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The old man drove to the logging site. He climbed the short ladder to the cab of the John Deere skidder. Hot-wiring it, he drove it up to his pickup. Releasing the inch-thick skidding cable, he wrapped it around the bodies. Revving the diesel engine a few times, he winched in the bodies. He left the bodies hang from the back of the skidder. Tons of force had pulled the cable through the bodies, leaving the severed pieces dangling from the few shreds of tissue and plastic remaining between the steel loops.

The old man left for home. On the drive back he would occasionally caress the plastic wrapped bundles on the seat next to him. He had some more cooking to do for the neighborhood animals.

* * * *

_The darkness surrounding the hands is nearly complete. From the deck another card from the suit of swords is turned over._

A woman, blindfolded and tied, stands between five swords on her left and three on her right.

_The hands slowly reach for the light. The room plunges to black._


: The Eight of Swords Henry was worried about the disappearance of Al. He was furious about the mess that Frank made interrogating Shermon. He had known Frank for years and had refused to believe the rumors that his impending retirement from the BCA was being forced upon him because of his loss of skills due to age.

Despite his worry over Al's disappearance, he was able to glean all the information Kawalski had. Once he started talking, he laid out all of his and Shermon's dealings, blackmail, embezzlement, extortion. He did have the presence of mind to blame everything on Shermon. Henry would have arrested him on the spot but for two things, his worry for Al and wanting to run the information about the case past the county prosecutor. He wanted Kawalski in jail. He knew from other cases he had against white-collar criminals, that small slipups during the arrest could lose a case in court.

He couldn't believe that Frank had lost the incentive with Shermon's interrogation nearly immediately. On top of that, he had let Shermon walk away after only a few minutes. Frank had started the search for Al but now Frank had disappeared. No one Henry talked to seemed to know where Frank had gone.

Henry was about to add Frank to the search when Nancy radioed him from the station. She told him that Frank had just informed her that he had arranged to get five more BCA agents and a few state troopers on the case and that they would be able to join the search by morning.

The relief of finally finding out about Frank released a floodgate of questions and facts. Henry knew that something important was missing. Everything he'd learned tonight didn't add up. What was happening? He was sure he knew something. He felt a tugging at the back of his mind. Something small was trying to catch his attention...

Agent Vernon walked past the principal's office door. When he saw Henry sleeping with his head propped up on the desk, he quietly shut the door and turned back to the turmoil of the temporary command post they had set up in the outer office.

* * * *

James spent the night prowling the neighborhood around Lori's father's home. He was beginning to learn the area and the area learned him. The dogs had stopped barking every time they caught his scent on the breeze. A couple of animals even sought him out to be petted. After Lori left for school, James knocked on the neighborhood doors with her father. They explained that they were worried about Lori's safety after the recent events. They asked them to keep an eye out for anyone not normally in the neighborhood and explained that James would be checking on things through the night.

After they were done talking to the neighbors, they went inside to have some coffee. Curious on how easily Lori's father accepted the situation, Jim asked, "Why do you accept what I told you? I show up on your doorstep with your daughter and tell you she's in danger. You don't know me. You must have heard the stories about what I've been accused of. I offer no proof that she's in danger. Yet, you've not questioned me. Why?"

"I know my daughter. You have to be someone special to her for her to bring you to my home. I trust her judgment."

Lori's father's face got a lost look with a faint smile hinting at the corner of his mouth. "Her mother was a very special person. Out of the blue, she would tell me to do something, not to take that road or to go and see a friend. Afterwards, I would hear that there had been an accident on that road or the friend had a death in the family. She never explained how she knew what had happened. Lori is a little like her. Maybe I've lived so long with her mother's premonitions ... I don't know, but when you said you were afraid for Lori, I knew you were right."

The front door banged open. "Dad? Jim?" When she saw them she continued, "The school is closed. A cop disappeared last night at the school. They had dogs and search teams going through the school looking for him. When I got there this morning, they were questioning all the staff about last afternoon. It took a couple of hours before they were done questioning us."

She turned and looked sternly at Jim. "I found out what you did yesterday."

Her father saw the small change come over her face. He knew it was pride he saw. Ever since she was in the second grade, she would try to hide her pride in an accomplishment by putting on a face of concern or indifference. The first time he noticed it was when she brought home her second report card of the year. She walked up to him with such a solemn face and handed over her report card. He knew something different was coming from the hesitation in her voice as she whispered, "I'll try to do better next time." There was only one S+ on the card. The rest of the grades were E's for excellent. When he looked up, her face burst into a smile and she dove into his lap.

He turned from her and looked at Jim. He lost track of the conversation as he concentrated on their faces. He saw it now with full clarity, what he had suspected earlier. Her pride in Jim was because she knew Jim belonged to her. Jim had to force himself to look away from her. When Jim did turn away, his movements became awkward and hesitant. A sad happiness washed over Lori's father. He had lost part of his daughter to this man. He wanted to be more upset but couldn't. She was happy!

He was still trying to sort out his feelings when there was a knock at the front door. He saw the sheriff's car in the driveway through the living room windows before he got to the front door.

"Hello. I'm Deputy Sheriff Hakanen. I'm looking for James Makinen. I wish to speak to him about an investigation."

Something happened to Jeffrey Waithe. Something he never expected or would've believed if he had been told. Like all parents, he had protected his daughter Lori from danger, from any bad experience. He didn't quite understand how it happened as quickly as it did, but he now had to protect Jim. "Do you have a card? If I see him, I will tell him you are wanting to speak to him."

He started to close the door.

"It's all right, Mr. Waithe. What is it you want to talk to me about,


* * * *

Sandra couldn't believe what was happening. All the cases she had ever worked with had been straightforward and followed a predictable pattern. After all, she wasn't a criminal lawyer. The average corporate or civil case she handled was usually won by proving the fine print on a contract or waiver.

The first indication that something different was happening was the rabid TV reporter jumping her with a camera and microphone in the back parking lot of Bodonavich, Finch and Heiminen. At first, Sandra stood stunned by the sudden ambush. What finally broke her lethargy was when she realized that the reporter was using her non-answers as consent to her statements.