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Lon shrugged. "Or maybe you can entertain yourself with it while I work…" He nodded at the stairs. Beth turned around reluctantly and preceded him, giving him a fine view of her ample bottom. It was big and round and shivered a bit when she walked — VERY erotic! He’d seen her before in baggy pants made of thin fabric, and the play of her ass cheeks under the fabric as she moved had fueled serious masturbation. So what if there were a few cellulite divots? That was a SWEET ass!

Beth took two steps and glanced back over her shoulder, surprising a look of hunger on his face that was totally unexpected. He was ogling that big hunk of lard like it was Jean’s for God’s sake! He must be REALLY horny … She turned back to the front, contriving to sway a bit while a flash of her favorite fantasy — her, knelt up on the bed while he pounded that beautiful cock deep into her — whipped across her consciousness, augmented by her recent view of the reality, causing her lower belly to spasm with need. 'Even if it’s only just the once, ' she mused to herself. 'I’ll have the memory to help me get by… ' Even horny boys wouldn’t be coming back to HER well any too often…

Lon stopped her on the top step. "Wait; I’ll go get the towels. That will keep the parade from messing up what they’re doing…"

"Okay." The comment hurt Beth, who was unaware that Lon was just trying to further her request for minimal exposure to the others. She stood there, wondering if she should just go back into the pool, while Lon moved quickly off.

Rick was doing a bang-up job, as far as Candace was concerned, running his right hand vertically along her needy gash while he more or less pretended to work on her hip with his left. He had one finger sliding up and down the opening, while two others rubbed her rubbery outer labia. Candace had the kind of labia that, if you grabbed the little fleshy tabs at their center, you could stretch three or four inches down her inner thighs; tucking them into a thong wasn’t always practical, as they tended to pop out on the sides like little wings. That’s why — and it was the ONLY reason why — Candace wore bathing suit bottoms that covered a bit more of her ass.

Right now, Rick OWNED those lips — and his middle finger owned her erect clitty as it slid its fleshy hood back and forth over the pea-sized orb of nervous tissue. Candace was aroused like nobody’s business — and she was having trouble keeping the world from being absolutely certain. The one bit of pleasure she was getting from her fight to remain subdued was teasing Jean, and she decided to up the ante on the narrow woman. When Rick had started on her crotch, Candace had brought her knees up, suitably spread, which fig leafed her to Jean to a certain extent. Now, she dropped her left leg and put her foot on the deck, remaining splayed, presenting Jean a full view of her son’s efforts at masturbation — and watching her as she took it all in. Peripherally, she took in Lon, passing back and forth as he collected towels — but Lon could look, if he wanted — at this point, she would give guided tours, if it would get her a cock! Unfortunately, she KNEW that Jean would freak…

Lon DID look — it wasn’t an opportunity that you got every day! He’d seen Mama hot before, too — and she was CLEARLY hot! Rick might have to suffer this afternoon, but at some point, Mama would return the favor she was getting, with interest, Lon was certain…

Jean was drifting, half inside herself, and half beside Candace. Toby had her right foot pressed against his belly alongside his penis as he worked up and down her leg — and he was deliberately touching her vagina at regular intervals. Jean’s will to argue about it was gone; she was fully aroused and waiting for him to get brave enough to emulate Rick’s activity.

Toby pretty much knew where she was; the crown to breast-tip flush and her labored breathing were a dead giveaway. But he planned to extend things until she couldn’t stand it any more, then accept her surrender — anything less and she would probably try to cover herself by accusing him of taking advantage of her. Jean was pretty hung-up — but the flip-side was that she was undoubtedly also really hot! Once the walls were down, he figured the whole thing would be well worth the trouble!

Toby’s mind drifted a bit as he slid his hand into her crotch to tickle her thin lower lips for the fourth or fifth time, while he wondered just how it was that he could read Jean so well. The phenomenon didn’t extend itself to other women — definitely not to Ma, or even Candace — but Jean was … predictable. In some ways, he figured they must be kindred souls; when she showed her fear, he understood where it came from; when he started touching her, he could read the flow of repression and the underlying craving for pleasure in her features. Maybe it was that both of them were shy, intellectual; he just KNEW that she was locked down — but not tight — and that there was a wanton underneath begging to be let out. That’s how he knew that her agitation in the pool wasn’t solely based on his attentions, but that she was too uncomfortable with the environment to relax enough to deal with him as anything but a threat.

Now he switched legs, making sure that Jean’s left foot felt his pubes and her ankle banged against his erection, which was bobbing and leaking pre-cum…

The look on Beth’s face as he returned to her warned Lon that he’d fouled up somewhere. "What’s wrong?"

Beth looked away. "So you DID see a problem…"

"Huh? No … I was just keeping your exposure down, as you asked," Lon replied. "If you’d like, we can get closer — you just said that you didn’t think it was a good idea…"

"Oh." Beth evaluated this response. Lon could be telling the truth — or he could be trying to spare her feelings — which was it? She shrugged; did it really matter? "Never mind — oversensitive, I guess."

"You sure are!" Lon waved at the selected lounger; per his earlier offer, there was one interposed between it and Candace’s. "Here? Or that one?" He pointed at the one next to where Candace was being worked over.

"N-no, that one…" Beth pointed to the original selection.

"Lie down and put yourself in the hands of Doctor Carpenter." Lon murmured, faking a professional attitude. "We’ll have you all nice and slippery in no time…"

Fortunately for Lon, his mother’s efforts at strategic lounger positioning resulted in another bottle of sun-block being close at hand between Beth’s lounger and the next one over. In no time, he was kneeling with one knee on the lounger while he reached across Beth, working her left side while Beth eyed the slowly accelerating activity to her left…

Candace was 'way too far along to stop; Rick’s efforts at masturbation had her going seriously. Pulling Rick’s head to hers, she whispered, "I’m gonna cum, Honey — but if I make my usual loud noises, your mother will freak and Toby will lose out — so cover my mouth, please? Don’t let me scream…"

"Turn your head away," Rick murmured back, "or she’ll see it and know, anyway…"

Candace nodded, sucking in a gasp, "Soon…"

Rick nodded. Candace’s eyes were getting wilder and wilder … He slipped his finger into her vaginal opening — gaping long since in anticipation — and her mouth opened…

Rick applied his left hand to her mouth, continuing to minister to her cunt with his right. Candace stiffened; her legs drew up and she planted them on the lounger while grasping the sides with her hands, every muscle rigid while she screamed a silent scream of completion into Rick’s hand, her pelvis bucking against his fingers, her eyes locked on Beth’s.

Beth was under no illusions as to what Candace was doing; the whites showing all the way around her eyes as she surged and clutched the lounger made things clear. But Beth wasn’t telling; Beth was getting her sensitive breasts mauled — and Lon had already stuck a hand between her legs and run a finger up and down her itchy quim! At this point, the sole question on her mind was, How much can we get away with? She wanted Lon’s cock, BAD — in her hands, in her mouth, and — most importantly — between her legs! Sun block was a mere excuse — and a poor one, at that, given Lon’s areas of concentration in applying it! Currently, she had two VERY well-oiled titties, and a quim that was oily inside and out! Of course, the inside was her own lube…