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“Just a minute,” Kennrick interrupted. “Your pardon, Usantra Givvrac, but there are reasons of profit that could explain these deaths.”

“No, there are not,” Givvrac repeated, giving Kennrick a warning glare. “Your next question, Mr. Compton?”

“Let me first rephrase my previous one,” I said, eyeing Givvrac closely as I thought back to his answer. I’d seen this before, usually with suspects trying to beat a polyline test by finding loopholes in the interrogator’s questions. Teenagers, I recalled from years gone by, were also adept at the technique, especially during parental cross-examinations. “Can you think of how anyone would profit from Master Colix’s death?”

Givvrac hissed out a quiet sigh. “Perhaps.” he said reluctantly. “There was some disagreement among us as to whether we would grant Pellorian Medical Systems the genetic-manipulation knowledge and equipment they seek.”

“Let me guess,” I said, watching Kennrick out of the corner of my eye. “Master Colix was against the deal?”

Kennrick’s expression didn’t even twitch. “In actual fact, Mr. Compton,” Givvrac said, “Master Colix was one of the strongest proponents for the contract.”

“Interesting,” I said. “I gather, then, that Master Bofiv was against the contract.”

“He was,” Givvrac confirmed, frowning. “Did he tell you that before he died?”

“Unfortunately, he didn’t speak to me at all,” I said. “I deduced that from your earlier statement that no one would profit by both Master Colix’s and Master Bofiv’s deaths. Ergo, they must have been on opposite sides of the disagreement, with both deaths together thus returning the contract team to its original status quo.”

“Hardly the exact status quo,” Kennrick said. “There were no more than two or possibly three of the eight in opposition to our proposal. With the unfortunate deaths of Masters Colix and Bofiv, the percentage of members favorable to Pellorian has actually increased.”

“Not precisely true, Mr. Kennrick,” Givvrac said. “In actual fact, before these deaths the contract team was evenly split on the matter: four for, and four against.”

Kennrick stared at him. “You never said—” He broke off. glancing sideways at me. “I was unaware the contract team’s feelings were running so closely.”

“It’s not a matter of your company’s expertise and learning,” Givvrac assured him. “You’ve proved that beyond doubt. The question is solely whether or not your species in general has the wisdom to use these methods properly.”

“I see,” Kennrick said, and I could sense his reflexive desire to argue the point in Pellorian’s and humanity’s defense. But this wasn’t the time or place to reopen the negotiations. “Forgive my intrusion. Please continue.”

“Thank you,” I said. “So what you’re saying, Usantra Givvrac, is that the original four-to-four deadlock has been reduced to a three-to-three deadlock?”

“Deadlock implies the matter may end without resolution,” Givvrac corrected me sternly. “That will not happen. The decision will be made before Mr. Kennrick leaves the Assembly for his return home.”

“Understood,” I said. “May I ask which members of your group are currently on which side?”

Givvrac hesitated. “That’s privileged information,” he said. “I’m not sure even the current situation justifies my telling you.”

Kennrick, to his credit, picked up on the cue. “Excuse me a moment. Usantra Givvrac,” he said, getting to his feet. “It just occurred to me that we never told the server that we would be over here instead of back in the bar. I’ll go get our refreshments.”

He headed across the dining car toward the bar. “Speaking of refreshments, Usantra Givvrac, I must again extend my apologies,” I said. “I neglected to ask if you would care to join us in a meal.”

“No, thank you,” Givvrac said. “Food does not interest me at the moment.”

I frowned. Fillies liked their food as well as anyone else in the galaxy. “Is something you ate bothering you?”

“Most likely,” he said. “I have been feeling somewhat delicate over the past few hours.”

“There seems to be a lot of that going around,” I commented, my own gut rumbling in sympathy. “While Mr. Kennrick is gone, perhaps you’d be willing to tell me which members of your team are for this deal with Pellorian?”

“You will agree not to share my words with Mr. Kennrick?”

“Of course,” I said. “I’ll sign a contract to that effect if you wish.”

Givvrac visibly relaxed. Written contracts were very important to Fillies. Even if he and I never actually signed anything, my willingness to do so would go a long way toward putting me in the trustworthy category. “No need.” he said. “Di-Master Strinni was the next strongest proponent of the Pellorian contract.”

“Really,” I said. So that was two aye votes either dead or on the critical list. “What about Master Tririn?”

“He stands against the contract,” Givvrac said. “Oddly enough, the four Shorshians were evenly split.”

“And of course, all of them knew where all the others stood?”

“Indeed,” Givvrac said. “The eight of us had several meetings together during the torchliner voyage from Earth to the Terran Tube Station.”

“Without Mr. Kennrick present, I presume?”

“You presume correctly,” Givvrac said. “Only in his absence can we speak freely on the subject.” He cocked his head in a Filly posture of consideration. “Though such opportunities were uncommon. He often joined one or another group of us for our meals.”

“Taking care to talk up the benefits of dealing with Pellorian Medical, no doubt?”

“Correct,” Givvrac agreed. “He is a tireless representative of his company.”

“I’m sure he is.” I said diplomatically. He’d probably been a tireless representative of Shotoko Associates, too, right up until the day Westali had swooped down and broken up DuNoeva’s spy ring. “So Master Colix and di-Master Strinni were for the contract. Who else?”

Asantra Muzzfor is also on their side of the discussion.” Givvrac said. “He is one of my colleagues.”

“Yes,” I said, catching the subtle vowel difference. Colleagues they might be, but an asantra like Muzzfor was lower in rank than an usantra like Givvrac. “And the fourth?”

“I also lean in that direction,” Givvrac said. “I therefore count myself among them, though I have not entirely made up my mind.”

I nodded. “And the other opponents would then be the other two Filiaelians?”

Esantra Worrbin and Asantra Dallilo are also against the contract,” he confirmed.

“Where do they and Asantra Muzzfor sit aboard the train?”

“All three have seats in the second of the first-class coaches, the one directly back of the exercise/dispensary car.”

“Do they sit together for the most part?”

“Yes,” Givvrac said. “To anticipate your next question, the four of us have frequently discussed the contract during this trip. Di-Master Strinni often joined us, as he too has a seat in first class.”

“And the other three Shorshians?”

“I presume they also held such conversations, though I cannot say for certain.” A shadow seemed to pass across his face. “Or rather, I presume they did when there were still three of them.”

“You haven’t spoken to them about the matter?” I asked.

“We travel in first class,” Givvrac said. “They travel in third.”

“Yes, of course,” I said. “I just thought that since Mr. Kennrick had gone back there on occasion to talk to them you might have done similarly.”