Shit. That was all she needed, to get caught in the power games of the Deified. Screw them.
WarAvocat looked at Degas, AnyKaat, and Vadja. "I've screwed your lives around too much already, but I'm in a bind where all I can do is jack you around some more. We can't take you home till we're spaceworthy. IV Trajana is willing. Interested?"
He got no takers.
"I thought not. I'll express regrets."
Jo indicated Seeker. "There were things we didn't put on the record, sir."
"And things you weren't told. For example, XXVIII Fretensis came into the picture by aborting an Outsider attack on your friend's homeworld. Handled quickly and efficiently," he assured Seeker. "Without damage or casualties."
Jo asked, "Did you really have one of his people here, sir?"
"Yes. She and two companions. A Ku and an artifact." He explained. "They're walking bombs. They could blow up on us any time."
The sly bastard was sneaking up on something, Jo thought. She had a cold feeling. She would not like it when it came.
She wanted to rejoin her squad. She wanted to sleep off the rest of this nightmare.
I Am A Soldier.
"I'd like to question Seeker," WarAvocat said. "I had no chance with the other one. She was in a coma the whole time she was here."
Haget said, "Sir, it would be best to handle that through the Sergeant. He trusts her more than the rest of us."
Jo shot him a killing look. He did not shrivel. Maybe he thought he was doing her a favor.
"Makes sense. Commander, I'm sure you have friends you want to see. Indulge me and put that off till I've reviewed the data."
"Yes, sir."
"Colonel Vadja, I'll explore the possibility of alternative transportation. Meantime, be patient and enjoy our hospitality. Commander, if you'll show everyone to VIP, I'll get on with Seeker and the Sergeant."
Bloody hell. She felt like an animal caught in a trap.
WarAvocat studied the soldier. She was scared. He glanced at the alien. It wore a human guise but not well. As though to ease the discomfort of those around, it but not to deceive.
"Is there some way I can help you relax, Sergeant?"
She started. "I don't think so, sir."
"What about your friend? Would he be more comfortable sitting?"
"Not in a human chair, sir." She looked at the alien. Something passed between them. "He's anxious to hear about the one you had aboard."
"I have some tape made during her visit. If he can move to that viewscreen?"
The soldier explained through speech and gesture. WarAvocat set the tape running. "How good is this rapport, Sergeant?"
"Feeble. You have a fifty-fifty chance of getting through. If it's simple and concrete. What I get from him turns into garble easy. I can't catch the odors they use like we use gestures and expressions. They don't hear quite like we do, so they lose some of our verbal stuff. And our odors confuse them."
"I sensed hollow spots in your report."
"Not intentional, sir. I'd never done one before. I spent most of my time learning how to write one."
"He's agitated. Why?"
"I don't know, sir. Don't interrupt him. He gets real singleminded. You have to take things in series."
"Who and what is he?"
"That's hard. Seeker is more a job title than a name. A long time ago his people sent eighteen children to Capitola Primagenia. They wanted to understand humans better. They sent children because their minds are more flexible. They were supposed to stay ten years. But they never came home. When the first Seeker went out he found out they'd never gotten to Capitola Primagenia. But then, later, they got signals that some of the children were alive."
"Then what?"
"That's where we run into a wall, sir. I can't figure it. They knew. So they sent another Seeker. Him. He's been out ever since. And he's found several Lost Children. Near as I can figure, the Traveler they were on got hit by pirates. Methane-breathing Outsiders had something to do with it."
"Curioser and curioser."
"There was a methane breather on their Traveler. Some of the human passengers grabbed the bridge and stopped the ship on the Web. Another ship came. It brought more methane breathers and a crew of humans and aliens. They boarded..."
"On the Web?"
"Yes. They boarded but didn't do anything till the Presence arrived. Then they started killing people. When they started on the children, though, they made them stop. I don't know how. Seeker isn't a storyteller. He stated facts. If he doesn't, I can't follow him."
WarAvocat glanced at the alien, engrossed in watching one of its own do nothing. "How did our Lost Child get to Merod Schene?"
"I gather the children cooperated as long as the pirates didn't hurt them. So the pirates abandoned them one by one, on outbacks like V. Rothica 4. They couldn't talk, didn't know how to survive in a DownTown, and were kids. Solution to a problem."
"How long ago did this happen?"
"From context, shortly after the Enherrenraat crisis."
"That long ago?"
"They're functionally immortal. They don't die from natural causes. The tape is done. He's upset."
"Find out what you can."
He gave up trying to follow the exchange, reflected on fate's penchant for hatching villains. This phantom phantom pirate bunch might be the most bizarre yet. And ambitious, if they were behind the ambush.
He punched up data delivered in response to an old query.
No known, suspected, or rumored connection between any House and pirates. On the other hand, most Houses indulged in smuggling.
"Sergeant. Was it chance he was on the Cholot Traveler same time as that methane breather?"
"No. He heard the thing had entered Canon space. He made arrangements to get onto the same Traveler."
He heard the methane breather had entered Canon space? How? And after missing the Lost Child on V. Rothica 4, later, suddenly, six hundred light years away, he knew she was in trouble? How mental could you get?
The soldier said, "He's very agitated, WarAvocat."
"I noticed."
"This particular child is about to go through a transition from adolescence to young adulthood. That's sudden and traumatic and could kill her, or worse, if there isn't an adult there to guide her."
"Or worse?"
"That's what he said. He says he's got to hunt her down before the crisis comes."
"They go through life stages. Like insects. Only more stages. The early stages they can handle alone. He says they can delay the final transition consciously as long as they stay in control of themselves. But if she was under stress and retreated inside herself—which she did—she might not be able to hold the change off."
"He wants to look for her?"
"With our help?"
"Want to go along?"
"Shit! I knew it would be a fucking when it came."
"Sorry, sir. I am a Soldier."
"The idea doesn't appeal?"
"No, sir. I've been away as much as I want. The trip was interesting but I didn't enjoy it."
"I thought it might be a way to track the others I mentioned. One is the Ku warrior Kez Maefele. You might examine his war record."
"Yes, sir."
"For now, learn from Seeker. He'll cooperate because that's his best chance for finding his Lost Child."
"Yes, sir."
"That will be all. Don't talk to anyone. I'll get back to you."
"Yes, sir." She started trying to make the alien understand that they were supposed to leave. It did not want to go.
"Complete information on the Other's stay with us is available in his quarters, Sergeant."
That did it.
WarAvocat arranged that, then leaned back. The thing to do next was obvious, if unpleasant. He had to visit IV Trajana personally.