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Jean was taken totally by surprise by the abrupt withdrawal, and almost moved to clutch him to her, expecting that he was going to begin to stroke — but the moment he was clear of her body, his eyes rolled up, he wailed, "AAAAAAAAUUGH!" and the fountain began!

The first blast shot right over Jean’s head, the trailing dregs dribbling across her face. The second took her under the chin when she instinctively looked up. After that, Toby just poured semen all over her chest and belly.

Realization of the extent of the situation caused an involuntary giggle from Jean, quickly squelched — he was going to be mortified, no doubt. God! What a flood! She reached down and took his throbbing shaft in her hand and rubbed her thumb along the underside of the exposed head of his penis like she’d done for Hugh a hundred times, extending his pleasure. Hugh had been quick on the first pass, when they were first together — and this was perhaps Toby’s VERY first pass … All in all, it wasn’t surprising, in retrospect. And Jean remembered something else about those early days…

But Toby was back in this world, and already suffering, visibly. "What’s the matter, Dear?" Jean asked.

Shame poured from him. "I … finished already…" He couldn’t meet her eyes.

Jean had acted like a baby through most of the activity to date — but now it was time to take the lead. "I don’t think you’re done, Dear — do you?" Her hand told her that his penis still resembled an iron bar.

"Huh…" Toby glanced down, confirmed his status, and started to recover. "Guess not…"

"Why did you pull out?" Jean asked.

"No rubber…" Toby eyed Jean. This would undoubtedly kill round two…

A wave of affection flowed through her. "How sweet! I’m on the Pill, Dear…" Why did she tell him that? She’d taken exactly two, since Monday — they would undoubtedly NOT be effective! But she knew that making him pull out — or, worse, making him wear one of those awful rubber things — would rob them both of some of the joy of the experience. Surely she’d be safe … Her eyes twinkling with mirth, he murmured, "Now I’m a mess…" Deliberately, watching him, she scooped up some semen from between her breasts with a finger and stuck it in her mouth, enjoying his amazement. The taste was largely as remembered, but it differed in that it seemed thicker, more meaty; well, if you were storing it up like Toby undoubtedly had been … That blast over her head had been just AMAZING!

Toby’s cock returned to steely hardness as he watched Jean suck that finger. This was a totally different woman — a sultry, feisty little fox who was just about as different from the skittish, uptight, nervously timid woman he’d been dealing with as you could get! Holy shit!

Toby was right; the other Jean — that happy vixen who rode her husband’s cock to joy every day for over a decade — had come out to play! The concerns of the world existed outside the bedroom; here, in her inner sanctum, there was finally a man to bring her pleasure and allow her to give some back! She was free — and if for no other reason than the fact that it might never occur again, she was going to live this moment to the fullest, without worrying about consequences! For now, though, she needed that penis re-inserted where it belonged… "Can you reach the towel, Dear? I hate to waste the good stuff, but being gooey will interfere with what we’re doing…"

"Huh? Yeah, sure!" Toby snatched the towel he’d dragged along from poolside and began wiping at the puddle between Jean’s breasts. "Sorry…"

"Don’t be," Jean husked throatily. "I should have been thinking. If I had, I’d have swallowed it!"

Just thinking about THAT nearly had Toby cumming again! "Oh, God!" he groaned, closing his eyes. When he opened them, Jean was grinning from ear to ear, the most carefree and happy look on her face … He’d never seen her like that — and he found himself hoping that this wouldn’t be the last time he did!

"Now, can we go again?" she asked, smiling. "We know that I can stretch to fit that monster — and that’s the main issue. Now let’s see if we can get into the swing of things…"

Chapter 7

Posted: February 06, 2009 - 02:05:53 pm

Beth followed Lon meekly into the house. She had no will — only her need, and Lon was promising to fulfill it. That being the case, she would follow him through the house and out into the middle of the street to lie down there, nude, if it would get her the feel of that cock. She would do ANYTHING to feel it, taste it, have it flood her womb — or her ass, for that matter. She had surrendered control in the belief that Lon would take it — and, more importantly, take HER!

Lon really had no concept of what was going on in Beth’s head; all he knew was that where he led, she followed, and it appeared that when they got to a place where they could have some privacy, she would probably be amenable to sex. That he virtually owned Beth in that moment never occurred to him.

Per the plan, Lon headed upstairs toward the master bedroom — but when he got there, the door was closed and there were noises within — and Toby’s flip-flop was lying there on the floor outside the door! So much for bad ju-ju — apparently, Jean didn’t have any issues with the idea of fucking someone else in her marital bed. Well, to be fair, her husband WAS long gone … Lon turned and headed back downstairs without revealing his thought process — or anything else, beyond a surprised grunt — and Beth followed him back down the stairs without questioning the reason for the apparent side-trip. Lon noticed this, but didn’t think much about it beyond being grateful that she didn’t give him crap over dragging her all over the house…

The new batting order gave him the quarters previously assigned to Toby — the den, with its big leather couch. Lon led Beth there, handing her a towel on arrival and mumbling, "Why don’t we put this on the couch to keep things from getting sticky?" Beth took the towel and spread it on the seat without saying a word, then took the second towel and draped it over the back while Lon mumbled, "I don’t know if it opens out."

Lon found himself at a loss as to how to proceed. Beth hadn’t said a single word since Mama told her she should go with him. Now she was standing there with this odd look on her face, looking at his dick every couple of seconds. Lon couldn’t make her out — she seemed to be waiting and … anticipating something? She reminded him of a pup he’d had when he was a kid that would beg at the table — nothing active, just that look… "You’re gonna leave me a piece of that pork chop, right?" And he’d just sit there until everybody was done, and if he didn’t get anything, that was okay…

Without realizing it, Lon had Beth pretty much pegged. Desire had put her into full submissive mode. She was a supplicant; she wanted to worship his cock, but felt that she didn’t deserve to — so she waited…

Lon stepped forward and took Beth into his arms, feeling awkward. Beth returned the clasp, stepping into it — but that didn’t seem to take them anywhere, either. Finally, Beth husked, "Can I touch it?"

The identification of it was pretty clear to Lon. "Well, yeah…"

Beth dropped right out of his grasp, going to her knees and gently taking his cock in her hands. Gentle fingers traced the shaft and a hand cradled his balls. Beth spent seventy-five percent of her time in fascinated examination and twenty-five looking up at Lon to see if he was going to stop her — something unlikely, on at least one level…

Lon stood there, amazed, while Beth gently retracted his foreskin and ran her thumb over his glans, collecting a bit of seepage; this wasn’t the scenario he expected, at all! She leaned forward a bit and inhaled, obviously drawing in his musk, pleasure and contentment coloring her expression. Gently, she jacked him, an odd motion wherein one hand moved his foreskin and the other stroked him in between — retract, stroke to the root, return, stroke over the glans. It was incredible! Beth looked up, petitioning, "Can I suck it?"