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"Holy Jesus!" she moaned. "Goddamn you, Shad, you're getting me all excited again! Unhhh! UNNNHH! I'm going to come again when you aren't doing anything but trying to get your cock back in one piece! UNNNNHHH!"

His struggles intensified. Betty's legs trembled and she felt the beginning of cramps in her strained thighs.

"Ohhh, you son of a bitch!" she whispered. "I can't do it!"

Her tortured legs collapsed, too widespread to cope with the forces Shad imposed. She felt her butt sliding off the edge of the bed and groaned resignedly, wrapping her legs around Shad's body again to save herself from being torn apart by being suspended on the brutal cock. She had to twist violently when Shad dropped his forepaws to the floor, pinning her shoulders to the bed by his chest. She managed to work herself off the bed so that she hung from him by her tightly clamped legs, her shoulders and arms resting on the carpeted floor.

The grip of her legs reduced the force of his erratic jerks but didn't eliminate it. Her excitement continued to grow, reinforced by the intensity of her sense of the indignity in the situation. Shad seemed to understand what was happening and to be concerned over her reaction. He lowered his head repeatedly to give her face an apologetic licking. But his desire to free his cock appeared to exercise priority over whatever other sentiments he might have, and he became increasingly energetic in his attempts. He dragged Betty, and more than once she had to struggle to prevent him from planting his paw on her chest to pin her down while trying to wrench himself loose.

She shivered with terror as she wondered how long it must take for such an awesome growth to subside when it was continually irritated by the pressure of a tortured cuntmouth. Her excitement had risen to violent heights again and she discovered that her legs were rhythmically jerking her cunt against the base of Shad's cock. To her shame and simultaneous fierce joy, she knew she was fucking the exhausted dog.

"How do you like this?" she demanded thickly. "Huh? How do you like getting fucked when you're all worn out? Shows who's got more sex, doesn't it!"

Her orgasm came quickly and savagely, the contractions of her pussy hitting her like a rapid series of hammer blows. Once more, she could feel the entire length of the brute's cock inside her belly, the tightening spasms of her cunt lovingly caressed the entrapped cock. She clenched her fists and rolled her head from side to side to bite at the sheets. Her tits jumped to the contractions of her belly muscles and she could see the shadow of her feet as, ankles locked, they pumped back and forth over Shad's back.

As her spasms eased, she felt her cuntmouth slipping by degrees on the monstrous knot. Weak hope began to warm her and she stared at the big dog's face to see if he realized they were beginning to come apart. Shad whined gently and worked his haunches; there seemed to be no doubt that he was aware of the improving situation.

Once the unlocking had started, it accelerated rapidly. Her cuntmouth released its grasp on the shrinking knob and permitted her to slide down the still-firm cock. Her butt landed in the carpet while she still had more than an inch of the long cock inside her.

Shad jerked backward and his cockhead popped free of her aching cunt. She let herself sprawl obscenely, too far depleted of energy to care what she looked like.

"Shad," she mumbled in a low tone, "you fuck harder than any human I've ever balled."


"Hi, Bud, I didn't…" Then she remembered having invited him over. She had only just gotten up herself a couple of hours ago, and her mind wasn't working right. She looked around the small, dimly lit room and said, "Sorry it's such a mess, but I just got up. Come on in."

"I didn't mean to disturb you," Bud said truthfully, looking around the room and then at the flimsy nightgown that Betty had thrown on for comfort.

"It's all right," she said. "I'll just go and change, be right back." She whisked into the other room of her tiny apartment while Bud tried to make himself comfortable on the cluttered sofa.

He was excited about Betty, even seeing her taut nipples through the nightgown had given him a partial erection. He reached down and rubbed it while listening to the drawers and closet in her bedroom being opened and closed as she dressed.

Betty walked out in a simple dress, looking more feminine than Bud had ever seen her look. "Would you like to go out to dinner?" he asked as she walked up to him.

"No," she said. "I've just eaten a TV dinner. Sorry I forgot you were coming over. My memory still hasn't come back to me completely, and I'd rather just sit and talk."

That obviously wasn't what Bud had in mind, and he felt very self-conscious sitting there before her. She sat down beside him.

As she sat beside him, his hand slid easily, unconsciously over her bare, white knee. She didn't move, frozen with the anticipation of gentle handling. She had almost forgotten what sex was supposed to be like, but she was willing to relearn it.

He turned, his hand sliding up her leg, sending chills of excitement up her thigh. He squeezed and she felt her resilient, white skin give way to his gentle pressure. Squeezing again, Bud's hand moved up her white thigh, his fingertips brushing the tiny hairs which had escaped her lace panties. She sighed and let her head fall back against the overstuffed sofa.

Bud leaned over her, planting a wet kiss on her sensuous lips. She accepted it, moaning slightly to show her approval. Her eyes fluttered in pleasure as the thick, hard snake of Bud's tongue gently pried her lips and teeth open. She felt the muscle darting around in her mouth, almost unable to control itself once it was between her lips.

Softly, Betty sucked on the probing tongue. Bud's hand moved slowly from where he was feeling the moss-moist cunthair, under the lace edge of her panties, onto the thick, wet petals of her pussy.

She sighed. "This is good!" she exclaimed in a whisper.

Cautiously, Bud moved his finger further up the hairy vulva, feeling the wetness of her labia. Opening up the pussy with one finger, he felt the sensitive knot of her clit.

"Uhhhmmmnnn!" Betty moaned.

Her right hand went up to his side, sliding around his ribs to his stomach as his lips met hers again, his tongue darting against the ivory of her teeth. As she parted them, her hand slipped down to his belt. She felt the member respond and become hard.

Bud slid her along the back of the couch, dropping her slowly to her back. She felt like she was riding on a cloud, needing no strength of her own to keep her afloat in the sensuous world of pleasure that Bud was carrying her to.

As he lay down on top of her, his half-extended cock slipped between her fingers, the loose flesh of the foreskin feeling like moist putty in her hand.

Squeezing again, Betty felt the head of his prick fill her hand. Bud began pumping into her hand with the same rhythm that his tongue was using in digging into her mouth. She moaned around the plunging muscle and squeezed as the moist meat continued to drive into her palm.

Suddenly she thought of Albert. His giant cock embedded deep in her sopping twat. She suppressed the thought.

"Let's get undressed," said Bud.

"Okay!" Betty replied.

She felt his weight leave her body, and his cock leave her hand as he pushed himself off the sofa. She looked down and saw how her legs were spread, her dress up over her crotch. She quickly pulled the dress down as Bud stared at the violent pinkness of her cunt.

She got up off the sofa herself, turning her back to Bud as she unzipped her dress. She reached and turned on the radio; tuning it to the soft music station she sometimes listened to.

Her dress fell to the floor as she stood up. She looked over her shoulder at Bud. He was already undressed, his huge meat sticking up along his belly as his heartbeat pulsed within it, filling it with blood. She turned back around to face the wall. Bud moved up behind her and unsnapped her bra.