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Their bodies were slapping wetly together in rising cadence. They clung to each other in mutual desire, their flesh warm and heated with passion. They bucked and rocked as one, united where his lust-maddened cock drove incessantly up into the hungrily clasping depths of her eager cunt.

"You sure know how to fuck, Betty…" Harvey gasped between clenched teeth, and his lewd praise gave her an added tingle of excitement. Fucking. Yes, that was what she was doing, fucking another man… and she was enjoying it.

Betty's thoughts took on a kaleidoscopic image of how she must appear, naked, perspiring, flushed with lust, her head thrown back, her long russet hair streaming over her voluptuously curved back. Now, in one moment, all her thoughts and feelings seemed to converge on the pivotal point there between her legs, and she knew instantly that she was almost ready to climax. Her first real orgasm, and it was with another man… not her husband! But Betty didn't care who or how she was getting this unbelievable pleasure. The main thing was that she was at last about to receive it. That she wasn't frigid, like she had so often feared she was. No, she was a full-blooded real woman, and Harvey was the only one to discover it.

Suddenly, all rational thought was extinguished as a great rush of warm sensual excitement flooded over her body, making her feel as if she was drifting on the tide of some warm, calm sea.

"Ooooooohhhhh… I'm cumming! Oh God, Harvey, I'm cumming!" she shrieked suddenly, not recognizing her own passion-distorted voice. The words seemed to hang in the still air above her for a moment before crashing down to resound and echo a hundredfold in her ears, reflecting the rise and fall of the tiny waves of multiple pleasure crashing around inside her feverish body.

"Ooooohhhh! Ooooohhhh! Ooooohhhh!" she sobbed helplessly, her curvaceous young body undulating with the force of her continuing orgasm.

In the back of her brain, she realized that Harvey was climaxing too, and then he was pounding against her with unbelievable fury, battering his loins against her upraised openly-spread cunt.

"I'm cumming too! Keep fuckingg… Aaaaaghhh…" Betty felt the first spurt of seething hot sperm as Harvey called out wildly, and it jetted in a thick stream into the hidden recesses of her hungrily milking pussy. Greedily, her inner sheath clutched at the flowing fluid, absorbing it all in its heated darkness, and Betty was filled with a strange, satiated peace. The hot, white sperm that poured into her helplessly flooded little belly seemed to infuse her with warm relaxation, and she was able at last to lie back, breathing deeply and heavily with complete satisfaction.

At last, Harvey's twitching cock began to deflate inside her wet, steaming passage and slipped harmlessly from between her legs, leaving her empty once more. But she was changed now. She'd never be the same again. Harvey had truly liberated her, something that her own husband couldn't do… and she wouldn't have missed this for anything. Now, come what may, she was forever free from the shackles of prudery, and she felt a real debt of gratitude to Harvey, which she knew wouldn't easily be erased.


Doug was beginning to regret that he had called and invited Selma for lunch. Not that he didn't want to see her, of course, but she was so happy and excited, looking on this as an extra special treat, because usually they only saw each other in the evening. Now he dreaded telling her the real reason for wanting to see her. They were sitting lingering over liqueurs and Doug knew he had to take the plunge.

Drawing a deep breath, he began.

"Selma, I've something to tell you!"

Selma looked at him in surprise, amazed at his intensity, but immediately she sensed that something was wrong.

"What is it?" she said apprehensively.

"I… we've got to stop seeing each other!" It was said, but instead of feeling relief, he was aware only of misery, and the look on Selma's face didn't help any, either.

"What?" she hissed, her voice low and angry.

"I just can't see you any more…"

"Well, this is an interesting new development," Selma said icily, her fingers toying with the tiny glass. "Your charming wife must have found out about us. Is that it?"

"No, it isn't," Doug gulped. "But to tell the truth, I'm afraid she might, and I've hurt her enough without this."

"So your conscience is beginning to bother you at last!" Selma snapped, heedless of the other diners in the restaurant.

Doug colored. He'd decided to break off with his mistress several days ago, but couldn't find the courage to do so. He didn't really want to stop seeing her, but he had been involved with her now for nearly two months, and in all that time, things had gone from bad to worse with Betty. He knew he had started it all by fucking her in the ass that one night, and things hadn't been the same since. At first, he noticed that Betty was depressed and irritable, but over the past couple of weeks, she seemed suddenly to have changed. She said she had a new part time job, and bought new, fashionable clothes, and she seemed hardly to be home at all. Now that the tables were turned on him, Doug didn't like it at all and decided that he'd rather have the old Betty back… even if it mean severing his relationship with Selma.

"So it's all over," Selma breathed angrily, her eyes flashing. A cold rage was seething through her and she was aware of a consuming hatred for her lover. She had really enjoyed her affair with Doug. He was one of the best lovers she'd ever had and she had reveled in his admiration. He seemed to be really crazy about her too, and she had even begun to entertain thoughts of something permanent…

"You bastard!" she hissed viciously. Men were all the same. They didn't mind having affairs, and told their mistresses how fabulous they were, but when the little woman at home lifted her finger, no matter how nagging or difficult a wife she might be, they all went running back with their tails between their legs.

"Selma, everyone is looking at us," Doug said, his face reddening.

"I don't give a damn who's looking or listening," Selma spat, her voice rising. "You can't just throw me over like this. I deserve something better."

"I'm really sorry," Doug said earnestly, "but…"

"Don't 'but' me, you lousy rat," Selma shrilled, "you just want to go back to that bitch of a wife of yours, and after all you told me about her, how she was frigid, how she was a nagging slut…"

Doug felt ready to sink into the ground. Everyone in the restaurant was looking at them and Selma's voice was strident and perfectly audible.

"C'mon, let's get out of here," he said sharply, his fingers digging into her forearm. With relief, she responded to his order, and meekly followed him out of the restaurant. That's one place I'll never go to again, Doug vowed as he stepped out into the light.

"Now look, Selma, I'm sorry we have to part like this," he said threateningly, "but if you're going to make another scene, I'm going to leave you right here on the pavement."

"Go on, run, you Goddamned bastard," she railed, "but don't think you're getting off so easily. I'll pay you back for leaving me in the lurch like this, don't you worry!"

Furious, Doug turned on his heel and walked away, leaving Selma's threats to disintegrate behind him in the street's busy atmosphere.

"Okay, spread those long legs of yours, honey," Harvey rasped. "Daddy's got a new treat for you today!"

Betty lay back luxuriantly on the huge bed in Harvey's apartment and obediently parted her long, slender legs. The deep bed felt like soft billows of cloud, and Betty was only too glad to give herself over to her lover's attentions. She had grown accustomed to him over the last month or so, or rather, her body had.