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Four of the best years of his life had been spent at the Point. He had made friendships he expected to last the rest of his life. For his comrades who had been killed in battle those lifetime bonds would not happen. But that was something they had signed up for. Collectively, they were all supposed to make the world better, or freer, or safer. The jury was still out on that.

But regardless, we did our duty and did our best.

He slowed down when the Bimmer did. Then it turned onto a paved driveway on a stretch of coast road that was unfamiliar to Devine. The wrought iron gates opened, the Bimmer passed through, and the gates closed behind the car.

He pulled off and watched Guillaume drive up to the side of what could only be termed a mansion. Then the house swallowed the car as she pulled into a side-load garage bay.

He squared up the SUV and pointed the lights at the gate. Coming together, the twin metal gates formed a large B.

B for Bing?

He’d thought Jocelyn Point was impressive, or at least it had been back in the day. This place looked to be no more than a decade old and was even larger. He wondered if she lived there alone or with around fifty people. It was more hotel than house.

He drove off, his mind tumbling through a number of scenarios. Who would have thought such a little town would have such big secrets? And problems.

He slept deeply, got up early, and did his workout especially hard, as though punishing himself for his lack of progress. With every diamond push-up he chastised himself. Every sprint he dug deeper because he’d been such a failure thus far. He made every burpee hurt a little more as penance for his ineptitude.

He walked back to the inn, showered and changed, and then picked up Annie Palmer’s scooter and drove with it in the SUV to Jocelyn Point. It was seven thirty sharp when he knocked on the door. He noticed that the Harley still wasn’t there. Dak had left early for work or else had not come home.

Alex answered the door dressed in jeans and a long sweatshirt. She led him into the kitchen and made him a cup of coffee. They sat at a table in the small sunroom.

“How’s Annie?”

“She’s still sleeping,” said Alex. “I didn’t want to wake her.”

“Her scooter will be waiting for her out front.”

“It was nice of you to do that.”

“No trouble. She’s going through a lot.”

“How did you happen to be with her last night?”

Devine looked uncomfortable with the question. Part of him wondered why she wanted to know. But then he concluded it was actually a perfectly reasonable query. He said, “I just wanted to ask her some questions, and I drove her over to Earl’s because she wanted to check on him. It was raining hard, and it made no sense for her to go there on her scooter. That’s when we found him.”

“I still can’t believe that Earl would kill himself.”

Devine didn’t bother to tell her his theory about Earl Palmer being murdered. He had no proof to offer, only speculation. But there was something else he wanted to tell her.

“I don’t believe Jenny was killed at the spot where she was found. Based on the angle of shot entry, I think she was killed elsewhere and her body was placed on the rocks at that particular spot. For what it’s worth, the local ME agrees with my theory on the shot entry angle.”

Alex asked, in a forced calm tone, “Why would they pick that particular location to place my sister’s body?”

“It was where you were attacked.”

“What?” she said sharply. “There?”

“I think that was why you had that sort of ‘event’ when I took you to the spot. It had nothing to do with Jenny’s death. You got woozy in the open field where you were found. Once you got in the trees, you were fine. So even though you don’t consciously remember anything about that night, I think your subconscious does.”

Her eyes now brimmed with tears. “The same place. So you’re saying whoever attacked me also killed Jenny?”

“I’m saying it’s a possibility, that’s all. But you told me that Jenny came up here to ask you about it. And she told your mom that she had unfinished business. What else might she have meant by that?”

“I don’t know, Travis, I don’t fucking know, okay?”

She hurried from the room.

He sighed, finished his coffee, rinsed out the cup, put it in the dishwasher, and left.

You’ve got to get to the truth, Devine. For a lot of reasons.

Chapter 44

Devine drove to the police station to find Harper out but Fuss in her office.

She eyed him inscrutably as he sat down across from the woman. “I spoke with Mildred. Understand you came by.”

“I did,” said Devine evenly.

“I also understand that some evidence went missing.”

“Evidence does go missing,” said Devine, looking at her. “For various reasons.”

“Let’s cut the shit, Devine. I saw the logbook and so did you.”

“Never said otherwise.”

“There is no way Chief Harper took that rape kit back then.”

“Again, I never said he did.” Before she could respond he said, “What about the fire that killed Steve and Valerie Palmer?”

Fuss’s eyebrows nearly folded over each other. “What?”

“The Palmer fire.”

“Yes, I know about it, though I wasn’t on the force then. But I remember it was an accident.”

“You mean that was the official finding?”

“That was what happened,” barked Fuss.

“Look, I’m just thinking things through. Hear me out. They find Alex right after she was raped, and then the Palmers die three days later. Quite a coincidence.”

“Apples and oranges. If I recall correctly, it was a faulty portable heater. Happened all the time back then. My cousin is a volunteer firefighter. He said they’re still one of the leading causes of fire in the winter.”

“I’m sure.”

“No, I’m not sure you are sure,” she exclaimed.

“Heard from the ME on the post yet?” he asked, deciding to change the subject.

“That’s where the chief is, attending it.”

Devine rose, looking angry. “And I wasn’t invited why?”

“Because it’s a probable suicide unrelated to the case you’re up here investigating.”

She sounded like she was reading from a script, thought Devine.

“That’s bullshit. He found the body of the murder victim I’m up here investigating. Are they still doing the post at the funeral home?”

“Yes, but—”

He was out the door before she could finish the sentence.

Minutes later Devine hurried into the funeral home, grabbed someone who worked there, flashed his creds at them, and fast-walked to the room set at the back of the building where he had viewed Jenny’s body. He didn’t bother to knock but just burst in.

Guillaume looked up from what she was doing, which was cutting open Earl Palmer’s chest, while Chief Harper stood across from her looking slightly nauseous.

“Can anyone join the party or is it exclusive?” asked Devine with a bite to his words.

Guillaume glanced curiously at Harper. “I thought you knew,” she said.

Harper groused, “I thought I asked Wendy to let you know, but maybe I forgot.”

“She was actually under the impression that I had no reason to attend,” retorted Devine.

“Well, you’re here now, so let’s get on with it, not that it has anything to do with why you’re here,” snapped Harper. He looked at Guillaume and nodded.