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For a moment, Betty's breath was suspended and she froze into a state of shock. She had never realized that anything like this could happen, had never visualized it happening to her!

Betty didn't know what to do. Unreality seemed to have taken over, but Harvey kept on licking and sucking at her heated, openly throbbing cunt, and the sensations of pure, passionate arousal continued to surge through her. But apart from that, the inescapable fact was that Jean was astride her face, her wet, pulsating pussy firmly planted on her mouth! Her soft, supple thighs gripped Betty's face in a strong grasp, holding her immobile. Oh God, what am I going to do now? she thought helplessly, her reason deserting her for a long moment.

She hovered mindlessly on the edge of indecision. But a sudden, piercing thought assailed her. Why stop now? The revelation burned into her brain like a red-hot arrow. Why hesitate now about licking Jean's cunt, after all you've been through? Why not pass on to the other woman, who was after all, her friend, the wonderful pleasurable sensations that Harvey was arousing in her? Why not indeed? With lurid suddenness, the idea of kissing another woman's pussy while her lover was slavering and groveling between her own legs, struck Betty with the force of a mailed fist.

And, without giving herself time to think, she reached out tentatively with her tongue and dabbed at the throbbing pink openness of Jean's quivering pussy. It felt and tasted amazingly good and Betty was rewarded by a sobbing moan from Jean, who began to screw her moistly pulsing pussy down on Betty's now-eager mouth. Again, Betty reached out with her tongue and began to swipe carefully at the wetly squirming flesh, dipping her organ deeper and harder each time into the velvety folds. She began to savor the sweet taste of the other woman's vagina, and inhaled the exotic fragrance of her redolent cunt.

She stiffened her tongue and burrowed it incessantly into the sensitively writhing flesh, tasting the first flow of excitedly secreting feminine juices which misted down over her wet, flushed face. Eagerly, she sought out the hard little knob of the other woman's clitoris and titillated it cunningly between her teeth, and then began to nibble excruciatingly at the soft little inner lips which lay like a protective collar around the clenching star-shaped hole of her grasping pussy.

Betty sucked and licked ravenously at Jean's grinding pussy, just as Harvey, spurred on by the sight of his assistant astride his mistress's face, slavered lewdly between Betty's cream-white, moisture-drenched thighs. Jean's softly clenching buttocks were like flaccid mounds around Betty's chin and her ivory smooth thighs were clamped in a vise-like grip on either side of her face. Betty moaned with mounting pleasure into the secret warmth of Jean's tingling cunt as the other woman's hands reached down and began to caress and fondle her palpitating breasts, tweaking the hardening little nipples between her fingers, adding to the tremendous swells of pleasure swirling through her.

Betty was reaching new heights of undreamed-of pleasure. She reveled in taking part in such a lascivious trio in a way she had never experienced before, and the idea that she was actually licking and kissing another woman's pussy filled her with perverted excitement. She had never dreamed that she, Doug's wife, would ever get involved in anything like this, and certainly not so wholeheartedly. But as she told herself again and again, she was a changed woman now, and her body had become accustomed to all kinds of bizarre sex.

Jean was moaning and mewling like a wild animal above her, bouncing around on her face with quickening jerks, and Betty realized that she must be approaching orgasm already. Then, suddenly, Betty felt the other woman's body stiffen almost like a rock, and then she seemed to explode in a million fragments.

"Aaaaaahhhh… I'm cumming! Cumming! Cumming!" Jean sobbed, her body twisting and flailing almost out of control. Betty's face was drenched with her flowing secretions and she thought she'd suffocate from the frantic grip the other woman kept on her pussy-covered face.

But even as Jean was moaning with passionate abandon, Betty felt the familiar spasms begin to contort her own body. Harvey redoubled his efforts, forcing his exhausted tongue again and again into the frenetically clutching sheath of her hungrily welcoming vagina, swirling it around with maddening deftness.

And then, for Betty, too, the moment was there.

Her cries of intense pleasure were buried and muffled in Jean's still throbbing pussy, as her whole body flailed and gyrated like a top, her thighs viciously glued to Harvey's face, grinding her lust-swollen pussy against his pleasure-giving mouth.

Wave after wave of almost unbearable pleasure assailed her, and the full force of her warm orgasmic juices cascaded down over Harvey's furiously working mouth. Jean had already fallen back on the bed, her breath coming in ragged gasps. It seemed to Betty as if the room was revolving around her and she was aware of nothing but the tingling between her legs, which still erupted into sparks of searing ecstasy which showered through her aroused flesh and burned into the very core of her being.

When at last, her body was quiet, but still warm and flushed, she released her thigh-hold on her lover, and collapsed back on the bed beside the woman to whom she had given pleasure equal only to that which she herself had received.


Doug felt strangely nervous as he pulled up in the driveway, and the sight of the strange car did nothing to soothe his apprehension. It was three days since he had broken off with Selma, and he had decided to make a real effort to patch things up with Betty. But she seemed so busy lately. She didn't come home until late in the evening the first two days, and last night, she had been so moody and preoccupied that he hardly dared broach the subject.

A definite change had come over her, and Doug just couldn't figure out what it was. It certainly wasn't just her new job or the new clothes she bought. She just seemed like a different woman. More mature, and more sensual somehow. But what was the use of this dynamic new change if she persisted in ignoring him? So he had determined to take the afternoon off from work and try to get to the bottom of things. He figured that she'd be at home this afternoon, and after they had solved the problems that lay between them, he'd take her out to dinner.

He had decided that he wouldn't mention his affair with Selma, not right now, anyway. He didn't think that Betty would understand, and it might make her distrustful of him. No, far better wait until their relationship was well and truly cemented again. He didn't recognize the automobile in the driveway, but shrugging, decided that it probably belonged to a girlfriend of Betty's. Whoever owned it, he just hoped she didn't stay too long. He had plenty to say to his wife – in private.

Letting himself in the back door, he was surprised at how silent the house was. He felt sure he would be greeted by feminine laughter and the tinkling of coffee cups.

"Betty?" he called softly, wondering where she was. A quick glance out at the backyard convinced him she wasn't there. Then he heard it. A low, almost indiscernible moan. And it seemed to be coming from the livingroom! The door was closed and Doug hurried over to it. His hand grasping the handle, he hesitated. Had he imagined it? Maybe Betty was in there, having a private discussion with one of her friends. He'd look foolish if he stalked in there. But there it was again! That muffled moan, almost a sob, that seemed as if someone was almost in pain!

And then, Doug felt as if he had been turned to stone when a loud, impassioned voice rang out clearly.

"Oh God, Harvey, keep licking my cunt like that! It's driving me crazy!"