Abu Alli then explained that he supported Ibn Tutta, who saw himself as the new Supreme Commander, and that he was in fact his top lieutenant. He said that this was the main reason so many air raids were directed at his unit.
Ollie asked to meet with Ibn Tutta as soon as possible and Abu Alli offered to take him to his hiding place. The US had placed Ibn Tutta at the top of their most wanted list and had posted a reward of 50 million US dollars for information on his whereabouts so he had gone into a safe haven deep in a cave in the hills east of Ar Raqqah, the unofficial capital of ISIS controlled areas. The trip from the border vicinity to Ar Raqqah took over 5 hours as they had to avoid roadblocks set up by other opposition factions, so by the time they arrived the sun was setting. Before being allowed into the presence of Ibn Tutta, Ollie and Abu Alli were frisked by the bodyguards that ensured that they empty their pockets and left them almost undressed before they admitted them for their audience with the new self-proclaimed Supreme Commander and Caliph. The room in which Ibn Tutta sat was actually a large excavated space inside the cave that provided shelter from aerial attacks. Ollie felt uncomfortable about discussing the secret project in Abu Alli's presence but could not think of a way to get him to leave the room without offending him, so solemnly said that what he had to say to them both was for their ears only. He asked Ibn Tutta to send away everyone else and waited until the bodyguards and entourage left them alone.
In a low voice Ollie revealed the plan concocted by the dead Supreme Commander without divulging the status of the project and its exact location. He knew that there was no point in going into technical details with the two Arabs whose scientific background was practically nonexistent. He emphasized that the ultimate objective was to initiate a religious war between Christians and all Muslims, especially the moderate regimes that were corrupted by the Western culture, precipitating this by exploding an improvised nuclear device in the heart of the Old City of Jerusalem. The plan was that first the Jews would be blamed for clearing the way to build their Third Temple on the site where mosques and churches prevented this construction. Then the Christians would suspect that the Muslims were willing to sacrifice their third most holy shrine in order to destroy the place where Jesus had set foot on his way to the cross and where, according to the tradition of most Orthodox Christians he was buried before being resurrected. The Muslims would naturally suspect Christian extremists who had relatively easy access to nuclear weapons and soon a global religious war would begin. In the aftermath, the Muslims would claim what was rightfully their place as the dominant force, imposing their own version of world order. Ibn Tutta and Abu Alli were speechless and impressed by the magnitude and sophistication of this plot.
After a few minutes Ibn Tutta, who although he had little formal education did have political savvy, shrewdly asked if the Chinese would not seize the opportunity and take control of the world themselves. Ollie frankly stated that they had thought that the Chinese would also be drawn into the global conflict but would be in no position to be an active player, but that was a speculative unknown factor. Ibn Tutta offered financial assistance as he had gained control of most of the monetary assets confiscated from banks by ISIS when it was at its prime, but Ollie was afraid that he would not be able to explain to Andreas where these funds had come from and declined the offer.
However, Ollie made a request that when the stage was getting set for the final act — detonation of the device in Jerusalem — he would need cooperation from Palestinians loyal to the cause and willing to sacrifice their lives for it. Ibn Tutta told him that as that time approached he should contact Sheik Khalil, the head of an extreme Islamic movement in Israel in Umm al-Fahm, and use the code word al Tahrir al Islami (freedom of Islam). Meanwhile Ibn Tutta would make sure that Sheik Khalil received instructions to assist Ollie with anything he required even to the point of sacrificing his own life and the lives of his disciples if necessary. Ollie thanked him for his support and said that he would not be in touch and that his actions would speak for him.
After they had finished their meeting they all prayed together, had a modest dinner and went to sleep in Ibn Tutta's secure cave. For Ollie, a full night's sleep was a luxury he had almost forgotten. The next morning Abu Alli drove him back towards the Turkish border where he was to meet his guide in the evening. The trip was uneventful and Ollie reached the meeting place an hour ahead of the scheduled time so he was able to verify that no unpleasant surprises awaited him when the guide arrived. They crossed back into Turkey without being detected or challenged the same way they had left it two nights earlier.
As soon as Ollie crossed from Turkey into Greece he called Agda at the hotel. He was not really surprised when a male voice answered the phone and upon hearing Ollie's voice pretended that he had the wrong room number. He called the hotel exchange again and asked for the same room number and this time the phone was answered by Agda who said she had just stepped out of the shower. Ollie told her he would arrive at the hotel three hours later and that she should start packing her things as they were flying back to Stockholm later that night. Agda motioned to Niko to take off the clothes he had just put on as he had begun to get dressed after hearing Ollie's voice on the phone and said they had time for a short farewell party.
In fact, Agda did not see much of Athens during the last four days but saw quite a lot of Niko and managed to teach him to satisfy her needs in the way she liked most. Niko was reluctant at first to use violence to enhance her pleasure but gradually got into the same game himself and started to enjoy it too. Their farewell party almost led to mutual mutilation as they sought their last share of mutual elation, but as the clock advanced they quickly showered separately, got dressed and Niko left the room while Agda packed her clothes and checked out of the hotel. When Ollie arrived he found her sitting in the hotel lobby with a long drink in her hand and an enigmatic smile on her face. He asked her if she had had a good time in Athens and her smile broadened, so he too smiled and said that they had to fly back to Stockholm but they could return to Athens another time if she wanted.
Upon reaching Stockholm late the previous night Agda and Ollie returned to their separate apartments and agreed not to discuss their vacation with anyone — each for their own personal reasons. In the morning Ollie called Andreas and updated him on the arrangements he had made with the Golden Dawn people. Andreas informed him that they were now indeed on a three shift schedule and that production was increased accordingly. Ollie broached the subject of strategy and said that he had been convinced that the longer they waited before sending out the blackmail demands the higher the risk of exposure, so that they should plan to reveal their demands secretly to the relevant governments as soon as they had the first device and not wait until they had two of them. The true reason was, of course, that for the ISIS plan to successfully detonate a nuclear device in Jerusalem only one device was required, and that any delay in carrying this out was undesired and risky. Andreas considered the proposed change in strategy and said that he had to ponder this a little longer.