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Filled with throbbingly hot blood, the swollen penile shaft grew more huge as her tongue reluctantly caressed the thick hardening length. And as it began to grow even longer and thicker, Mimi was suddenly terribly scared! This time her fright was very physical, very real!

It's going to choke me… asphyxiate me! This ugly thing will go right down my throat and I won't be able to breath!

Without a hint of warning, Dobkins suddenly pulled back with a quick jerk of his hips, and Mimi looked up at her cruel captor with wide-eyed wonder as his stiffly pulsating cock slipped from between her moist clasping lips.

"Surprised, bitch, huh?" he sneered, holding his dilated cock in his left hand so that the distended tip lewdly brushed her lips. "Well, don't be… I just decided I'll take a rain check on my blow job. You've got a nice little pussy between those pretty legs of yours, and I aim to have some of it. What d'ya say? You gonna give it to me, or do I have to take it?"

Mimi admitted defeat. "I… I can't fight you any more… I'll do whatever you say…" Then defiance flickered in her aqua eyes. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to like it," she spat.

Dobkins guffawed, his shock of stringy blonde falling over his forehead. "We'll see… but-first, get up on your knees!" Mimi shamefully obeyed, unable to look her tormentor in the eye. Shivering involuntarily, she lowered her naked body until she was flat on her belly.

Dobkins looked over his choice prize appraisingly as if she were a hunk of roast beef ready to be sliced for a deli sandwich. Her twin firm buttocks were clenched tightly together, that he could see. "Up on your knees!" he barked. "I want to see that little brown eye looking at me!"

Cringing, Mimi obeyed, resigned to her plight. Oh God… how could I have been so stupid! No wonder I got a C in Horse-Face's class. I hate being a woman… I'm so vulnerable to everybody!

Gripping her firm young buttocks with both hands, Dobkins spread the deep crevice of her trembling ass cheeks with his thumbs, opening up to his unobstructed view the taut muscular ring of her tiny cringing anus, then the warm moist pink softness of her vaginal cleft, her fleshy puckered lips spread ever so slightly in a tempting display of lewd feminine appeal.

Mimi's whole body tensed like a coiled spring in horrified anticipation of the bruising pain she expected to slam into her at any minute. But she wasn't prepared for what happened next!

Pain she would have been ready for – but not this!

Skillfully, Dobkins spread the soft pink flanges of her vulnerably proffered young pussy, opening wide the warm moist lips and brushing aside the softly curling hairs that lined the sides of her damp crevice. When the narrow slit was spread wide enough for his amusement, exposing the fluted coraline edges of her moist vaginal hole, Dobkins lowered his head to her soft fragrant pussy-lips, catching the young girl completely by surprise.

Her body cracked like a horse's whip as his tongue made its first, electric-like contact with the sensitive, nerve-filled flesh of her vulnerable vaginal lips.

"No… No… please!" she gasped, her lips trembling uncontrollably as Dobkins' tongue probed her forbidden cuntal regions deftly, bringing shivers of wicked delight that coursed unwanted over her obscenely kneeling nakedness in involuntary spasms. She blushed crimson with embarrassment, humiliated that this total stranger, this awful man, could bring such a lascivious response from her treacherously rebellious body. And she was powerless to stop it!!!

Opening her moistly trembling cuntal furrow wide with his thumbs, Dobkins burrowed his tongue and lips up into the warm slit, poking lewdly into its deep hidden crevices, each worming probe bringing a new quiver of aroused helplessness to her nakedly writhing form. Her breasts were smashed against the hay, beneath her kneeling body, and her lewdly exposed buttocks were shoved upward invitingly, unprotected and vulnerable to his lustful expert plundering.

"Oh, please… this is so awful… please stop!" She felt so abused, so used, dirty and soiled. It wasn't fair the way she was being treated. Why me?

Don't want to my ass! Christ, I'm gonna drown in her cunt juice if she doesn't stop grinding her ass into my face!

He knew he was good with his tongue… enough women had told him so… and he knew this snotty little coed was no different from the others. She might be more educated, but when it came to sex, college diplomas didn't mean a fucking thing. His beady eyes squinted with anticipation as he thought of his aching distended cock pounding into this ripe young bitch's pussy, filing her sex-starved, empty belly with his hot scalding sperm… reaming her tight little cunt hold like she'd never had it from any college Joe!

Burrowing his nose into the moist juiciness of her craning pussy hole, Dobkins fastened his teeth ever so gently on her tiny sensitive clitoris. He knew he'd found it when her naked buttocks shimmied like a horse's coat does when it's chasing a fly away with its tail.

Unbelievably, the humiliated girl felt her tiny pink nipples suddenly grow hard from the rough friction with the hay, poking painfully into her flesh. Oh my God, what's come over me? What kind of an animal is he making me into? I'm no better than Pansy when she goes into heat. I feel like rearing my hind legs and getting screwed!

Teasingly, the lustfully minded photographer rolled the tiny bud of her throbbing clitoris between his partially clenched cigarette-stained teeth, feeling the little nub harden and swell as he nibbled at it, licking it roughly with his tongue, causing the naked young girl to squirm in a desperate attempt to escape the agonizing assault on her seething loins. She tried vainly to clench her firm wriggling buttock cheeks together, hoping she could put off his salacious attack, but he held the fleshy half-moons tightly in his grip and his fingers into her sensitive nakedness painfully when she tried to pull away, leaving bright, criss-crossing red welts across her cream-white buttocks.

Mimi's eyes were shut tight but still the tears streamed like rain down her cheeks. Her nose started to run and her eyes burned. Still, the alluringly positioned young girl began to be shatteringly aware of a new sensation of lewd burning desire ravaging her belly – a raging hot flame fanned with seven long months without a man – a flame she'd tried so hard to suppress.

Chuckling to himself as his victim's lush naked hips began to slowly and involuntarily grind in a quiet steady rhythm, making tiny concentric circles, Dobkins nibbled voraciously on her stiffly throbbing clitoris.

"Ohhhhh… please… please!" she moaned, her mouth half-open, her eyes still tightly shut. The tears had ceased to stream down her reddened cheeks, but her head was tossed back, her long, dark hair trailing over her naked shoulders and onto her back. "Please, stop! I can't stand it! I can't stand it!"

I'll bet this is the first time she's ever been eaten, Dobkins thought. What a waste of ass!

Pleased with his efforts, Dobkins stepped up his pace to a lizard-like tongue licking between the pulsing nub of her wetly distended clitoris and the sensitive flesh flanges of her seething young pussy. He had a tight grip on her, holding her firmly in place, and he could feel her naked body shivering spasmodically as her hips writhed shamelessly against his tautingly swirling tongue.

Mimi's quivering upthrust buttocks ground harder and faster as she shoved her hips back to meet his tongue's lewd delicious probing. Though she fought it with every particle of resistance her reeling brain could muster, the susceptible coed was rapidly losing control.

"Oh… oh… it feels so good! I can't take any more," she whimpered, her sultry mouth pouting. Rivulets of perspiration ran down her spine to drip in the widespread furrow of her undulating buttocks seeping now with her own sex juices, the spicy smell mingling with the heady animal smell of the barn.

Dobkins knew he had her right where he wanted her. She was his to do with as he pleased – nothing could stop him now.

With one last electrifying nibble, he released his tormenting grip on her lust-swollen clitoris and raised his head to look over his helplessly kneeling model one more time. Her whole body continued to quiver, her hips grinding in their same steady rhythm as a low mournful gasp slipped from her throat.