue lapping erratically while her body jerked convulsively with pleasure and explosive release.

The intensity of her spasms subsided after the first wild interval, but as Shad continued to fuck without a change or break in his rhythm, they kept grabbing her weakly and failed to bring the muscular relaxation her orgasms normally did. Her sensitivity seemed to have undergone a remarkable increase, and the friction in her cuntmouth was a flaming throb that threatened to drive her into hysteria.

She was instantly aware of the difference in Shad's behavior when it occurred. His thrusts grew shorter and faster and he stopped the powerful, involuntary jerks with his forepaws. Instead of jerking at her, he seemed to be trying to force her even further onto his cock, tugging and straining without interruption, until her skin burned and she expected to find it torn and bleeding. His haunches vibrated fiercely; his cock buzzed in her cunt. A new level of sensations washed hotly through her, eclipsing those she had already experienced, and her orgasm exploded again.

Shad began to groan. His eyes closed and he appeared to clamp his jaws together, only the tip of his tongue showing. In the desperate intensity of her tremors, Betty squeezed him with the full strength of her legs, her thighs molding themselves to the contours of his hard, lean sides.

She realized suddenly that she was not going to last out his prolonged climax. Her convulsive contractions had again dwindled and the orgasmic strength with which she had clasped his body with her thighs seemed abruptly to fail her. With a frightened whimper, she felt her muscles relax. Her legs slipped away from Shad's vibrating haunches and extended loosely, her heels falling to the floor and her knees straightening.

The dog's weight rested on her pelvis and pressed her ass firmly against the edge of the bed. The force of his paws pulled her waist upward, arching the small of her back and crushing her belly against his chest. Even her fingers lost their grips so that her arms fell limply at her sides. She turned her face aside while the powerful brute finished fucking her.

When his fierce vibrations died down, she was aware of the pooled heat in the core of her belly and waited for his cock to soften and withdraw. But the enormous knot that filled the throat of her cunt seemed to lose none of its size or hardness, and when Shad tugged at it she felt no resulting movement of his cock.

"Oh God!" she whispered shakily. "No, Shad! Oh, no! Are we stuck together?"

The notion horrified her. Grotesque as the idea of letting a dog fuck her would have seemed, she had gloried in the strange sensation when it had become a reality. But she felt a tremendous surge of desolation at the notion of being subjected to the indignity of being unwillingly coupled to him when he wanted only to be free from the clutches of her tightening cuntmouth.

After his first unsuccessful effort to pull his cock loose, Shad grunted and sagged against her. She struggled to arouse herself, knowing that his patience would grow shorter as his strength returned. With desperation born of fear, she raised her legs and managed to rest the sole of each foot on the bedposts. She worked herself backward until the firmly coupled cock stopped her. She whimpered as she braced herself for Shad's eventual serious tugging.

When he did begin again to pull at her, she cried out and swung her head from side to side. She had imagined herself beyond the danger of further sexual excitement; to her chagrin, she discovered that the awful pressure against the inner side of her cunt flooded her with deep new waves of pleasure.