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She gasped suddenly as she felt his fingers dip between her creamy thighs, and felt the first searing contact between his hand and the gently pulsing outer flesh of her trembling vagina.

"Oh nooo… stop…" she gasped helplessly as his fingers continued to probe and search among the wet, velvety folds, probing deeper and more insistently with each passing second. Futilely, she tried to clamp her alabaster-white thighs together, but it was no use. He was the one in control; he had her in his power.

"Now, baby, you can't tell me you don't like it…" Harvey leered, his eyes lighting with lust as he stared down at the naked woman.

His words cut Betty to the quick. Because she couldn't deny it. Her body was responding in exactly the same way as it had a few days ago… she was beginning to get aroused from his illicit fondling. Although her brain reeled with the enormity of what was happening, and disgust and utter mortification flooded through her veins, her body reacted unquestionably in a sensual, wanton tremor of delight. She wanted to deny it, to cry out that he was wrong, that she wasn't enjoying it, but she couldn't. Because she was, and he knew it! There was no use fighting it. He had her in his power not only by virtue of the weapon of the photographs and his threatened blackmail, but also by the force of pleasure he was giving her with his nakedly swirling fingers. Involuntarily, her thighs crept farther apart, revealing the moist pink slit of her quivering pussy to his marauding digits. Pleasure surged through her, lifting her up on to a magical plane of ecstasy, and her whole body took on a rhythmic churning as low mewls of pleasure flowed unchecked from her mouth.

"Open your eyes, honey, and look see what daddy has for you…" Harvey rasped huskily, and Betty unconsciously responded to his summons.

A startled gasp escaped her lips as she stared at the huge, throbbing shaft of his fully erect penis, held obscenely in his free hand. She couldn't take her eyes off it. She hadn't imagined that anything could be so big. It looked powerful and strong, and it was an angry red color from the blood that was pumping lustfully through it.

"No, please, Harvey," she whimpered piteously, frightened at the grotesque size and apprehensive of what was to come.

At that moment, the door opened, and Jean walked in.

Oh thank God! Betty gasped silently. Now he'll have to stop… Jean will help me, and I'll just put on my clothes and leave, and never have to see Harvey again. Oh thank goodness, she came back in time…

"Well, Harvey, you certainly didn't waste any time!" Jean said cheerfully, staring at the naked outstretched redhead on the sofa, and glancing briefly at the hard, heavy protuberance of Peterson's cock.

Oh God, what does she mean? Why isn't she doing something? Betty thought wildly.

"I'm a fast worker, you know that, Jean," Harvey laughed, fondling his lust-engorged penis between his fingers.

"I'm sure you got lots of help," Jean retorted. "Betty looks as if she's really hot for you!"

Betty felt like screaming out No! No! It's not like that! But her mouth was dry and no words would come. She couldn't believe that Jean thought she wanted this. But what else could Jean think? She, Betty, was lying spread-eagled on the couch, the openly receptive slit of her vagina lewdly presented, while Harvey hovered above her, his blood-inflated penis outstretched and ready. Betty's last avenue of retreat slammed shut. No one could help her now. If she appealed to Jean, the other woman probably wouldn't believe her. There was nothing she could do!

She drew in her breath sharply when she felt the hard, unyielding flesh of Harvey's poised penis nudging at the softly quivering outer lips of her vagina. She tried to draw back, but the couch confined her. She couldn't close her thighs, because Harvey was crouched up between them.

"Nooo, Harvey, please…" she begged softly, and then…

"Aaaagggghhh… noooooooo…" she wailed aloud as Harvey pushed relentlessly forward, straining almost unbearably the fragile tissues of her cuntal hole. He hesitated then, for a moment, gathering his strength, pushing the burgeoning head of his hunger-distended shaft past the protecting, petal-shaped opening.

"Oh God… you're killing me…" Betty sobbed as the giant rod cleaved into her unprepared flesh, forcing its way up into the dry, clinging passage. Without hesitation, Harvey continued to plunge forward, the hard, long tube of his cock splitting the cringing inner walls with brutal intensity.

"Uuuuugggghhhhnnn… aaaaahhhh…" Betty whimpered, her thighs cruelly spread, her futilely resisting vaginal sheath assaulted unmercifully by the lust-bloated hardness of Harvey's hard-driving penis. He'll tear my vagina she thought fearfully as he finally hit bottom, the heavy, sperm-laden sac of his testicles slapping lewdly against the upraised crevice of her buttocks. She could feel the rubbery head nudging against the tender tip of her cervix and she wanted to cry out against this unwanted ravishment. The knowledge that Jean Wembley was watching her debasement added to her humiliation, and she wondered again how she had let herself be manipulated in this way. Oh God, what a fool I am, she thought bitterly, biting her lip as Harvey began to withdraw, pulling little pink tendrils of fragile pussy flesh out with his rock-hard shaft as it withdrew. Then he surged forward again, this time burying his long, lunging cock to the hilt with one deep, hard stroke.

"Aaaaaarrrrhhh… uuummmmppphhhh…" Betty gasped again as all the breath was forced from her body. But at last, her feminine juices began to secrete, and Harvey was able to begin a rhythmic sawing in and out. His hands tightened on her hips, holding her firmly in place as he labored over her. He drove nakedly up between her widespread legs, sinking his passion-distended shaft completely in her moistly clinging cunt, and then withdrawing almost totally, until just the hard, mushrooming head was still imbedded in the tight pussy-hole.

And then the thing that Betty had never believed possible, happened. At first, she did not believe it; couldn't bring herself to accept the reality of what was happening. But after a few moments, she just couldn't hide it any longer. It was completely obvious that she was beginning to enjoy being fucked by Harvey!

A deep shuddering tremor shook her body and then it began a rolling churning of its own violation, little sparks of pleasure burst into raging flames deep between her legs and her whole body was bathed in a warm flood of intense arousal.

At first, out of deep mortification, she tried to hide it, tried to still the quivering between her legs. But her desire and passion was more powerful than her will power and she couldn't hold back any longer.

"Mmmmmmnnnnn…" she sighed, spiraling her pelvis upward to receive Harvey's deep inthrusts, her heated cunt flowering open in eager acceptance. Cautiously, her hands crept up and encircled Harvey's neck, pulling him hard down on her palpitating breasts, and in a daze, she moved her mouth up to clamp on his, her tongue hungrily flicking between his teeth. Passion raged out of control in her love-starved body, and she locked her ankles around his lower back, and clung to him with a new voraciousness. Suddenly, she couldn't seem to get enough of his pleasure-giving male body. She wanted to infuse every part of him. The heady muskiness of his heated flesh assailed her nostrils and made them flare with new-found pleasure, and her being and senses were united in a quest for ultimate satisfaction.

All doubts and fears were forgotten in the mad rush of sensual excitement. She had no idea it could be like this. Certainly it never was with Doug. She had never responded like this, never felt the wild tremors of pleasure she was feeling now. Even the fact that Jean was watching her wanton behavior gave her an illicit thrill, and nurtured an exhibitionistic streak inside her that she never knew she possessed. She didn't care anymore that this lascivious coupling with a man who was not her husband might be wrong. She only knew that somehow he had the wonderful key that was unlocking her uninhibited responses, and somehow she couldn't feel that making use of that key was wrong.