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"AWP!" Jean squealed as Toby’s hand inserted itself at the juncture of her thighs. She made to take off, arms and legs pinwheeling — then stopped, suddenly … The reason: Toby’s grip threatened to remove her thong! Toby had been very quick about the grab, and the thong was an absolutely minimalist garment; as a result, two fingers went right past the narrow strap that connected the crotch with the waistband in the back. That left Toby with his middle finger literally between Jean’s spread labia and his index and ring fingers tangled in the crotch; when Jean attempted to take off, the garment obliged her to an extent by sliding off her hip bones and going slack! She froze — Gawd, the thing was falling off! She reached down to grab the side straps…

Toby surfaced to get a lungful of air, possessing full knowledge of her predicament. Deliberately, he placed his other hand on her left ass cheek and lifted her until she was no longer touching bottom. Like Lon, he LOOKED to be operating at arm’s length and not touching anything, on the surface. "Uh uh," he murmured, leaning in.

The maneuver left Jean with a requirement to move her arms as if she was treading water to balance herself — which necessitated letting go of the thong, which was now flopping loosely around her thighs. 'Calm. I need to stay calm, ' she thought. "Um, Toby? That’s, ummm…"

"Yeah. Kind of a mess…" Toby shifted things — Jean had been about to say something on the order of not nice. "We’re kind of tangled up — if you’ll excuse us…" Toby wrapped his arm around Jean’s waist and started backpedaling — toward deeper water.

Candace, the only woman not yet attacked, examined her manicure. "You might as well take that skimpy thing off, Jean, before it gets damaged." She was tuning her senses for Rick, who HAD it be inbound…

He was, but he wasn’t under water; instead, he had used the cover of the others' splashing around to move silently up behind Candace, whose first indication of his location was his voice in her ear, "Oh, really? Is that what YOU would do?" He settled his hands on her hips from behind.

Time for a dare…"Yes, as a matter of fact. Take 'em, if you have the balls…" she murmured back.

Lon, who couldn’t make out the conversation, saw Rick freeze, then acquire a resolute expression. Then he was gone, sinking below the surface.

What nobody saw — but Candace felt — was Rick hooking his thumbs in the sides of her bikini bottoms! When he dropped from sight, the bottoms dropped, too, then hands directed her to lift her feet, one by one … She complied — anything else was foolish, given her motive — but Rick surprised her, anyway, by putting his head between her legs and slowly standing up, "Whoa!" In a moment, she was virtually totally above the surface, riding Rick’s shoulders, her shaven pudenda hidden only because it was pressed to the back of Rick’s neck.

Rick waved Candace’s bottoms above his head, ensuring that they were out of her reach, "Toby! Get a trophy, Man!"

Jean had been working hard at applying sweet reason to get out of her predicament. "It can’t be that bad, Dear…"

"I think the crotch is wrapped around this finger two or three times," Toby responded gravely, while wriggling the finger he had between her labia. "Something’s all wrapped around it…"

"Toby…" Jean murmured, fighting to stay calm as distance and deeper water gave him the confidence to shift his grip from her waist to her right breast, "you’re not playing fair!"

"There are rules?" Toby responded. She didn’t have to see his face to know that he had an eyebrow quirked. "Candace seems to think I deserve to keep them…"

"Well, Candace is just instigating…" But then they watched Rick disappear and Candace’s eyes pop — then pop again as Rick rose beneath her.

"She just got a dose of her own medicine, it looks like to me!" Toby insisted, his fingers massaging Jean’s crotch.

"Toby…" He was REALLY going too far…

"Shhhh! Let me have them!" Toby insisted.

"I — I…" But she watched Beth turn sideways in Lon’s grip, throwing her left arm over his shoulder. Lon’s left shoulder dipped, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out what he was doing … especially when Beth pulled her knees up to let him clear her feet! "Okay."

"Do what Ma did," Toby directed. He released her with his left arm and lifted his right hand so she could clamber against him, turning, then reached between her legs and pulled the tiny thing away, clearing her feet just as Lon flung Beth’s bottoms out of the pool and onto a lounger.

Jean turned to him, wide-eyed. "You’re not going to do that…" But Toby’s hand was already moving; Jean watched the tiny blue swatch of fabric fly off, crossing trajectories with Candace’s bottoms as they, too, were flung onto the pool deck. "Damn! You guys aren’t playing fair!" And he STILL had his hand on her butt — and three fingers of it massaging her crotch!

"You can always try to get mine," Toby argued. "Do you want to ride my shoulders or do you want me to let you go?"

"Uuh…" Jean felt violated, but Lon and Candace were up to something…"What are you guys doing?" she yelled across at Candace.

"Camel fights?" Lon replied. Rick shrugged. "I was more or less just getting control of things, here, but…"

"Let’s not," Jean pled. "Getting out is going to be embarrassing enough without riding shoulders!"

"Oh, I don’t know," Candace argued. "Only my ass shows…"

"I think my neck’s getting gooey," Rick muttered under his breath, grinning.

"Serves you right!" Candace hissed back.

Beth, who had been preparing to mount Lon, glanced from couple to couple. Jean made another pitch, "We can’t exactly get even from up there…"

Candace snorted. "She’s right! Let me down, Rick — turnabouts is fair play!"

"Huh! IF you can catch us!" Rick replied and dropped, releasing Candace, backing out and pinching her ass as she hit the water. Candace came up sputtering.

"I think you should release me…" Jean braced Toby.

"Fine." He knew she wasn’t into this like she had been into things on Monday; time to give her space before he ruined things. "Off you go!" He turned her, brought his hand up, forcing her prone, and shoved her off; Jean, ready for the move, started swimming — but she didn’t get off Scot free; Toby snatched at the tie on her top as she left his grip — and succeeded in undoing it. Jean felt the tug, but it was gentle…

Lon sighed and released Beth. "I guess you guys are going to have to gather somewhere and connive about getting even…" Beth nodded, but she was lukewarm about it; Lon’s hand was the first visitor to her furry crack in some time, and she was perfectly happy to have it there…

On the other hand … As she turned away, she suddenly realized that she DID have an opportunity, if she moved quickly! Beth spun and dived, going for Lon’s trunks.

Beth’s delay in realization created a situation in which Lon was disarmed; her turn on him was unexpected, to say the least! Beth’s audacity — and her compact structure — won her the day; she managed to shuck him to calf-level, then snatch him off his feet by tugging on the loosened suit. Lon went over backwards, yelling, with a loud splash; by the time he recovered, Beth was ten feet away. Nonetheless, one glance over her shoulder at the pursuit (Lon was on the swim team — she was hopelessly outclassed) and she did the sensible thing, pitching the suit as far as she could — which turned out to be a considerable distance onto the pool deck!

"One down and two to go!" Candace crowed, pointing at Rick, "Get him!" Beth and Jean shifted directions and began to bear down on Rick.

"Tops!" Lon yelled. "Get their tops!"

Candace glanced around; sure enough, Jean was slowing … Exasperated, she yelled, "Jean!"