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"Well…" Jean replied, embarrassed.

"Look down, Honey — you’re already bare!"

Sure enough, Jean’s miniscule top was a streamer extending itself between her small cones — and covering exactly nothing. Toby’s release of the back strap had turned it into a neckerchief. "AWWWWWW!" Jean yelled, and took off — going for Toby!

Candace shook her head, 'Ah, well… ' She waved hand signals at Beth, coordinating their attack.

Lon did similar, directing Rick to head for the shallows. He wanted the women in a position that left them exposed when they lost their tops; whether they actually got Rick’s suit of was irrelevant — except that it was a good thing, properly orchestrated! Rick nodded, grinning, and Lon shifted to his crawl, Beth in his sights.

Beth heard him, turned, and, picking him up visually, made shift to escape — but she was 'way too late, and trying to swim only gave Lon a grip on her ankle. Pulling on that got her dunked and Lon a position straddling her; after that, the loss of the top was a foregone conclusion. She bucked and squealed, but the frog ties at the back of the top gave under Lon’s hands, and it went flying, exposing Beth’s natural Mae West.

At that point, Rick turned on Candace, and they went into a clinch. Rick’s hands went to the fasteners of Candace’s top, while Candace snatched at the drawstring of Rick’s suit. "NOW, who doesn’t have any balls?" Rick asked, grinning.

"Aw, you looked!" Candace retorted, and dropped to her knees, taking Rick’s trunks with her. Rick clutched her to him to stabilize her while he undid her top — which had a side effect of pressing her face against his crotch! Once the fastenings were undone, Rick released her, hanging onto his trophy — but Candace hung around, finding Rick’s erection by touch and fondling it.

This threw Rick off — he missed the pool edge with his toss — but turnabouts was fair play, so he collected a soft, pliable breast as Candace surfaced. Candace shook her hair out of her eyes and favored Rick with a predatory look, not rising, but maintaining only her head above water. "Give me the trunks…" she murmured, jacking him.

Rick’s trunks were on the pool bottom, but his feet were still in them — and he had a double-handful of soft breast and rubbery nipple! "Why should I? What do I get out of it?"

"This!" Candace smiled, then ducked her head under water. Rick hissed as his glans was engulfed by a hot, wet mouth, a frisky tongue washing the underside. It didn’t last long — it couldn’t — but Rick took it for the promissory note that it was and stepped out of his trunks as Candace resurfaced, grinning.

"That was, umm, gutsy…" Rick whispered.

"But not unwelcome," Candace’s eyes simmered. Rick’s trunks surfaced next to her and she grabbed them without unlocking her gaze from Rick’s eyes.

"No," he admitted. "Not unwelcome. Anything but, I’d say…" The two of them shared a smile. Lon’s grand plan is working, after all! Rick reflected.

Meanwhile, Beth rose beneath Lon, unseating him — but he was prepared for it, leaning forward and collecting a soft handful of breast tissue in each hand. This let him get his legs back down over her hips so he could stand while pressing his erection against the crack of Beth’s plush ass. Beth reached a standing position and froze, taking stock. "A little brave, aren’t we?" she husked.

"Are we?" Lon replied, leaning forward to lick her ear while grinding his penis between her cheeks.

"Uhhh, yeah, I think so…" Beth grunted — but she didn’t move. The attention was VERY welcome — and more than she deserved, actually, in her opinion; it could last only moments, so why not savor it? If Lon wasn’t a horny teen, he’d have ignored her completely…

This wasn’t exactly the case; Lon had had a thing for Beth FOREVER. Some of it was a certain self-centered belief that chunky chicks were probably easier to get, but part of it was fascination with those fleshy loaves in his hands. Lon felt that stocky girls would be better able to take the pounding he would give them; tiny, stick figures like Jean might break while he was rounding third and heading for home. Beth would have been surprised to find out that Lon found the bulge of her belly to be erotic, womanly. Mama had the same bulge — a bit smaller, perhaps, but it was there. Jean didn’t, but then Jean was rail-thin, too… "Okay, maybe," Lon admitted, not moving. "You can’t win if you don’t play…"

"We’re … real visible," Beth hedged.

"And if we weren’t?" Lon asked. "Never mind…" He knew the answer; Beth STILL hadn’t moved. "Let’s go to deeper water…"

At the deep end, Toby was experiencing mad as a wet hen from Jean, having moved to a corner and held his position, treading water, while she swam to his vicinity. "Why do you have to do that?" she whined.

"What?" Toby asked.

"Embarrass me like that!"

"You’re not EVEN alone," Toby replied, pointing behind her with his chin, "Nobody else has a top on … Heck, nobody but me has bottoms!"

Jean turned to look. Rick’s trunks were in mid-air, and Beth seemed to be wearing Lon’s hands for a bra… "Well…"

"Give me your top, and I’ll let you have my trunks," Toby said gently. "That’s the way the negotiations have been going…"

"Who decided we were skinny-dipping?" Jean wondered aloud, exasperated.

Toby shrugged. "It just happened. But we might as well join the others…" He undid his drawstring with one hand and his trunks started slipping almost immediately. Kicking his legs a bit brought them to a point where they were pinned between his ankles.

"I don’t want to dunk again," Jean complained. She really wasn’t the world’s most comfortable swimmer.

"Wrap your legs around my waist and I’ll keep us afloat," Toby offered.

"You can do that?" Jean asked suspiciously.

"Yes." Toby was matter-of-fact about it.

"When do I get your trunks?"


"Promise?" Jean was petulant; Toby was reminded of a twelve-year-old.


"Okay." She really had NOTHING to lose … She swam to him, took his hands, and used them to shift her torso toward him.

Toby let go of her hands as soon as her feet passed his hips, reaching behind himself for the pool edge. At he same time, he let go of his trunks and began to tread water. Jean, nervous, clamped down, using her legs to draw herself against him — and found herself pressed to his erection! "Toby!"

"Yes?" The voice was all innocence, but the gleam in his eyes was malicious.

"Y—you’re naked!"

"Riiiiight…" He nodded. "So is everyone else! Give me the top…"

"All right." 'Dammit, he’s NAKED! An inch or two, and… ' She pulled the neck of the top over her head, one-handed, and held it out; Toby let go of the edge with one hand and took it, tossing it away in the same motion.

Jean made to let go and kick off, but Toby’s free hand settled on her ass, holding her against him. "Stay. The trunks are floating up."

"I shouldn’t…"

"Shhh. We’re beyond that."

"No we’re not," Jean argued, "And even if we are…" She shut up and clutched him; Toby pushed off from the pool edge, imparting a spin, then grabbed the edge again with both hands when their position was reversed. Jean found herself trapped between him and the pool wall. "There they are," he noted, glancing to his right, where his trunks drifted lazily. "Well?"

Jean unclutched an arm and collected the trunks with her left hand, eyeing him as she flipped them over her shoulder. Toby just smiled. Bracing his feet against the poolside, he initiated a bounce.