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"Ohhhh, please don't stop now… I was almost there," she moaned unconsciously. "Don't stop now! Pleeez don't stop!"

His face smeared with a leering grin, Dobkins brought his ominous blood-stiffened cock up into position poised at the fleshy entrance to her hot moist cuntal hole, the lust-filled head brushing the pink softness of her hair-lined vaginal flanges just slightly.

Mimi's whirling mind suddenly snapped to a fleeting jolt of frightening reality and she realized only too well how close she was to consciously giving herself to this man. "No! No! Not that… I won't let you! I refuse!"

Heedless of her pleas, Dobkins buried his lust-swollen hardness to its hairy base in the moist clasping warmth of her cringing cuntal vault, fucking it up to the very hilt with one powerfully surging snap of his hips. The softly yielding walls rippled aside in waves of delicious ecstasy as his throbbing shaft of impatient cock-flesh filled her tender young passage completely, spreading her obscenely fucked cuntal lips wide as his eager cock rammed deep up into her belly.

"Oooowwww!" she moaned, her tender cuntal depths on fire as her tormentor's huge cock pierced her painfully on his ruthlessly impaling thickness.

"OH, please… Pleeez!"

Her cries were fuel for Dobkins' smoldering loins and he began to slam his turgidly aroused cock up into her narrow constrictive passage again and again and again…

Christ, what tight little pussy this chick's got! I'd swear she's been fucked only a few times!

With both hands, he reached around her full thighs and grasped her firm young belly, lifting her slightly for even better penetration. He heard her gasp for breath as his pulsing hardness drove from behind ever deeper up into the innocent depths of her fitfully quivering womb – he could tell he was in virgin territory and it made him feel good to know he'd been the one to explore those depths, others having been unable to find just the right spot in the depths of her tight young cunt to drive her out of her mind. She was undeniably his now, and he aimed to give her a fucking she'd never forget!

"Come on, baby, back up on it! Suck it up in there real nice!"

His words made the perversity all the more exciting, and Mimi found herself grinding back harder and harder onto his thick impaling shaft, rocking her full naked hips from side to side as his conquering cock burrowed deeper and deeper up into her defenseless vagina. Every inward thrust brought new ripples of wicked desire coursing through her obscenely ravaged body. Her breasts were crushed nearly flat beneath her, but her smooth rounded buttocks still waved high in the air, grinding upward to meet his cruelly plundering lunges with erotic movements of their own.

His swollen throbbing cock felt like a baseball bat shoved up inside her stretched tender cuntal passage, but there was no longer any searing pain, just overwhelming waves of undiluted animal lust that swept over her in a surging fiery tide.

Reaching under her writhing, sweat-soaked pelvis, Dobkins lifted her higher, slamming his stiffened aching penis deeper, ever deeper in the forbidden sanctuary of her tight, lust-moistened pussy channel. His fleshy cock spear slipped in and out of her hungrily clasping cuntal sheath easily, coated profusely with her lubricating juices, the excess seeping from her clutching cuntal lips to trickle down her smooth quaking thighs.

He rocked his hips back, pulling his stiff member from her greedy cunt until only the bulbous tip remained between her tauty stretched pussy-lips. Like a voracious mouth, her moist cuntal lips held the swelled knob of his eager cock tightly inside the warm shelter of her wetly clasping passage, reluctantly allowing the glistening shaft of long thick hardness to slide from their rapacious grip. There could be no doubt about it now – she was his, and only seconds away from complete lascivious abandonment.

"Oh God… don't stop! Don't stop! That's it… harder, deeper, fuck me!"

Dobkins knew the end was close and with every ounce of strength left in his body he pounded violently into her eager heated pussy, gritting his teeth and tightly clenching the muscles of his buttocks in a desperate effort to hold back the seething flood that filled his balls so painfully he thought he'd explode.

Just – one – more… deep – grinding – thrust… just – one – more!

"Ohhhhhh," Mimi's voice let out a deep vibrato flutter; "Oh, I'm cummmming… I – I… I'm cummmming! Oh, aaaggghhh… eeeeiiiii!"

Slamming his hairy, sweat-drenched pelvis against her wildly grinding buttocks, Dobkins buried his throbbing cock right up to the hilt in the wet juicy furrow of her greedily clasping cunt. With a loud gasping cry of relief he felt his hot surging sperm course the length of his painfully swollen cock to explode in a giant torrent of fiery sticky sperm far up into her belly, filling her young, hungrily sucking cuntal hole for the first time in seven long months since she and Joey ended their affair after he decided to be a farmer and she went on to college.

Mimi felt the muscles spasm from her toes right up to her head as the surging throes of her climax ran its devastating course. Her ravished vaginal passage hungrily gulped up every precious drop of spewing, life-giving liquid as it pumped into her with spurt after spurt after spurt of hot searing ecstasy.

Finally, releasing his grip on her thighs, Dobkins dropped the spent young woman back onto the hay and she fell forward, collapsing in a heaving gasping heap on the prickly hay.

Dobkins' rapidly deflating penis slipped from her taut, juice-soaked cunt with an obscene sucking sound as she fell forward, leaving behind a trail of sticky white semen that dangled for a moment from the end of his rubbery cock head, hanging lifelessly between his taut thighs, before dripping onto the hay in a puddle.

He reached for his undershorts, and wiped his limp cock clean with them, blotting up the lurid mixture of his own sperm and the model's love juices from his dangling leathery balls. Then he tossed the soiled undergarment aside.

"Now let's get back to work… we've still got a couple of rolls of film left," he said, zipping up his pants.


Mimi pulled herself up from the hay pile, then began collecting her clothes from the barn floor, moving gingerly to ease the throbbing pain between her legs, but fast enough to dart out the barn door before Dobkins could stop her.

"To hell with you!" she shrieked, slamming the barn door closed and locking it from the outside.


Sore between her legs from John Dobkins' brutal ravagement and sore at the world for her ill-turned fate, Mimi Spender had peddled at full speed her ten speed bicycle back to the dormitory and headed straight through the heavy glass doors to collide head-on with her roommate of this semester – Susie, a tall, blonde girl, friendly in her own timid way. Her blonde, perspiration-matted hair clung to her forehead in stringy bangs and the underarms of her University of California T-shirt were damp from running up and down the steps with boxes of books and accumulated memorabilia of her first semester at the university.

"Hey, Mimi!" she gushed with an enthusiasm Mimi was hard put to match. Susie, set down the suitcases she was carrying, giving her arms a quick shake to get the circulation back in her favor. Quickly, though, her smile faded and in a sisterly manner put her hand on Mimi's shoulder, picking a strand of hair clean of hay. She held the plucked twig in one hand, then reached for another. "My God! Where have you been Mimi? You look like you've been rolling in the hay with Tom Jones. What's the matter?"

Mimi sucked in her breath. No, she couldn't tell Susie about the horrible afternoon she had… she couldn't tell anybody. Not even the police. "I… I'm okay. Pansy bucked me off," she lied.