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“I could easily place the heat upon him,” Alain said. “I chose not to, even though he is nothing. I did not think you would want me to.”

She got control of her breathing, remembering the bodies of the bandits in the Waste who had been struck by Alain’s heat. “You’re right. For a moment there I did want to hurt him, even after he stopped being a danger to me—to us,” Mari admitted. “But that would have been hard to live with. Where did you come from?”

“Later. We must leave this place. These three might have more companions nearby.”

“Right. Good thinking.” Mari looked down at her captor as she bent to pick up her bag. He was a big man, as she had guessed, wearing common laborer’s clothes and now lying unconscious on the floor. “Did you do that? What kind of spell was that?”

Alain held up a paving stone from the street. “I made use of part of the illusion.”

She couldn’t help grinning. “You used an imaginary rock to hit my imaginary captor on his imaginary head?”

“Exactly. You are learning much wisdom,” Alain said with absolute seriousness. “It is important to see the illusion around you and employ it in the service of your goals,” he said as if reciting a lesson. “Do you know that shadow who held you?”

“No,” Mari said. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him. I didn’t recognize the other two, either.”

Alain yanked open the door and Mari followed him out. The fight seemed to be spreading and overwhelming the city guards in the area. There would be no timely help from that quarter. Turning, she and Alain ducked and dodged their way along the front of the buildings until out of the mess, finally getting clear of the riot and hastening down the waterfront before stopping to rest in a place where they could see if anyone else was coming at them. But no pursuit could be seen.

Mari realized she was shaking with reaction again and tried to calm herself. “Nobody told me Dorcastle had a kidnapping problem.”

“No one told me of that, either,” Alain observed, his totally emotionless voice sounding inappropriate rather than confident now.

“I doubt that anyone tries to kidnap Mages,” Mari said. “Not more than once, anyway. I, on the other hand, seem to have started attracting kidnap attempts like a magnet.”

“What is a mag-net?”

Mari fumbled for an explanation for something she had never needed to explain. “It’s a piece of metal that attracts other metal using invisible lines of force.”

Alain actually betrayed a flash of interest. “It employs power to bring other objects to it? I did not know any part of the illusion could do such a thing.”

“No,” Mari said. “It’s not Mage stuff. It’s electromagnetism, which is an invisible force that…uh…makes things…happen. Why does something that’s part of Mechanic training and knowledge sound so much like what you’ve said about your Mage work? That’s weird. But a person can’t employ electromagnetism directly just by…thinking about it. We need equipment to do that. Um…what did you do? How did you get into that room without being seen?”

He shrugged. “A protection spell. I used it at the caravan, if you recall, when getting water. It causes the light to bend around a Mage instead of revealing the Mage. The door almost caught me coming in, but no one seemed to notice.”

“Bending light. Sure. Why not? And that flash of light?”

“Another spell,” Alain replied. “Changing the darkness to an equal measure of light.”

“Sort of the opposite of what you did at Ringhmon? Thank you, Alain. I don’t know what that man and his friends were planning, but I’m very grateful you stopped them. You’re the most wonderful— ” Stop it! Stop it! Don’t say it! He’s a friend, that’s all he can be! He just saved you again and you can’t repay that by clinging to him at the cost of his own well-being!

Her thanks seemed to embarrass the usually impassive Mage. “I am very…happy…I was there to stop them, though it would be important to know why they wanted you.”

“There are a couple of obvious possibilities.” How could she be speaking so calmly about this so soon after the event? Alain must be wearing off on her. But she couldn’t pretend any longer how much safer his presence made her feel. And for good reason. He had just proven again how cool and capable he was in an emergency. Just thinking about that made Mari want to smile at Alain. “They might have been after any girl for purposes I don’t want to think about,” Mari continued. “Or they might have been after me. They took advantage of that fight to grab me.”

Alain shook his head, frowning slightly in thought. “The sudden fight, the rapid growth in the crowd, the swift development of a riot, singling you out quickly. I see in the illusion a pattern of planning. I think it more likely that it was all arranged to cover your capture.”

She stared at him. “That would require a lot of work, and I assume a fair amount of money. Do you think they know who I am?” By now Ringhmon could have hired agents to try to kidnap her again, though this time for purposes of vengeance.

“If they knew who you are,” Alain said, “they would have used more shadows to ensure your capture.”

“Alain,” Mari said, “if you’re trying to reassure me, or compliment me, you’re doing a terrible job. No one tried to get you?”

“No. I believe some commons tried to block me as I saw you being taken. I would have lost sight of you quickly if they had succeeded. But once I bent light to hide myself, they could not see to obstruct me and I easily got past them. I did not fail this time. Those in the caravan died, but I saved you.” He hadn’t talked about the caravan since they had left the site of its destruction, but unless she was mistaken, what he had just said meant a great deal to the Mage.

“Of course you did,” Mari replied. “And you also saved me from that dungeon in Ringhmon, if I may remind you. You don’t need directions to act, you can take charge in an instant when you need to, and you think through what you’re doing even during a crisis. You’re really good at saving people, Alain.”

“As are you.”

“I guess. When I’m not getting them into situations where they need to be saved. Now what? Do you think we should hide?”

The Mage shook his head again. “If they know who you are, they will search and lie in wait. It is better to go on the attack, to gain and use the initiative, rather than let them set up another attack on us.”

She grinned. “Are you still game to go dragon hunting?”

“Yes.” Then Alain turned swiftly and stared out into the city. “I sense Dark Mages.”

“Sense them?” Mari asked, looking around quickly.

“Yes. I told you that a Mage can feel when other Mages are not too far away. We are taught ways to hide our presence from other Mages, but it is not my strongest skill by any means, and when I cast those spells it would have advertised my presence very clearly.”

“But you didn’t think Dark Mages were involved in this dragon stuff.”

“No,” Alain agreed. “But they could be in the city, and attracted to the violence as a possible source of profit. They might even strike at me to weaken my Guild, or attempt to kidnap me to extort ransom from my Guild. Or they could be hired to threaten you.”

Mari nodded, running one hand through her hair and wondering how many other threats against her would materialize. “Maybe I shouldn’t have burnt down the city hall in Ringhmon. But you can tell when a Dark Mage is close?”

“I should be able to, yes.”

“All right. That’s one more thing we have to keep an eye out for. Let’s get out of here before someone else attacks us.”

* * *

The barges which floated down the Silver River into Dorcastle, carrying the crops grown on the farms of the Bakre Confederation and the goods built in the workshops of Danalee, rode the last stage of their journey through a series of locks which carried them past the rushing waters where the Silver River plunged down past Dorcastle into the harbor. Once safely at sea level, the barges went to an inner harbor surrounded by warehouses. There they tied up alongside lengthy piers, offloading their cargo and awaiting imports from the sea-going ships arriving at Dorcastle. Once loaded again, the barges would undertake the long, arduous journey back up the Silver River, completing the circle of trade that enriched Dorcastle and much of the Bakre Confederation.