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Cato glanced round. 'Dangerous then?'

'More ships are wrecked on the Cape than anywhere else along this entire coastline.'

'How so?'

'When the sun rises and we get closer, then I think you'll understand why I give it a wide berth. Now, if you'll excuse me I'll see to my men. They need to be fed and at their stations before first light.'

'Expecting trouble?'

'Are you serious?' Decimus shook his head in wonder. 'You've not had dealings with pirates before?'


'They're as trustworthy as a shark in a sausage factory. And twice as dangerous.'

Cato raised his eyebrows. 'Colourful. But not entirely coherent.'

'What?' Decimus frowned.

'The analogy doesn't work. The shark is not a land creature.'

Decimus shrugged. 'You obviously haven't met my banker.'

As the first hint of dawn spread along the eastern horizon Cato could just make out the pale shadow of the mountainous coastline.

Decimus pointed out a darker patch. 'That's the Cape. We'll move close in.'

He turned to face the bows and cupped his hands to his mouth. 'Raise the sail! Put a reef in her!'

Several sailors clambered up the rigging and swung out along the yardarm, bare feet pressing down on the toe-line as they shuffled along. When every man was in place the mate called out an order and the sailors undid the ties and began to unfurl the sail. Its billowing expanse slowly filled up and became taut as more sailors on deck hauled the mainsheets in and fastened them to the stout wooden cleats on the ship's side rails. When the rectangular sail had been let out as far as the first reefing lines, the sailors on the yard tied it down and returned to the deck. The motion of the bireme began to settle as it got under way and Cato could hear the rush and hiss of the sea sliding along the waterline.

'Steersman!' Decimus called out. 'Heading, three fingers off the port bow.'

'Three fingers off the port bow. Aye, sir.'

Just behind Cato the powerfully built sailor braced his legs on a foot rail and heaved at the great steering paddle that was suspended over the side of the bireme, a short distance from the stern. Slowly, the vessel began to respond, and the bows turned downwind, towards the distant shore. Then the bireme was running before the wind and left a swirling white wake across the sea behind her.

Decimus was clearly in his element and turned to Cato with a twinkle of delight in his eyes.

'Feeling better now?'


'We'll be at the meeting point soon with this following wind. Of course, it'll be difficult going if we have to beat back towards Ravenna. Might have to take down the sail and get the rowers to work.'

He nodded at the deck and Cato glanced towards the main grating. The dim forms of men sitting at their benches were just visible in the pale light.

'Will they be fast enough to get the ship out of danger if it's a trap?'

'They should be. This class of vessel is designed for speed. The real question is how long they can keep it up. I generally keep my men well fed and rested so we have that extra reserve of strength at the oars, should we need it. Let's just hope we don't need it, eh?'

'Sail! Away to port!' the lookout cried down from the masthead, and thrust his arm out, pointing a short distance off the coastline.

Cato automatically turned and squinted towards the horizon but saw nothing along the unbroken line.

Decimus called up to the lookout, 'Can you make anything out?'

There was a short delay before the report came back. 'Black sail. I can see the hull now. Big ship.'

'Is that him?' asked Cato.

'Most likely. There'll be few ships at sea in winter. Even fewer with pirates out on the prowl.'

'Deck there!'

Cato and Decimus tilted their heads up towards the masthead. The lookout was pointing to the south. 'Another sail.'

Cato felt an icy tingle at the back of his neck. 'It's a trap.'

'Calm yourself,' Decimus smiled. 'There's still plenty of time to head back out to sea.'

'Another sail! And another!' cried the lookout, pointing his arm out over the stern of the bireme.

Cato nodded in resignation and then forced a smile as he turned back to Decimus. 'You were saying?'

The trierarch ignored him, and stretched up on to his toes as he stared out over the swell behind his ship. There, faintly visible on the horizon, were two triangular sails.

'Bloody fine piece of seamanship,' Decimus growled. 'They must have been watching us from the east, long before we heaved to last night.'

'How do you know?'

'They'd have been hidden in the dusk while we were silhouetted against the sunset.'

'So what now?'

'Now?' The trierarch shrugged. 'They've got us by the balls. Let's just hope they aren't planning any treachery. No point in trying to escape. We'll have to heave to and wait for them to run down to us.'

The bireme rode out the swell. A small foresail had been set to steady the bows and give just enough forward motion for the steering paddle to bite. Around Cato the deck had been cleared for action and the bireme's complement of marines were at their stations. The catapult mounted to the foredeck was loaded and the crew were winding back the torsion arms with a steady clank from the locking ratchet. Boarding nets had been rigged and a handful of men armed with bows lined the stern rail. Cato had put on his armour and stood beside Decimus, one hand resting on the pommel of his sword. He gazed at the four ships steadily closing in on the bireme. Three were not much larger than the bireme, and used a lateen sail of eastern design. They looked sleek and cut easily through the blue-grey rollers sweeping across the sea. Decimus shook his head in despair as the fourth vessel drew close enough for them to make out the details. Even Cato's unpractised eye was familiar with the silhouette.

'That's a Roman ship, isn't it?'

'She was. That's one of the triremes that went missing.'

The smaller ships heaved to some distance from the bireme and waited for the fourth ship to close up. The trireme, like the other pirate ships, carried a dark sail, and as they turned on the final tack, tiny figures appeared on the yardarm and hurriedly furled the sail. A moment later the oars were run out and after a brief pause to get the timing right, they dipped down and churned up the sea as the trireme manoeuvred directly towards the Roman ship.

Decimus glanced at Cato.'The moment of truth, I think.'

'Yes.' Cato's eyes were fixed on the approaching warship and he wondered if the real reason Vitellius had picked him for this task was the hope that he wouldn't come back.

When the trireme was no more than a hundred paces away, it began to turn up into the wind, and the oars stopped moving and were neatly drawn back into the hull. Almost at once, a small skiff was lowered over the side and it bobbed across the gap between the two ships, steering clear of the catapult in the bow of the bireme. It stopped and stood off a short distance from the beam of the Roman ship.

A tall, thin youth with curly black hair poking out from under a Phrygian cap sat on the aft thwart of the skiff. He cupped a hand to his mouth and called across to the bireme in fluent Greek.

'Is the negotiator on board?'

Cato moved over to the rail and raised a hand.'I'm here.'

'Do you have the money with you?'

'I do.'

'You will come with us.' The man called an instruction to his oarsmen and the skiff darted over the water towards the bireme and one of the pirates took a firm hold of the boarding ladder.

Cato turned to the nearest marine. 'Go down to the cabin. There's a chest under my bunk. Bring it here.'

The marine saluted and hurried over to the hatch coaming that led down to the small cabin in the stern. Cato gripped the side rail and swung himself over, his boots scrabbling for the steps on the boarding ladder.


Cato glanced round and saw the man in the skiff wagging a finger at him. 'No sword!'