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"Yes, I think I shall need a good workout at the punching balls," Horton said, patting ruefully his liquor-filled stomach.

"I shall see you there, then," Eversleigh said. "Good night. "


Later the same day, in a remote corner of the estate belonging to Sir Peter Tallant in Sussex, four youths could be seen walking their horses on one side of a hedge, keeping to the shade. They were avoiding the unexpected heat of the April afternoon sun, having galloped and dared one another over fences for the past hour or more.

George Hyde and Douglas Raeburn were spending the day with their longtime neighbor and friend Giles Tallant. Henry Tallant had tagged along with them, as so often happened. The three friends were reminiscing about their days together at Oxford University, now still in recess for Easter. Henry listened with avid interest.

"Do you remember old Boner's face when Freddie Cox smuggled Bessie Lane into the dorm one night and then took her out the front door the next morning as bold as you please?" Douglas said.

There were three hearty guffaws.

"What happened?" asked Henry.

"They met old Boner, our warden, at the bottom of the stairs," Giles explained. "He turned six shades of purple."

"Old Cox didn't turn a hair," George continued. "He introduced Bessie to old Boner with as much civility as if she had been a lady being presented at court. And old Boner was so taken aback, he bowed as formal as you please, and said, 'How d'ye do, ma'am?' After that, he could not very well do anything to Cox. He just pretended to forget the whole incident."

This time there were four guffaws.

"The funniest part was that, as he bowed, old Bessie curtsied," Douglas chortled. "He got more of an eyeful than he had ever had in his life, I'm willing to bet."

Giles cleared his throat and the three friends suddenly showed signs of discomfort. Douglas glanced furtively at Henry.

Henry stared candidly back. "You mean she had a large bosom?"

Douglas suddenly found it imperative to check his horse's shoes. He muttered something about suspecting that the horse was limping.

Giles and Henry strolled ahead. They were remarkably alike in appearance, both slim and lithe and youthful. Both had short, tumbled auburn curls, healthy suntanned faces, and sparkling eyes. Both were dressed informally in breeches and loose-fitting shirts, open at the neck. The only noticeable difference was that Henry was a head shorter than Giles.

"Well, this is it, then," Giles said, smiling ruefully down at his companion, "our farewell to Roedean Manor. Tomorrow we will be on our way to London. And I suppose life will never be quite the same again."

"When Papa died last year," Henry said seriously, "and Peter inherited, it seemed like a blessing that a year of mourning had to be observed. It seemed like such a reprieve when Peter allowed the twins and me to spend the year here instead of dragging us immediately to London."

"Yes, but time passes so quickly," sighed Giles.

"And it is quite horrid to think of having to move to town," Henry agreed. "I don't think I can live without room in which to move. Papa was such a brick. He let us grow up as we wished and never cared for appearances. And he never ever suggested removing any of us to London. "

"The twins will be like monkeys in a cage, too," Giles said. "Before we know it, Peter will have Phil at Eton, and poor Penny will be learning embroidery and pianoforte and such."

"Ugh!" Henry sympathized. "If it weren't Peter, of all people, that we have to live with! Can you believe that he is our own brother, Giles? He is so prosy and starchy. And our sister-in-law, Marian!" Henry rolled bright eyes to the sky.

"Well, there is nothing we can do about it," Giles said philosophically. He snickered suddenly. "Can you see Marian's face when the twins arrive with Brutus? She will not know whether to put the dog into a kennel or a stable."

"Well, he is rather large," Henry conceded. "Let us just hope, Giles, that he does not take a liking to Marian. She may find herself on her back half the time fending off his loving tongue."

They both snorted with mirth.

"What about Oscar?" Giles said, and they both doubled up with loud glee.

"He is rather a naughty parrot," Henry allowed. "The landlord of the Pigeon should never have given Philip leave to bring him home. Goodness knows who abandoned him at the inn."

"Probably someone who could not tolerate his bad language any longer," Giles suggested. "But really, Henry, the one I feel most sorry for is Manny. You know how she can be reduced to a quivering jelly by anyone who says a cross word to her. And I think old Peter and Marian will be blaming her for your lack of behavior, not to mention the twins."

"That would be most unfair," Henry said, temper flaring in defense of their longtime governess, Miss Eugenia Manford. "Manny does her best. Can she be blamed if we have learned to twist her around our little fingers? And I shall tell Peter so, you may be sure."

George Hyde and Douglas Raeburn had caught up with them by this time. "It is certainly going to be different around here without any Tallants living at Roedean," George said.

"It is all very well for you to talk," Henry said, and for Giles, too. You can be at university and have lots of fun. And Giles will not miss Roedean as I will. Even during the Christmas vacation he stayed in London most of the time, socializing."

"Well, if it's socializing you want, Henry"-Giles grinned-"you will soon have plenty of it."

"You are not going to mention that, are you?" Henry asked with a menacing frown.

"From tomorrow on, my dear Henrietta," her brother taunted, "it is going to be ball dresses and slippers and frizzed curls and bonnets and gloves for you. And balls and breakfasts and routs. Marian has your come-out all planned, you know."

"Don't be horrid!" Henry said, throwing herself in fury at her brother's chest and punching him soundly with flailing fists.

"Hey, watch it, you little termagent," he yelped between laughs. He grabbed for her wrists. "There will be a line of suitors a mile long coming to throw themselves at your feet, and bouquets and posies and proposals by the score," he continued, tempting fate.

"Oh, you!" Henry blustered, aiming a kick at her brother's shin. "I should rather die. I won't do it, so there! And I

shall tell Marian so, too. She can't force me into anything so horrid."

"I don't think you need worry, anyway, Henry," Douglas said soothingly, but not too wisely, "I don't think you are in any danger of taking with the ton."

"Oh?" Henry had gone very still, her fight with her brother forgotten.

While George coughed warningly and Giles grinned appreciatively, Douglas continued. "Well, look at you, Henry," he said. "Even with girl's clothes on, you look rather like a boy masquerading. You do not do anything as ladies do.

"I do not have a large bosom, either, Douglas," she said, fixing him with a severe eye.

He had the grace to blush. I was just trying to reassure you that you do not have to worry about attracting the men," he mumbled uneasily.

"Do you want to bet?"

"A wager? You see what I mean, Henry?" he said in exasperation. "Ladies do not make wagers.'

"This lady does. This lady will wager that she can find a husband during the Season."

Douglas sneered. "Which Season, though, Henry?"

"This Season," she snapped, her temper rising. "And I shall go one step further, Mr. Raeburn. I am willing to wager that I can win an offer within six weeks from now."