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In fact, Jean was more comfortable in this room — it was virtually the ONLY place she’d ever had sex, so it was THE place to have sex; any discomfort over the fact that the other person in the room wasn’t Hugh was papered over by the feeling of safety and security the room granted her. Now, as she turned to Toby, that other dimension intruded, but it just wasn’t enough to bring her to a stop. "I’m … out of practice…"

Shit — I don’t even know how! Toby thought — but what his mouth said was, "We’ll get there…" He stepped in; it was time to kiss her…

* * *

Downstairs by the pool, Candace was getting her backside sun blocked with a vengeance while watching Lon treat Beth’s breasts like they were a ride at Disneyland. "Lon, Honey, Beth needs to be worked on all over, not just the spots you think are fun! You’d be surprised where ELSE we’re sensitive…"

"Oh! Yeah! Right!" Lon got going with a more general oiling process. Beth, who hadn’t been complaining, breathed easier, nonetheless; at Lon’s current rate, she’d been rapidly losing control, and she just didn’t know if she wanted to be that public about it. Lon’s fingers proved magic as they moved up from her chest to her neck and arms, though, finding places that made her shiver along her neck, behind her ears, in her armpits and the hollows of her elbows. She had been watching Rick work Candace over, but more and more Lon’s erection bobbing above her captured her attention as she reacted to his fingers exploring her every surface. Lon’s cock as SO beautiful…

* * *

Beth had been fascinated by cocks since middle school; little Ronnie Boatwright had exposed himself to her as a joke, expecting her to run away, screaming — but instead, she had slowly drawn forward, fascinated, asking him if she could touch it. In the end, Ronnie had run out of guts and run off, himself, and Beth had been left with the mystery and the craving.

That craving had lasted through high school — Beth’s limited dating experience just didn’t net her another opportunity. During the summer break between high school and her freshman year at college, she started running with a couple of girls that one might consider desperate (like she wasn’t). After some serious drinking on memorable Friday night in July, the girls got brave and hit a particularly rough joint and got invited to a private party by one of the denizens.

The party was only private long enough for three of the guys to each take a girl each to a bedroom and sweet-talk their way into her panties — something less than difficult in every case, since that was what the girls really wanted. After that, things got VERY public! Beth lost her cherry in something under twenty minutes of direct pressure — then the guy stood up, pulled up his jeans, and yelled "Pussy is served!" and walked out. But the door never closed; two guys walked in, and Beth’s education got serious! In the next three hours, Beth learned all about sucking cock and fucking, and she saw a great variety of cocks — long cocks, short cocks, fat cocks, skinny cocks, cut cocks, uncut cocks, black cocks, yellow cocks — even a red cock … The other two girls got similar treatment; after a while, they were even moved into the same room, ostensibly so party-goers could crash in the other rooms, but more likely to heap the embarrassment of seeing and being seen by the others atop the other indignities that the girls endured. Around dawn, they lugged the girls' worn-out bodies into the back of a pickup and dumped them back in the bar’s parking lot with about one full outfit of clothing between the three of them and drove off, laughing. Beth’s mouth was sore, and her pussy was raw --somehow, no one had bothered to pop any of them in the ass — and she spent the next month worrying about pregnancy and diseases — but she had gotten more male attention in four hours than she had garnered in the previous eighteen — and to be frank about it, she’d enjoyed it! Oh, it had been scary, all right, and probably wasn’t anything she should repeat — but it had also been exciting and pleasurable, and she hadn’t been traumatized. One of the other girls had gotten more than she could handle and dropped out of sight — apparently she freaked out and babbled to her parents, who shuffled her off somewhere to get counseling or something — but Beth and the other girl spent some time slowly opening up about how they felt about the whole thing, and later conversations took on a distinctly wistful note…

Beth entered college, therefore, with the realization that she was a slut — at least potentially. Realizing that potential was as difficult as it had been in high school; she just wasn’t in demand. She took chances, more and more, trying to find a situation that would give her access to at least ONE cock, despite shyness and fear.

It was sorority access to frat parties that finally turned the trick — and that process took her a year. Getting into a sorority was almost as difficult as getting male attention — and for generally the same reasons — but eventually, she got an acceptance at an also ran sorority — which for her purposes was just perfect, since it meant that she had entered a pool from which fraternities would be looking for easy pickings. Frat parties brought her Roy, who both took her out of circulation and actualized her; Beth learned to see herself as not a slut, but as Roy’s slut. He put her through her paces throughout her entire sophomore year of college, then told her that she needed to change her plans, because he wanted access to her on a full-time basis. By then, Beth was glad to oblige — especially when Roy waved the carrot of marriage before her. Everyone was happy, including Beth’s clueless family; Beth changed her degree plan, acquired an Associates Degree based upon her already completed credits, and dropped out of school to take care of Roy.

While the period that ensued was the happiest of Beth’s life, (Roy’s sexual demands were frequent and demeaning and amounted to slavery, but she cared not at all and enjoyed her work), pregnancy followed marriage too quickly for Roy; he had Beth on birth control again as soon as the baby was born, and chafed at any annoyance or hardship the child imposed. But he was never faithful; one of the first things he had trained Beth to do was to accept the presence of other women, up to and including in their marriage bed. He would use her during the week, then spend the weekend out chasing strange, taking it elsewhere or bringing it home, depending upon the vagaries of the other woman’s personality and morals. Sooner or later, though, he more or less had to find another woman with Beth’s submissive bent and love for cock — but better visual presentation — and when he did, he was gone…

The whole thing nearly killed her; only Toby kept her from succumbing to depression and killing herself during the first year. After that, things became — well, not exactly easier, but they scabbed over somewhat; Beth went out and got her LPN, then her RN and went to work caring for others. Sex dropped to zero the moment Roy walked out the door since Beth still lacked the tools and the associated bravery to go hunting for satisfaction — besides, Roy had spent several years driving home to her what a favor he was doing her by allowing her to drink his fluids and occasionally drop one of her hungry holes over his cock; even if she could find a man she had no idea how she would present herself as worthy of his attentions. In the intervening years, she’d come back a bit toward normal, but she still wasn’t an independent woman — in fact, their shared experience of the unattainability of men was the thread that tied Beth and Jean more closely that their sons' friendship. Candace was the wild and crazy member of the group, and the other two lived their lives vicariously through her — until today…