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"Oh. That…" Toby blushed. "It’s no big thing, I’m sure. There are bigger out there…" Porn flicks had told him that.

"Really?" Jean was trying to look at the thing out of the corner of her eye — without being caught, if possible. "I guess my experience is limited…"

Candace, her attention attracted, gave Toby the once-over. "Mine isn’t — he’s big, all right." She locked eyes with Toby, "Very impressive! And circumcised, too!"

"Yes…" Toby wanted to turn around, or run — or SOMETHING to relieve his embarrassment — but he couldn’t POSSIBLY disengage… "Well, it’s not a problem, really…"

Candace looked at him over her sunglasses for a second, ruminating, then glanced at Jean. Yeah, if she didn’t say something… "He’s right, you know, Honey. We girls adapt quite readily." This wasn’t going to be enough of a distraction to get Toby off the hook, though — and besides, it wasn’t assisting her plans, either — so Candace turned to Rick, "Rick, Honey — I know I’m tanned in general, but I’m showing some places in particular that have been … neglected. Do you think you could be a dear and oil up the more vulnerable spots?"

Huh! Could I! An invitation to play with Candace’s titties, ass, and even her pussy was being tendered here — there was NO WAY he would pass THAT up! "Oh, sure, sure!" He began casting about for sunblock.

"There’s some in my beach bag, hanging off the chair back, Honey. Thanks loads!" Candace gushed.

Toby got control of his nerves first, then his voice, before calmly observing, "You need protection worse than she does."

There it was — the door of the trap yawning open. Jean locked eyes with Toby for a moment, but he was being deliberately non-confrontational. She looked away, composing a comment about needing to do something or other indoors, when her eye lit on Candace, who was glaring at her over her sunglasses, daring her not to chicken out. "Yes…" she found herself muttering.

Rick, a puddle of sunblock already poured into his right palm, flipped the bottle to Toby, "Here you go, Man." Turning to his mother, he added, "At least you know he does a good job…" After THAT little comment, he had to turn his face away to conceal his smile — not that it kept Candace from tittering.

Jean blushed, but at that point, all she could do was minimize things. Getting her voice to work, she got out a strangled, "Yes, he does…"

Rick, however, had moved on; he was busy applying sunblock to Candace’s left breast, detailing the slightly saggy but well-rounded shape with loving care. The texture was just incredible! Soft, cushy — and the nipple! Wow! He was in Heaven, given an excuse to tweak a woman’s erect nipples…

Jean watched Rick distractedly, too embarrassed to acknowledge Toby as he began applying sunblock to considerably more of her surface area than Rick was attacking on Candace. Rick’s obvious enchantment was an embarrassment to her, too, but then it was a bit easier to deal with, since she wasn’t directly involved. Still, Toby avoided her face and started at her neck — and all too soon was moving slick hands over her breasts. She flicked a nervous glance at him over the invasion, but Candace was watching again. "Don’t be a baby!" Candace chided — then smiled at Rick and shamelessly arched her back to present her breasts for more attention. Jean found herself fighting a losing battle against arousal; Candace and Rick were involved in what was nothing less than sex play right before her eyes, while Toby oiled her body, moving from surface to surface without regard for modesty or propriety, touching her in places that no one had touched her since her husband died — and every time she raised a hand to object, Candace insisted that she was acting childishly, sapping her resolve…

"More oil?" Toby asked, then flipped the bottle to Rick when he nodded assent. He was working Jean’s ribs, primarily, but one side at a time so that he could include a breast in the sweep. She was pretending to ignore him, but the way her nostrils flared he knew that it was a ruse. Lying nearly flat, her titties all but disappeared, but her nipples were pink spikes and his palms easily detected the pad of fatty tissue. He cupped her left breast, lifting it back into a cone and rubbing her nipple between his fingers, eliciting a quiet "Mmmph." Yeah, she knew he was there, all right. Smiling, he switched sides. In a moment, he murmured, "Done?" and Rick smoothly returned the bottle.

Down below, Lon and Beth watched the goings-on on the pool deck with some interest; Candace, in particular, was acting absolutely shameless. Beth sighed, "I wish…"

"Let’s go, then," Lon replied. "I’d be happy to…"

Beth shook her head. "You boys would vomit, and that would ruin the mood." She sighed.

On the deck, in plain sight of both of them Candace brought her knees up and spread her legs to grant Rick access to the white, untanned area left by her bikini bottoms — and specifically her crotch. "Make sure you do a good job there, Honey," she crooned. "It’s not protected since I shaved off my pelt…"

Beth mused that Candace seemed to have a double-entendre for every occasion, adding aloud, "But I could certainly use some TLC…"

"You’ll get it," Lon promised, turning them around and heading for the shallows, slowly.

"No, I can’t, really!" Beth exclaimed.

"Shhh! You really need to be less down on yourself," Lon argued. "How about this? If I see something objectionable, I’ll stop and we’ll go back to the deep end. Otherwise, we can settle one chair over from Mama, which will give us some distance, and I can be in the way a little bit without anybody giving you a rash about being a big baby over being naked — besides, they’re pretty busy…"

Beth was presented with a fait accompli; while Lon was making his presentation, he continued to walk them toward the shallows. By the time he finished his presentation, they were already only waist deep. He stopped, eyes twinkling. "We’re going to keep going," he announced.

Beth got down, watching his face as his eyes swept over her. Without support, her big breasts sagged splayed on her chest — but they were just riding low, and her nipples still pointed out and just a bit upward; Lon’s smile continued undimmed. He urged her forward; she moved, but she continued to face him, backing, as her belly appeared above the water, with its scars from her appendectomy and her caesarian section. Lon continued to press, his fingers interlaced with hers as the water level dropped below the swell and began to reveal her somewhat wild pubic thatch. Beth had thick, curly hair — above AND below — and her suit had only dictated that she perform minor maintenance; now, as her pubes cleared the surface, water ran from them while they failed to hide the open thick outer lips of her pussy — a gap that Lon’s cock had been holding open only moments before.

Lon stopped, but he was still smiling. "We’re at the stairs."

Beth, her objections apparently unfounded, lowered her eyes — and found herself looking at Lon’s beautiful uncut cock! "Ooooohhhh!" It was incredible — somewhat dark about the long, curved shaft, thick and smooth, the foreskin just not quite uncovering the tight, shiny purplish head…

Beth had never wanted to touch anything so badly in her life! "That’s so beautiful! Maybe I should oil YOU!"