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“Let’s not do that, then,” Mari said.

Down below, the leader of the Dark Mechanics was glowering at the Dark Mage. “A Mage?” she said scornfully. “Here? That’s a lie, but since you’re a Mage, that’s no surprise. What do you want?”

“A piece of the action,” the Dark Mage said with emotionless calm. “We have been wondering who was behind these dragon acts, and now we know. If you do not wish us to inform others—perhaps the Mage Guild in this city, or the Mechanics Guild—you will agree to pay us half of whatever you make. Half before expenses.”

Dark Mages, Alain thought, must know a great deal about money and such things as paying. But the Dark Mage’s offer did not sit well with the Dark Mechanic. Even from where he was Alain could see the Dark Mechanic’s face darken with anger. “No deal. Because killing you would be a distraction, I’ll agree to give you one tenth. After expenses. Not a single bit more.”

“One half.”

“One tenth!”

“One half.”

Snarling, the leader of the Dark Mechanics swung her knife forward, but her target vanished as the Dark Mage invoked a concealment spell. Alain could see the Dark Mage still, as a pale pillar of fire that marked his use of power. That pillar leaped back as the Dark Mechanic fruitlessly swung her knife through the space where the Dark Mage had been. With a growl of disgust, the Dark Mechanic slammed the door, locked it, and faced her comrades. “Get everything together. We have to move it all tonight, as fast as possible.”

“What if those Mages try anything?” one of the others asked.

“Just get moving! Get a good head of steam up on the barge!”

As the Dark Mechanics began running around, Alain tapped Mari’s shoulder. “We must leave quickly. I sense a Mage preparing a spell of great power somewhere nearby.”

She gave him an alarmed glance, then wriggled backwards to drop back to the floor. Alain followed, staying close as Mari moved quickly back toward the side door, trusting the noise the Dark Mechanics were making to cover the sound of their retreat.

“Hey! Who the blazes— ?”

Alain saw a Dark Mechanic staring their way from the end of the lane they were in.

The Dark Mechanic shouted again. “There are some commons in here! No, one of them is a Mechanic!”

Mari brought her pistol up, but the Dark Mechanic dodged away and out of sight. Mari took the next right, then kept ducking through the maze of crates, running. Alain followed, hoping that Mari had some idea where she was going.

As it turned out, it was in the wrong direction. They burst out into the open area, where Dark Mechanics were turning to look, point and raise weapons. Behind them Alain could hear other Dark Mechanics pursuing them through the crates.

He would have hesitated then, deciding on a course of action, and been quickly trapped as the Dark Mechanics closed in. But Mari moved instantly, not pausing at all. “Come on!” she yelled, grabbing Alain and running full out for the main door.

Crossbows sang and bolts tore past, thudding into walls or crates. A Dark Mechanic reached the entry first, holding a knife at ready. Still running, Mari raised her pistol and the Dark Mechanic scrambled away, yelling. “She’s got a pistol! Shoot her!”

As they got closer to the door, Mari gasped with anger. “I forgot. It’s locked.”

“I will take care of it,” Alain replied. “Keep running!” Concentrating despite the weapons being aimed at them and the solid door coming rapidly closer, Alain managed to make a section of the door vanish just before Mari reached it.

Mari made a disbelieving noise but went through the opening as another crossbow bolt tore into the door frame. Alain followed right behind as they ran onto the darkened road in front of the warehouse, letting his spell relax so that the door would reappear behind him. It would take the Dark Mechanics a few moments to get the door unlocked, allowing them time to—

Alain reached out and pulled Mari to an abrupt halt. She glared at him in disbelief. “We need to get away. Why are you stopping us?”

“Because of that,” Alain advised, pointing down the road. The Dark Mage he had sensed at work had completed his spell.

Mari looked that way, then stared, her mouth falling open.

Chapter Sixteen

“It is a dragon,” Alain explained. “An actual dragon. Not a very big one, but still dangerous.” The creature’s head did not even come up to the top of the warehouses on either side, so it was only about the height of three people. But its armored scales winked in the dim light and its powerful hind legs drove it toward them as the dragon charged, the huge claws on its smaller forearms extended, its powerful tail raised behind to balance it.

Mari spun around and yanked Alain back toward the warehouse entrance. “Can it breathe fire?” she gasped as they ran.

“How could a dragon breathe fire? They are just very large and powerful creatures, as you see. We discussed this.”

“I’m having a little trouble concentrating on past conversations!” Mari yelled.

Dark Mechanics had managed to unlock the door and were spilling out of the warehouse in pursuit of Mari and Alain when she ran full tilt into them, bulling through the startled enemies before they realized that their quarry had changed direction.

The dragon roared as it sighted the Dark Mechanics, who stood paralyzed for a moment before stampeding back through the entry as well, the last ones slamming and relocking the door, then bracing themselves against it.

Mari and Alain ran across the open area and had just about reached the crates again when the door and the surrounding wall burst inward in a mass of splintering wood, followed by the dragon. The Dark Mechanics who had tried to hold the door shut flew in all directions, some hitting the floor to lie still and others stumbling to their feet and limping frantically away.

Crossbows were firing again, the bolts glancing harmlessly from the dragon’s scales. One of the Dark Mechanics had produced an old Mechanic weapon and fired, the crash of the shot followed by a clunk as the projectile struck the dragon and fell harmlessly to the floor.

Dark Mechanics were running in all directions as the dragon snapped at anyone within reach. But then the creature caught sight of Mari and Alain and with another roar sprang after them.

“Why is it chasing us?” Mari screamed as they ducked in among the crates again.

“It saw us first,” Alain explained. “Dragons are not very intelligent. I told you that as well.” She gave him a murderous look. Perhaps it was not the best time to remind Mari that he had already told her things. “It will keep after its target until that target is destroyed or for as long as the dragon can move.”

“Tell me you’re not serious!” Mari jerked to a halt as the shape of the dragon loomed before them, its head above the level of the crates as it searched the open aisles between. Catching sight of them, the dragon roared, revealing a mouthful of daggerlike teeth as it slammed into the intervening crates to try to reach them.

Mari stood her ground, her expression determined, holding her weapon with both hands as she fired several times, the sounds of the shots echoing deafeningly from the crates around them. Her projectiles glanced off the scales with bursts of sparks, just as useless against the dragon’s armor as the weapons of the Dark Mechanics had been.

Mari’s attack had caused the dragon to pause for a moment, giving Alain time to concentrate. He built as powerful a fireball as he could manage in the time available, then placed it against the monster’s head.

Nearby wooden crates exploded into flaming fragments as the dragon roared with pain as well as fury this time. The scales on one side of its head had been blackened with heat, but it did not seem to have been hurt badly.