Sheik Khalil made the necessary arrangements to smuggle Ollie across the line that separated Israel from the territories controlled by the Palestinian Authority. Although Israel had constructed a wall that was 8 meters high along a large part of that separation line with several official and closely monitored checkpoints, there were many places where the line could be crossed with a minimal risk of being discovered. The sheik and his people knew all of these and Ollie's escorts headed towards a dirt road that led from the Gilboa Ridge that was inside Israel to the Jenin area in the PA. Ollie was dressed as one of the local peasants and he had a cover story in case they were stopped by an Israeli roadblock or patrol. He was instructed to say that he was returning to his village near Tubas after seeking employment, illegally, in the town of Afula in Israel. He left his bag, European clothes and his fake passport in the sheik's house in Umm al-Fahm. The sheik had promised him that he would deliver the bag to Ollie when he returned with the device, "the birthday parcel" as they had agreed to call it, to Israeli territory. Three of the sheik's men escorted Ollie in a 4x4 jeep and two of them were to guide him across the border on foot where he was to be met by another local supporter of ISIS who would take him to the agricultural school in Tulkarm.
Sheik Khalil had given Ollie a cellphone with a new SIM card with an Israeli number and told Ollie to use it only in case of an emergency as he was aware that all cellular communications were probably monitored by Israeli intelligence agencies. They had agreed on a simple codeword that was to be repeated twice in case Ollie was being followed or three times if there was imminent danger. The codeword they chose was an apparently innocent phrase "the coffee is ready".
As the jeep passed the Megido Junction connecting the highway leading north to the Haifa area and south to Jenin with the roads that led east to Afula and the Sea of Galilee or west to the Mediterranean coastal towns of Hadera and Netanya, Ollie's escort pointed to the mound that rose above the junction and said that it was Tel Megido, known to the Kafers as Armageddon. Ollie smiled to himself as he heard this and thought that Doomsday was much closer than any of them imagined.
The ISA agents with their receiver tuned to the radio signal emitted from the chip planted in Ollie's passport, did not take notice of their mark, only one of many Arab garbed passengers in one of the many cars that left Umm al-Fahm every morning towards Megido Junction. They did wonder what Ollie was doing for such a long time in the sheik's house but no alarm bells had gone off. They called their headquarters every two hours, as instructed, just to give a status report that nothing had changed yet. By noon the controller at ISA headquarters called Mossad and said he was worried that something had gone amiss. The Mossad duty officer called Shimony and informed him that Ollie himself had not been seen all day and that the beacon in his passport was still signaling from the sheik's house. Shimony asked to be connected directly with the ISA agents on duty and instructed them to pay a cordial visit to Sheik Khalil and sniff around. He told them to have a police backup nearby in case things got nasty and to report to him personally about their findings.
As soon as they saw a Border Patrol jeep with four police officers outside the village central mosque, the two ISA agents knocked on the door of the sheik's house. It was opened by one of his attendants who told the agents that the sheik was at the mosque and would be able to see them after prayers. They said they were in a hurry and the attendant replied that he advised them not to interrupt the prayers but if they did so and a riot broke out then it would be their responsibility. The agents wanted to avoid a riot and said they would wait for the sheik so the attendant suggested that they have coffee at the café on the corner and he would ask the sheik to come as soon as possible to the café. The agents did not like the way things were developing but did not want to cause a disturbance with such a small police force at their disposal so they updated the police officer and suggested that he call in for reinforcements just in case they had to make some arrests.
After they had drunk three cups of strong bitter coffee Sheik Khalil entered the café with an entourage of six young men. No one smiled when the two agents stood up and asked the sheik if they could have a word in private. The sheik looked around and saw that by now there were three vehicles loaded with fully equipped Border Patrol riot police and invited them to his house saying they would have more privacy there than in the cafe. They sat down in the modest living room and the agents followed the Arab custom and asked about life in general, the sheik's family, the economy and other irrelevant matters before getting to the point and asking him if he had any guests staying with him. The sheik said that he had had a surprise visitor the previous day but the guest left in the morning without saying where he was heading. They pretended to believe his story and showed him a photo of Ollie and Lena taken a couple of days earlier in the Old City of Jerusalem. Sheik Khalil took a long look at the photo and pronounced that this was his guest but that he did not know the girl. When asked how come this guest had taken a taxi from Jerusalem specifically to meet him, Sheik Khalil said he had no idea and that he thought the Swedish man was slightly "majnoon", meaning a bit crazy in Arabic. The agents realized that the sheik was playing them for fools but although they wanted to take him to one of their cellars for a more thorough interrogation they needed authorization for that. So they thanked him politely and said that they may be back quite soon. Naturally, they were well aware of the fact that Ollie's passport was in the sheik's house and assumed that he would be back to pick it up or that it will be sent to him. They couldn't confront the sheik with this information as that would give away the fact that they had Ollie under surveillance, beyond the visual shadowing.
As soon as they left, the sheik summoned his attendant and told him to use a one-time phone and call Ollie repeating twice the phrase "the coffee is ready". He knew that the call would probably be picked up but thought that the message was important enough to alert Ollie. He also understood that Ollie's intentions were taken seriously by the ISA and wondered whether he would be able to pull this off.
Ollie was riding in a small pick-up truck with the local guide who came from Jenin when he received the short phone call warning him that he had been followed. One of the Israeli Arabs from Umm al-Fahm left them after he saw that Ollie was handed over safely to the Palestinian guide and returned across the border the same way he had infiltrated it a couple of hours earlier. The other Israeli Arab, a young intelligent follower of the Islamic movement called Nasser, stayed with Ollie as ordered by Sheik Khalil. Ollie reckoned that the ISA would not be able to follow him inside the territories of the Palestinian Authority so his top priority remained the same: find the container and check the device. After confirming that everything was in order he would plan how to transport it to Jerusalem and arm it while allowing himself enough time to get away. So he told his Palestinian guide to continue to Tulkarm.
They arrived at the school in the early afternoon and Ollie immediately saw the container in the school's backyard. When they reached the gate the guard called Dr. Anwar El-Alami as he had been instructed after the container was unloaded from the truck that brought it from the Haifa port a few days earlier. Dr. El-Alami was curious about the contents of the container but took the warning he had received seriously and did not even try to tamper with the seal. Ollie thanked him for his cooperation and said that he would open it to check the merchandize after the school was closed for the day and requested that no students or school personnel will be present, except Nasser, his Palestinian guide and El-Alami himself. He also asked El-Alami to prepare a strong flashlight and a new metal band to replace the seal. El-Alami invited Ollie and the guide to his office and offered them coffee. Ollie called his guide aside asking him to procure a small crane to lift the device onto his pick-up truck and a large tarpaulin to cover it and the guide drove to the nearby town of Tubas to find the items requested.