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“I see you’re doing the full scan, Doc. Good call. Anything else I should know about?”

“It wasn’t my call. I was told to run a full scan by the powers that be. I did, however, point out to your partner an issue that bears further scrutiny.”

Bosch looked at Chu and then at the body on the table.

“An issue? Further scrutiny? Is he talking about detective work?”

“The body’s got like a scratch or a bruise or something on the back of the right shoulder,” Chu said. “It didn’t come from the fall because he landed facedown.”

“Antemortem injury,” Antons added.

Bosch stepped closer to the table. He realized that because he had arrived late to the death scene, he had never seen the victim’s back. Irving had already been turned over by Van Atta and the crime scene team by the time Bosch had arrived. No one from Van Atta to Crate and Barrel had mentioned anything about an antemortem injury on the shoulder.

“Can I see it?” he asked.

“If you must,” Antons said grumpily. “If you had been here on time you would have already seen it.”

He reached over a worktable to a shelf and pulled a new set of gloves out of a box.

Bosch helped turn the body over on the table. The back was coated in bloody fluid that had accumulated on the table, which had raised sides like a tray. Antons pulled down an overhead nozzle and sprayed the fluid off the body. Bosch saw the injury immediately. It was about five inches long and included minor surface scratching and slight bruising. There was a discernible pattern that was almost circular. It looked like a series of four crescent moons, repeating about an inch apart, scratched onto the shoulder above the scapula line. Each crescent was about two inches high.

The dread of recognition came over Bosch. He knew Chu was too young and new to the job to be familiar with the pattern. And Antons wouldn’t recognize it either. He had only been around a decade or so after coming from Madrid to attend UCLA’s med school and never going back.

“Did you check for petechial hemorrhaging?” Bosch asked.

“Of course,” Antons said. “There was none.”

Petechial hemorrhaging occurred in the blood vessels around the eyes during suffocation.

“Why do you ask about petechial hemorrhaging after seeing this abrasion on the back of the shoulder?” Antons asked.

Bosch shrugged.

“Just covering all the bases.”

Antons and Chu were both staring at him, expecting more. But he didn’t give it. They stood there silently for a long moment before Bosch moved on. He pointed to the abrasion on the body’s back.

“You said antemortem. How close to death are we talking about?”

“You see that the skin is broken. I took a culture. The histamine levels in the wounds indicate the injury occurred very close to death. I was telling Detective Chu, you need to go back to the hotel. He may have scratched his back on something while climbing over the balcony. You can see there is a pattern to the wound.”

Bosch knew the pattern already but wasn’t going to say anything yet.

“Climbing over the balcony? So you’re calling this a suicide?”

“Of course not. Not yet. It could be suicide. It could be accidental. There is follow-up needed. We’ll do the full toxicological scan, and this injury needs to be explained. You see the pattern. That should help you narrow it down at the hotel.”

“Did you check the hyoid?” Bosch asked.

Antons put his hands on his hips.

“Why would I check the hyoid on a jumper?”

“I thought you just said you weren’t ready to call him a jumper.”

Antons didn’t answer. He grabbed a scalpel from a rack.

“Help me turn him back over.”

“Wait,” Bosch said. “Can I get a picture of this first?”

“I took photos. They should be in the printer by now. You can pick them up on the way out.”

Bosch helped him turn the body back over. Antons used the scalpel to open the neck and remove the small U-shaped bone that guarded the windpipe. He carefully cleaned it in a sink and then studied it for fractures under a lighted magnifying lens on the counter.

“Hyoid’s intact,” he said.

Bosch nodded. It didn’t prove anything one way or the other. An expert could have choked Irving out without cracking the bone or causing bleeding in the eyes. It didn’t prove anything at all.

But the marks on the back of the shoulder were something. Bosch felt things changing about the case. Changing rapidly. And it was bringing new meaning to high jingo.


Chu waited until they were halfway through the parking lot before erupting.

“Okay, Harry, what’s going on? What was that all about in there?”

Bosch pulled his phone. He had to make a call.

“I’ll tell you when I can tell you. I want you to go back to—”

“That’s not good enough, Harry! We’re partners, man, and you’re constantly doing the lone wolf number on me. You can’t do that anymore.”

Chu had stopped and turned to him, his arms spread. Bosch stopped as well.

“Look, I’m trying to protect you. I need to talk to somebody first. Let me do that and then we’ll talk.”

Unsatisfied, Chu shook his head.

“You’re killing me with this shit, man. What do you want me to do, go back to the office and just sit on my thumbs?”

“No, there’s a lot I want you to do. I want you to go to Property and pull out Irving’s shirt. Have somebody in SID check the inside shoulder for blood. It’s a dark shirt and nobody noticed anything on it yesterday.”

“So if there’s blood, we’ll know he got those marks while wearing the shirt.”

“That’s right.”

“And what will that tell us?”

Bosch didn’t answer. He was thinking about the shirt button found on the floor in the hotel suite. There could have been a struggle with Irving being choked out and the button being pulled loose.

“When you’re finished with the shirt, get the search warrant going.”

“The search warrant for what?”

“Irving’s office. I want to have a warrant before we go in and start looking at files.”

“They’re his files and he’s dead. What do we need a warrant for?”

“Because the guy was a lawyer and I don’t want to trip over any attorney-client privilege bullshit when we go in there. I want everything clean on this.”

“You know, it’s going to be hard for me to write up a warrant with you keeping me in the dark about shit.”

“No, it’s going to be easy. You say you are conducting an open-ended investigation into this man’s death. You say that there were signs of a possible struggle — the button torn from the shirt, the antemortem wound on the back — and you want access to his business papers and product so you can determine if there was any bad blood involving clients or adversaries. Simple. If you can’t do it, I’ll write it up when I get back.”

“No, I can do it. I’m the writer.”

It was true. In their usual division of labor and responsibilities, Chu always did the warrant work.

“Okay, then go do it and stop moping about it.”

“Hey, Harry, fuck you. I’m not moping. You wouldn’t like it if this was how I was treating you.”

“I’ll tell you what, Chu. If I had a partner who had a lot more years and experience than me and who said trust me on this until the time is right, then I think I would. And I would thank him for watching out for me.”

Bosch let that sink in for a moment before dismissing Chu.

“I’ll see you back there. I gotta go.”

They started walking to their separate cars. Bosch glanced back at his partner and saw him walking with his head down, a hangdog expression on his face. Chu didn’t understand the complexities of high jingo. But Bosch did.