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"No, Harvey, please…" Betty objected again, and made a feeble attempt to stop the approaching hand. Her brain was reeling and she couldn't seem to get control of her senses. Harvey's hand was on her thigh, she knew, and it was also true that it felt good there. She wanted him to move it away, to leave her alone, but on the other hand, she didn't know how to stop him. If only she hadn't drunk the second gin… she told herself upbraidingly. But she had to make an effort to stop him before he went any further. It was wrong to let him do this, but it felt very good, relaxing and soothing…

Carefully, Harvey edged his fingers upward until at last they came into contact with the thin nylon crotchband of her panties. It was wet!

"Oh noo…" Betty moaned, making a futile effort to clamp her thighs together.

"Now honey," Harvey said again, "this is going to make you feel good. You'll really like it and it'll calm you down and you won't be nervous or tense anymore…"

Relentlessly, his searching fingers slipped under the narrow legband of her panties and came into tantalizing contact with the first straying wisps of curling pubic hair. Betty jerked back as if stung, her eyes flying open in horror.

"No, Harvey, please don't!" she shrieked, trying to pull away from him. But his fingers still clung between her moistened thighs as his arm, curved around her shoulder, restrained her.

"Now Betty, you like my fingers stroking your cunt, don't you?" he said, his voice low and husky. "Don't you? You can't deny it… or you would have stopped me before now… before I got my hand inside your panties!"

"No! I… I…" Betty whimpered, words failing her.

"I know you like it, Betty," he went on inexorably, "you're all hot and wet, I can feel it…"

A crimson blush spread over Betty's face. She did like it, there was no denying it. And now Harvey knew. He knew that she liked it. Oh dear God, what must he think of her?

"It's only natural, honey," Harvey went on. "You're starved for love. Doug has been neglecting you and it's time someone paid some attention to your beautiful, deprived body…"

Betty couldn't stand it any longer. She was past fighting. She felt defeated already defeated by Harvey's smooth words, which were all too true, and by the tumult which was raging in her body. Yes, her own flesh was mutinying – crying out for love and attention. And she couldn't fight it!

Harvey sensed her inner struggle and felt a surge of victory. It won't be long now, he told himself cheerfully, but I just hope that Jean won't come back too soon and spoil it all! It had been Jean's idea in the first place to pretend that the book was lost, so as to have an excuse to leave him alone with Betty, but Harvey was afraid that she wouldn't realize how hard it was to win over the frustrated young wife. Well, he'd just have to take a chance…

His questing fingers inched forward another millimeter and came into exhilarating contact with the pulsating outer folds of her tremulous pussy. He could feel the slight throbbing of the swollen outer lips, fringed with a thin line of hairs, and then, without hesitation, he plunged his middle finger up into the moist darkness of her unresisting cunt.

"Aaaaagggghh… Nooooo…" Betty sobbed helplessly, wriggling her buttocks in a frantic but belated attempt to resist.

She was in a daze that she couldn't break out of. With one part of her mind, she realized that Peterson was stroking and caressing her vagina, but with the other she realized nothing but the fact that he was comforting her when she badly needed it, and offering solace where Doug had failed to do so. And she couldn't refuse that. She needed it too badly.

Harvey continued to probe the quivering wet folds and creases of her sensitively squirming vagina, plunging deeper into the warm, open flesh. Her thighs spread now a little of their own accord and he began to ease down her confining panties, leaving them dangling above her knees. Her dress was bunched up above her hips, leaving the tingling plane of her loins exposed and unprotected. Ruthlessly, his fingers played in the velvety softness of her openly spread cunt, making her gyrate and twist with mingled feelings.

Suddenly, his middle finger came into contact with the hard little knob of her clitoris and began instantly to titillate the erogenous little bud.

"Ooooohhhh…" Betty sighed, unable to believe that little wisps of pleasure were curling around deep inside her. She was beginning to enjoy Peterson's lewd fingering! At first, she didn't believe it possible, but her writhing moaning body was ample evidence. Her brain, with all its feeble, warning messages was totally ignored, and sensual rule was the order.

"Mmmmmmnnnn… aaaaahhhh…" she gasped again, giving herself over completely to a greater power. She was devoid of resistance now. She had no option but to acquiesce, and it was obvious that her body did not mind this submission. Involuntarily, her pelvis began to grind rhythmically up against his nakedly swirling fingers, forcing the desire-ridden flesh against the pleasure-giving digits.

Harvey's fingers, darting and flicking with expert agility began to tickle gently at the tiny fluted inner lips which surrounded the pulsing, star-shaped entrance to her helplessly aroused body. Betty mewled with new excitement as they brushed tantalizingly against the delicate, fragile flesh, and then, with sudden abruptness, he plunged them into the wet, clinging cuntal sheath.

"Aaaaaggggghhhhh…" Betty sobbed in mingled surprise and pleasure, and immediately, the soft, tender inner walls began to milk voraciously at the dipping fingers, closing in on them like a velvet glove. Harvey worked his fingers smoothly, expertly in and out of the hungrily welcoming channel in simulation of fucking, filling the room with lewd, wet, sluicing sounds.

Betty was like a madwoman now, twisting and flailing wantonly on the sofa, her thighs lasciviously splayed, her softly rounded buttocks grinding incessantly into the yielding cushions. Hoarse cries of lust escaped her lips, but Betty was beyond caring. She knew that Jean might return at any moment, but it was of no importance. All that mattered was the unbelievable spasms of pleasure which were shooting through her with lightning speed, emanating from the fiery, tingling zone of her wildly excited vagina.

Harvey's fingers were wonderful givers of unbelievable pleasure as they plunged recklessly into the openly presented mouth to her defenseless belly. Urged on by the rising tide of her passion, she pounded her turgid little clitoris against his hand while at the same time trying to coax the driving fingers further and deeper into her greedily clasping cuntal sheath.

She was near to climaxing and she knew that she couldn't hold out much longer. Pleasure, in maximum force, was building up to such a pitch inside her that she knew she must cum soon or explode. And, at last…

"Oh God! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Oh God, I'm cumming!" she chanted insanely, her body flailing and thrashing out of all control as wave after wave of undefinable pleasure washed over her like breakers on a beach, tossing and tumbling her in their foaming wake as they brought her to new heights of ecstasy each time. She had never experienced anything like the tremendous power of this release and all her tension seemed to pour from her body, leaving it limp and exhausted, only to be tightened as a new flood of pleasure cascaded over her. Her head seemed to be going round and round and she felt as if she was in some kind of limbo, waiting to be put back together again with the body which was feeling so much sensual excitement.

Finally, the tremors began to subside, leaving her quivering and trembling like an aspen leaf. The room began to spin around her and she gratefully sank back on the sofa, only vaguely aware that Harvey was leaving. She wanted to call him back, but she didn't quite know why, but in a few seconds, he was gone, and she was left alone with the dying embers of her fiery orgasm.