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Tentatively, Betty carefully picked up the instrument, and was surprised by how snugly and almost reassuringly it fitted in her palm. Its surface was smooth and shiny, completely concealing the inner works. She flicked the on-switch and was amazed at the urgency of the vibrations; her entire hand shook gently and the instrument felt strangely alive and warm in her hand. Maybe it will work, maybe it will help me relax, just like the ad said.

Turning off the vibrator, she glanced again at the instructions. "Just apply your personal vibrator to any stiff, unyielding spot, i.e. your neck, shoulders, even your thighs, and immediately feel deep relief starting to pour through you from the special penetrating powers of this new design…" It sounded so simple, but maybe a simple solution was what she needed, to a far from simple problem.

Betty didn't know what to do. She sat there, staring at the massager, faintly horrified at its lewd shape. It was so suggestive… she couldn't help comparing it to Doug's penis, which certainly didn't relax or satisfy her. Far from it. She dreaded bedtime now, terrified that he would want to make love, which he usually did. Of course, it hadn't been like that in the beginning. On their honeymoon, she had been just as eager as he was to make love, and even though it hurt a little at first, and didn't feel particularly good, she was sure that time would adjust everything. And Doug was so gentle and solicitous with her, too, taking infinite care to ensure that she was ready for his entrance. Yes, everything had been fine, even though she hadn't derived full enjoyment from his lovemaking, and she had been sure that it was just a matter of time. But after the honeymoon, things just weren't the same. Doug just didn't seem to have the inclination or patience to prepare her adequately first, and couldn't understand why she didn't get as aroused as he did. She tried explaining that she needed more time, more stimulation, but he had brushed her explanations aside, even intimating that there was something wrong with her because she wasn't responding fully by now. And so, with the passing months, things had gotten worse, and she could barely bring herself to talk about it with him. He was so insensitive and unfeeling about what she needed, always blaming her without stopping to think that maybe his approach was wrong. No, the fault was always hers, and she was standing in the way of his sexual happiness.

Well, she was just about ready to try anything to make life bearable again, even if he wasn't. Wearily, she rose to her feet, and picking up the box containing the vibrator, made her way into the bedroom. She felt a little unsteady on her feet, and knew it was from the brandy she had doused into her coffee. She had got into the habit of doing that lately – it seemed to make the morning more livable, but she knew that this morning at least, she'd have to lie down for a few minutes. She must have put more than usual in, she realized, and thankfully sank back on the large double bed.

The room seemed to spin before her eyes, and she suddenly felt hot and uncomfortable. She opened her robe, and lay spread-eagled on the soft coverlet, willing her body into relaxation, mentally trying to drive the demons of tension out of her knotted muscles. Her legs felt leaden and her head was throbbing, and she could barely keep her eyes open. She knew if she closed them, she'd fall asleep, and she didn't want that to happen. God only knew what time she'd wake up again. Relax, relax, she told herself plaintively, but it was no use. She remembered the vibrator "apply to… neck, shoulders… thighs…"

Well, neck and shoulders were out of the question; she just couldn't make the effort to reach them, but thighs…

She reached over and grasped the vibrator and without giving herself time to think, switched it on. For a moment, she held it there in her hand, feeling its throbbing pulsating through her arm, and then, with her free hand, drew the edges of her nightgown up towards her hips, revealing the slender creamy skin of her long supple legs. She experienced a moment's apprehension, wondering if she should go ahead and use it, but she decided that she had to try it. She just couldn't go on like this; she had to do something or go crazy.

The vibrating surface felt strange against the soft flesh of her slightly parted thighs, but after a few moments, she got accustomed to it, and was amazed at the almost exhilarating sensation. It actually felt good, chased away the leaden feeling in her legs. She could almost feel the knots in her taut muscles untying, felt tension unwind as the massager hummed over the tender milk-white skin. Involuntarily, she slid her quivering thighs further apart, allowing the humming instrument to slip between the velvety surfaces and she became aware of new sensations of glowing relaxation as it throbbed away the tightness of her stiff muscles.

"Mmmmmm…" she sighed blissfully, guiding the massager upwards, enjoying the surges of new-found pleasure swirling in the wake of the vibrator.

She gasped as the pulsating head came suddenly into direct contact with the sensitive flesh of her outer vagina, sending an unknown chill shooting through her. For a long moment, she held it there, hardly daring to breathe, not knowing what to do. Strange thrills surged through her as the throbbing top of the vibrator nudged at the softly squirming outer lips, eliciting a strange response deep in the pit of her loins. No, this is wrong… she thought vaguely in the back of her wildly racing brain, and yet, she couldn't pull her hand away. This is good, too, just like it felt good on my thighs, she admitted numbly. It's helping me relax, it's soothing, she told herself, I can't stop now…

Furtively, she edged the instrument closer to the burning flesh of her delicately writhing pussy and moaned aloud as it came into closer delirious contact with the moist folds of her slowly arousing cunt. There was no denying it… the lewd machine felt good against her burning vagina! She could feel the blood pulsing through the thinly haired outer lips, felt the fluted edges of her trembling inner lips nibbling eagerly at the pleasure-giving gadget, and her entire body felt surmounted with a previously unknown delight.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" she gasped as she continued to pressure the phallic-shaped device against her hotly churning pussy.

Of their own volition, her cream-white thighs spread further apart, revealing the wet, tingling split of her madly throbbing vagina. Without stopping to think, Betty guided the hard penis-like instrument closer to the wildly dilating orifice of her helplessly aroused cunt, sighing as new sensations careened through her naked loins.

"Ooooohhhhh…" she sobbed aloud as the pulsating machine came into searing contact with the turgid knob of her rigidly erect clitoris, nestling between the reddish curls of her pubic hair. Shockwaves of pleasure cascaded over her gently heaving body, and her face was flushed with exertion, bathed in a thin film of moisture. It was incredible… she had never known anything like this before. She continued to rub the buzzing vibrator-head against the throbbing pink bud of her clitoris, grinding the rigid little organ mercilessly up against the hard plastic surface of the vibrator.

In the back of her mind, a voice admonished her, but she brushed it aside. This is wrong… you shouldn't do this… it's not right…

"Oh God, I can't help it!" she moaned through passion-clenched teeth. And she couldn't. She was driven by an unknown force to hold the pulsating massager against the desire-aroused flesh of her writhing pussy, driven to grasp whatever pleasure she could from her love-starved body. It can't be bad, she told herself. Something this good, this exhilarating just can't be bad…