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Candace watched Lon work Beth over while Rick gave her bikini bra strap mark desultory attention, then started seriously molesting the white moons of her ass cheeks and the even more private flesh in between. At first, Beth looked back, smiling dreamily, but then she started eyeing Lon’s cock — first coyly, then with more and more absorption. As he worked her upper torso, it seemed to Candace that Beth almost drooled, sniffing delicately as the staff of flesh bobbed nearby; as he moved down Beth’s torso, Candace watched her hands make little grasping motions. When Lon moved away from Beth’s crotch and started working up her legs from her feet, Beth’s expression of enjoyment from the feel of his hands on her feet and legs was colored by the wistful regard she gave his cock, now out of reach.

Obviously, there was little requirement for a whole lot more teasing; besides, Rick was digging in Candace’s twat again, and her temperature was rising … Candace waited until Lon was playing in Beth’s crotch (an effort of will on her part, as Rick had her clitty under his fingers and was going to town), watching the joy that suffused the heavier woman’s face as Lon’s fingers wandered through her womanhood. It seemed prudent to let Lon get control — but Rick HAD control, and he was going to ruin her concentration by bringing her off again… "Rick, Honey, let up a moment, will you, Precious? Don’t go anywhere — just don’t set me off again quite yet, okay?" she added when Rick snatched back his hand as if it were burned. "Go ahead and play, Honey — just don’t go for the gusto — we’ll get there in a bit…"

Lon looked up; Mama seemed to be cooling things. But when he locked eyes with his mother, she urged him on, flicking her eyes and making little motions with her fingers. Lon got it; Mama was waiting until Lon had Beth locked down solid — which didn’t seem to be a problem, at this point. Beth was eyeing his crank like a starving person eyes a foot-long hot dog! Lon had been more or less busy with his explorations and taking his cues from the things her body was doing; now he shifted his hips so his prick swung back and forth a bit — and Beth’s eyes followed it fixedly. Okay, he got it — Beth wanted cock! Meanwhile, her slot was wet and gooey and her hips were rolling; he had no problem finding her clit. He glanced back at Mama…

Candace nodded approval. "Lon, Honey, I think Beth’s been out too long, anyway. Why don’t you take her inside and give her a good going over and make sure she hasn’t gotten sunburn already?" Turning her attention to Beth, she added, "You should check Lon out, too, Hon."

Lon nodded sagely, "Good idea — Beth is SO fair skinned…" Like ANY of us is worried about sunburn! he added in his head. He grasped Beth’s wrist and hauled her upright, "C’mon, we’re going inside…"

Beth nodded, looking shocky. God! He wasn’t going to stop NOW, was he? She let Lon pull her to her feet and followed meekly, holding his hand. Lon grabbed her towels on the way; they were both pretty greasy…

Candace and Rick watched the other couple disappear through the patio door, then Candace rolled up to lock eyes with Rick, "Okay, Honey, first we’re gonna take our own advice and move to that lounger over there under the awning — and THEN, I’m gonna give you a little something in return for that fine rub-down you gave me! Help me up…" Rick, grinning from ear to ear, did as he was told.

* * *

Jean thought that kissing Toby was going to be weird, but that turned out not to be the case. He was just a touch taller than she was, and he was surprisingly strong; once she was in his arms, he took control — and Jean found that she was hungry for the taste of his mouth, the feel of his hands roaming her body, the feel of that hot bar of flesh in the hollow of her hip. Getting past the boy thing was easy when you were being held by someone obviously more powerful than you were. Her hands roamed his body, drinking him in, exploring, while their lips meshed and their tongues invaded each other’s mouths. It had been years since Jean had done this kind of thing, and it made her feel like a giddy schoolgirl.

Toby, on the other hand, was in the midst of his first conquest — a fine reason to be giddy! He was playing it by ear, his previous experience limited to a couple of pecks without follow-up by girls who were teasing him, more than anything else. The difference between that and the embrace of a mature woman was immediately obvious to him — and left no question as to preference! For one thing, Jean obviously knew what she wanted, now that the barriers were down; she was easy to read, and even easier to supply with the intimacy she craved; Toby had an untapped well of the stuff! He only had a general idea of the mechanics of the act that he KNEW they were going to perform — but Jean knew all about it, which was an obvious advantage over blind fumbling with some teen female who knew less than he did. This was a serious confidence builder, once you got past performance anxiety — and Toby couldn’t worry about that right now.

Somehow, they went from vertical to lying on Jean’s big bed, Toby mashing his stiff cock against Jean’s pubic mound — which had to be okay, since Jean was encouraging it with a hand on his butt and moaning into his mouth! There seemed to be only one question when he rose up onto his elbows to look down at her flushed, intent face, "Now?"

"Yes…" Jean hissed, nodding, her eyes closed.

Only then did Toby think about birth control — and it was obviously too late! His trunks — and the rubber in the front pocket — might as well be light-years away, as was the stash in Rick’s bedroom! If he hopped up now to race off after a rubber, Jean would crash, probably forever! No, it was risk-taking time — either she was protected, or she wasn’t, but as flighty as she was, even asking the question was likely to divert them from the act they were embarked upon — and Toby just couldn’t DO that!

Toby’s pause for consideration was only momentary; Jean took it for virgin’s uncertainty and reached down blindly to take his penis in her hand and rub it between her labia, then poise it at her opening. That brought things crystal clarity for Toby, who proceeded to press forward into his first pussy.

It was tight. Hot and wet, too, and totally beyond Toby’s experience, but mostly, it was tight. Jean’s eyes popped open and she looked startled, and her hands came up to hold him off — but Toby wasn’t able to do anything stupid like snap his hips and bury himself in her. It was immediately evident that he was forcing a fleshy pipe somewhat over an inch and a half in diameter into a tube whose initial diameter was maybe half of that…

"We’ll … have to … go slow," Jean gasped. "It’s been a while…" Frankly, she was amazed; Toby’s penis obviously exceeded Hugh’s in every dimension! But she was stretching, accommodating, fitting herself to his surprising girth — and he was taking it easy, thank God! And — aside from concerns over fit — it was wonderful!

Slowly pressing forward, expanding Jean’s tunnel, was taking its toll on Toby. The pleasure mounted and doubled and continued to increase until it was excruciating, a pleasant torture of untenable proportions. When Jean settled back and gasped, "Okay, give me a moment to adjust…" he was beyond control! Gritting his teeth, red in the face, he tried to control his lust, but his cock went from merely firmer than it had ever been before to diamond-hard, swelling — and he HAD to get out of there! Trying to get out only made things worse (or better, actually, when you looked at it objectively) — his balls drew clear up into his body in preparation…