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"No," Candace glared, "I wanted to sit on your cock!"

"Oh, yeah, right!" Damian grinned as he released her. "Go get the lube, then — unless you want me goin' in dry…"

"Oh, FUCK no!" Candace scampered over to the table where the toys and lubricants were laid out and collected a bottle of K-Y liquid, then hurried back.

Damian grinned, taking the bottle from her. "Back over the couch…" Candace gave him a look, but obeyed. Everybody in the room knew he was going to swat her ass again. Damian stretched it out, anyway, lubing a finger and probing Candace’s ass, then adding a second finger while everyone in the room watched. Beth was particularly entertaining; her eyes seemed to glow as she watched. Damian couldn’t decide whether she was enjoying watching her Mistress get worked over or just wished it was herself getting her ass probed … When he’d gotten two fingers in Candace as deep as they would go, he fished them out and grunted, "Okay, get me out of my sweats. Hurry! You don’t want to close up!"

Candace didn’t either; Damian had been deliberately rough, making her grunt in pain. It wasn’t lost on her that everyone else in the room was apparently enjoying watching her get worked over — even Jean! She shucked Damian out of his sweatpants in record time, snatching off his untied Reeboks in the process. He opened his mouth, but she knew what was coming and snatched his muscle shirt off over his head, too. Thank God he was hard, the bastard! She turned around and bent at the waist, looking at him over her shoulder.

Damian settled back against the couch back and spread his muscular thighs, then pulled her toward him with a hand on her hip. "Guide it in, Baby — you wanted it."

More embarrassment and humiliation, ' Candace thought, 'What can he POSSIBLY do that would be worse? But she reached back and grasped his shaft, positioning it against her recently defeated sphincter, and backed onto it.

Or she tried, rather; even the few seconds undressing him had taken was enough to allow her ass to close up.

Damian gave her a look that said Silly bitch! as clearly as if he’d said it aloud and grunted, "Make up you fuckin' mind … Shit, it’s too late for that; here, let me do it…" And he proceeded to force the mushroom head of his cock through her flinching anal opening.

"AAAAAHHHH!" Candace groaned. It hurt like a bitch!

Damian stopped when his glans was anchored in her. "Awright, the hard part is over — work it, Baby work it!" And he swatted her on the ass again.

Basically, that’s how Lon, Sally, Rick and Teela found Candace when they thundered down the stair moments later — red-faced, sweating, and basically stuck on Damian’s erection. The four of them eyed this situation and scattered to the flanks. "Oh, hi, Candace," Teela said brightly. "Are you okay? That shouldn’t be … OH!" She had shifted around to Candace’s right at that point, and discovered that Damian’s cock was in her ass, not her vagina. "Wow! Do you do that a lot?"

Candace’s mouth worked for a moment before she got out, "Ummm, not very often…"

Damian opened up, looking at Lon, "Candace asked me to do this — didn’t she, guys?" Toby and Terence both nodded dumbly.

Lon shrugged. "Okay, so? Mama?"

"We’re just a little dry, Hon," Candace grunted. "That’s all…"

Damian grinned and waved the bottle of K-Y. "She tightened up…" Several people were suppressing smirks — including Teela, who had been deliberately ingenuous.

Lon shrugged. "Well, when you’re in a hurry…" He turned away to hide a smile.

Candace, fire-engine red from her breasts up, begged, "Damian…"

Damian wiggled her a bit. "I think things are gettin' better. I’ll dribble a little of this on things, but you don’t want TOO much…"

"What else have we missed?" Lon asked.

"Oh, that’s it…" Toby’s face was a study in suppressed laughter. "Candace just got antsy…"

Candace wanted to scream and yell and rant and rave, but Damian was tearing her a new asshole — literally, as far as she could tell. "More! Please!" she begged.

"Hey, you know this is the warming stuff, right?" Damian asked, pretending innocence.

"Oh, gawd…" Candace moaned. Somebody snickered.

Damian drizzled some K-Y down the crack of Candace’s ass. "You’re gonna have to move it some to get any in there … Maybe I can add a finger…"

"No! No! I’ll get it…" The rest of Damian’s cock might have been lubed, but the ring in contact with Candace’s anus felt like it was covered in sandpaper. Struggling, she backed up a bit and found a lubricated surface.

"Spread it around," Damian grunted, pushing on Candace’s ass so she moved forward again. This was hurting him, too, but he was going to get his pound of flesh…

Movement got easier despite Damian’s attempts to extend the agony. "Oh, thank God!" Candace moaned.

Damian leaned forward and hissed, "That’s what you get for trying to get sneaky…"

"I wasn’t, really…"

"Liar," Damian murmured quietly. "Hey, Toby, Candace is getting noisy. How about you feed her?"

"She’s hungry?" Toby frowned.

"Tube steak, I’m thinking," Damian murmured, his hands on her hips moving Candace up and down on his erection.

"Oh," Toby grunted, nodding. He came around the couch. Candace was puffing and blowing, trying to give vent to her outrage. Toby unlimbered his cock, murmuring, "You KNOW you were talking about something like this…"

"Yeah, well … ULP!" Toby didn’t take no for an answer; Candace found herself with a mouthful of cock.

"So," Teela asked Beth, "is that any fun? It doesn’t look like it…"

"Anal sex can be great, or it can be really painful — it’s all about preparation," Beth replied, adding conspiratorially, "I don’t think Mistress has a lot of experience…" Candace glared.

"Hey, Toby, back off a sec, willya?" Damian asked.

"Sure…" Toby backed off.

"Look over here, Baby," Damian directed. Candace turned to look over her right shoulder at him, and he shoved two sticky fingers at her. "Open up."


Damian shoved the fingers in her mouth. "Clean them off, Baby — they’re making a mess!"

"Oomph!" Candace grimaced. The lube wasn’t too objectionable, but there was another, nastier taste … Damn him! She’d been sucking reflexively before she even thought about it; now her mouth tasted like, well, crap, actually. Damian removed his fingers and Candace started venting, "Dammit, Damian…"

"Toby?" Damian ignored her — except to give her a solid swat on her ass!

"Ow!" Candace hooted, her eyes popping. Her head snapped around front — and Toby stuck his cock between her lips again. "Hey! At gno haigm!"

Damian cocked his head. "What was that?"

"I think she said it wasn’t fair," Toby opined.

"Oh," Damian replied, unperturbed. "You’re right, Baby — but you know that you enjoy things more after I remind you that you’re not running things…" Candace let out an irritated whine. Damian made some motions, and Toby got it — Don’t abuse her — we want her to enjoy it. He nodded and took things easy while keeping Candace’s mouth engaged.

Damian wasn’t done, though. "It’d suck up a lot of the available manpower, but it’d be cute if we checked her to see if she’s air-tight, wouldn’t it, Toby?"

"Mmmmm?" Candace grunted around Toby’s cock. Air-tight?

"Yeah, cool," Toby agreed, sweeping his gaze to Terence and Rick. "One of you guys got a minute?"

Terence grinned, but Teela decided things by nudging Rick. "Go." Rick flicked her a glance, but didn’t say anything, figuring that he needed to appear to have control of things. "You mind?" he asked Terence.