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Oh shit! Jean worried. She HAD to clutch herself to him — there just wasn’t that much room — and he was bumping her, sliding his hot hardness against her crotch, bumping her clit, rubbing himself between her open lips… "Toby, no!"

"Why are you doing this?" Toby asked.



"It’s NOT right!" Jean insisted. Meanwhile, the rhythm continued…

"What’s not right about it?" Toby asked, almost conversationally, thinking, Calm. If she gets upset, it’s all over. Sweet reason.

"You’re too young…"

"I don’t think so. It all works just fine, trust me…" He leaned in and put his lips on her neck, causing her skin to tingle.

"That’s not what I mean," Jean said desperately. "The law…"

"The law says I’m over sixteen. Besides, what they don’t know won’t hurt them." The lips returned.

Chapter 5

Posted: February 04, 2009 - 08:12:53 pm

"I have to get out…" Jean announced, desperate.

Toby settled back, considering. Was that it? Was that why she was fighting so hard? "You aren’t comfortable in the water, are you?"

"Well, no…"

"What is everyone else doing?"

"Lon is talking to Beth…" The pair were neck deep, but the way they were positioned, they could have been doing the same thing she and Toby were…

"Okay. Rick and Candace?" Toby prompted.

"They’re … heading toward the edge…"

Jean left out the hand in hand part — but Toby was suspicious, anyway. He turned to see, holding Jean against him. Rick and Candace were headed for the pool stairs, totally exposed. Toby raised an eyebrow at the omissions; he recognized the position Ma and Lon were in, too. "You’ll be out there, naked — but I guess they will, first…"

"Yeah." Jean obviously wasn’t thrilled, but things had gotten to be urgent.

"Okay, let’s go," Toby pushed off and tugged her toward the deep end stair.

"You don’t have to…" Jean, dog paddling, allowed him to drag her along.

"Well I am," Toby replied. "That way you won’t be getting out all by yourself."

The pair stopped at the deep end ladder; Jean looked to her left to watch Candace ascend the stairs at the shallow end, apparently totally unembarrassed by her nudity, her untanned ass and breasts presenting themselves as a weird reversed bikini. Rick followed close behind, obviously too intent on drinking in Candace’s nudity with his eyes to be worried about his own — and sporting a considerable erection! Jean took it all in, surprised; the last time she’d been allowed to see Rick’s penis, it had been about finger-thick and four inches long; the heavy instrument he was sporting at this point had THAT outclassed by an order of magnitude, at least! Her son was a man, after all…

Candace turned and approached Jean and Toby, making for the triple pile of towels halfway along the pool edge, apparently thoroughly unconcerned about exposing her clean-shaven pudenda (the hussy!) She picked up a towel and began to dry her hair — but she left drying the rest of her body to Rick, who neglected his own until he’d wiped her every available surface. Jean sighed; obviously, Rick wanted to have intercourse with Candace, badly — and just as obviously, Candace was going to let him. So much for the give ground until they get chicken tactic…

Sighing, Jean hauled herself up the ladder, Toby close behind after a quick side-trip to toss his goggles and collect his eyeglasses. Candace’s example set the standard for getting toweled off — she’d be unable to avoid Toby’s attention without being seen as a total bitch. She covered her pudenda with her right hand and attempted to mask her titties with her left arm — until Candace, now lounging — still nude — in a deck lounger wearing her sunglasses admonished, "Jean, stop being such a baby!"

"I’m not comfortable exposing myself…" Jean sputtered hotly.

Candace cut her off, her voice full of scorn, "So you wore that hunk of string and a couple of pasties? Give me a break — you’re making a fool of yourself, here!"

Jean hung her head, gathered herself, and dropped her hands. Toby had passed on to the towel pile, and stood there, holding one for her. When she raised her chin, he began beaming. Behind her, as she stepped off, Candace groused, "The little minx has a body I’d kill for — Hell, she still looks seventeen, for God’s sake! — and she acts like a Jehovah’s Witness…"

Candace’s comment gave them something to think about as she stepped into the towel that Toby held open to wrap her. He reached down and collected a second towel for her hair, eyeing her — was she going to dry herself and stay all wrapped up, or was she going to take the towel for her hair and allow him to dry her? Jean paused, thinking about it — but Candace was already riding her … She reached for the second towel, allowing Toby to resume control of the one wrapped around her body. After all, he’d been chivalrous, after a fashion, hadn’t he, risking that she would return the towel? He could have denied her any control by just going to work on her…

Toby, thrilled to death, proceeded to do a thorough job of drying Jean off. Maybe now that she was out of the water, she would settle down a bit … He was critically aware that he had lost ground in the pool, and recovery was going to be difficult, if she kept fighting…

Toby’s efforts were sweet, if intrusive; the care he took with her thighs and crotch was particularly embarrassing, but the time and effort he took on her little breasts would have done credit to Beth’s … She let him lead her to a lounger next to Candace’s and settled in, Candace’s warning glance an admonishment to ditch the towel.

Beth watched all this from the water, her legs wrapped around Lon’s waist. "I think I’ll just stay here…" she muttered. This was good; Lon was being nice to her, and his gallant reflex was seated in the channel between her pussy lips. Thank God he was a horny teenager — if he were a bit older and pickier, his cock would probably be a shrunken thing and he’d be holding himself aloof, rather than pressing his crotch against a fat woman…

Lon didn’t see it that way; he had a double handful of plush ass cheek, and Beth’s big titties were floating before him, their fat brown nipples sticking out like the tips of his little fingers, extended beyond areolas that were probably usually the diameter of a soda can, but were currently tightened to a wrinkled mass half that size — not to mention where his cock was! "Why?" he asked.

"Thin and naked is one thing — fat and naked is quite another."

"It would be different if you were as fat as you THINK you are…"

"Hon," Beth sighed, "you have both hands on my butt. It’s…"

"Plush," Lon interrupted. "I’m lucky, I think — Toby’s gonna have a helluva time convincing Jean to take that horse-cock of his…"

"Wha?" Beth shifted her attention back to poolside. Previously, she’d been watching her contemporaries, and blocking out the boys out of embarrassment; now, she took a look. "Oh, my!" Toby was, well, HUGE! She shifted her gaze to Rick for comparison; he appeared to be what she remembered as being nicely hung — but Toby’s cock was incongruous on his smaller, less-robust frame.

Jean was in the midst of the same discovery. Previously, embarrassment and the mechanics of getting her dry had taken her attention — but now Toby was standing over her, drinking in her nudity. Looking up to comment on how rude he was being brought his penis into sharp focus. "Oh!" she gasped.

Toby blinked. "What?"

"You’re … big…" Jean’s experience with penises was limited to children (mostly Rick) and Hugh, who had been on the low side of normal, at about five and a half inches. Nobody was carrying a measuring device, but Toby topped this figure by half! Jean involuntarily glanced to her right to take in Rick’s erection, which wasn’t markedly different from her experience with her husband, (actually, there was a good three-quarters of an inch more there, but at fifteen feet? Who knew?) — and shifted her gaze back to Toby’s appendage.