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Lon looked around. "That’s me, I guess…" He went over and knelt up behind Beth, nosing his cock against her dripping snatch.

Beth’s head popped up and she turned big eyes on Lon. "Lonnie! Oh, that’s so nice!"

Damian grinned. "I’m next!"

Beth’s eyes glowed. "A train! Omigod! Wonderful! Oh! Oh! OOHH!!" Thrilled beyond measure, Beth threw an orgasm. Lon and Damian grinned at each other.

Toby grinned tightly. "Who’s next over here?"

"Got to be me, I guess," Rick drawled. He glanced over at Teela. "You okay, Babe?"

Teela nodded. "I’ll just watch."

Rick waved a finger, grinning. "You could suck a nipple…"

Teela turned her head to her left and grinned from ear to ear as Rick’s mother gazed at Teela, startled — then she leaned forward and sucked in Jean’s right nipple. Jean gasped, "Ogod!" Fifteen seconds later, Jean was screaming her head off, clutching Teela to her breast with one hand and Beth to her twat with the other as an orgasm rolled through her.

Finally! Toby thought dimly as his twice-delayed orgasm surged over him. "YEAAAHH!!" he grunted as his cock pulsed in Louise’s hot box. "Take a load, Louise!"

"Thank you, Baby! Oh, oh, oh…" Louise babbled breathlessly while Sally caressed her cheek.

"Rick?" Toby backed off.

"Coming…" Rick grabbed a baby wipe to give Toby, but a soft voice pled, "No, let me clean it, please?" Toby smiled and took his gooey cock over to Jean, who sucked it in happily.

"Want some more?" Rick asked Louise, kneeling up behind her.

"Oh, Baby, that would be…" Louise was at a loss for words. The next thing out of her mouth was a soft, "Uuhh!" as Rick socketed himself in her dripping snatch. "Oh, Baby!"

"Anything to drink around here?" Damian asked.

"Bar fridge." Lon pointed it out.

Damian headed over to it, Toby following. "Gonna be quite an afternoon," Damian observed, pulling out a Coke.

"Yeah," Toby agreed. "Some of the women are overdue for some serious sex."

"Your Mama…" Damian began, shaking his head.

"Ma is a serious slut," Toby agreed, cutting him off. "You have no idea. We could run a football team through here and she would thank us for it. Pa used to, well, do wild shit to her. We haven’t approached that, yet."

"So the word is tear it up?" Damian confirmed.

"Yeah," Toby nodded. "I would, but it’s not the right thing to do."

Damian nodded. "Mama says you guys worked Pa over pretty good."

Toby pursed his lips. "Yeah."

"Mama says he liked it, in the end."

Toby eyed Damian carefully. "Yeah."

"Mama says he liked it in both ends…" Damian grinned.

Toby relaxed. "Yeah. Actually, he did."

Damian glanced over at where Terence was leaning against the pool table, watching Lon pound Beth’s pussy. "Big Bro is a chip off the old block, I figure. Me, well, I can take it or leave it…" He eyed Toby conspiratorially. "You know why he’s watchin' Lon…"

Toby nodded. "Yeah. I don’t want to go into how, other than to tell you it wasn’t Ma — but yeah, I know."

"You figure there’s any chance… ?"

"I’ve kind of promised to come up with something," Toby replied. "It’s not gonna be easy, though." Damian nodded.

Lon was fresher than he thought he was; he lasted fewer than ten minutes before flooding Beth’s snatch. Damian, having gotten a bit sore during his workout in Candace’s ass, lasted a good deal longer. Jean got out from under Beth’s lips before Lon finished; Beth was just entirely too good at cunt-lapping for anyone to be able to stand it for long.

Rick lasted almost fifteen minutes in Louise — but when he was done, Louise was, too. Groaning, she climbed up on the couch, put her head back in Sally’s lap, and collapsed. Teela had gotten up when Jean’s departure brought the threat of Beth returning to work on her, and had stood rubbing her man’s back and shoulders until he made his sperm deposit in the black woman, then dragged him off to a mattress to neck. Sally found herself playing idly with the black woman’s floppy titties while she sucked Lon’s cock. Louise encouraged her with little moans and babbled comments about how good crushing her nipples felt. When Sally was done cleaning Lon’s cock, he circled around behind Sally and nibbled her neck while playing with her globular breasts.

"Next!" Damian yelled, backing out of Beth’s drippy snatch. Everybody glanced around. Lon and Rick were too recently finished, and Toby wasn’t allowed, sooo… "On you, Big Bro!" Damian announced.

"Shit!" Terence grunted. "Who’d have thought that fuckin' was such work?" He took an extra pillow for his knees this time; soon Beth was purring and cooing happily.

Damian went to check on Candace, who was sitting up, apparently trying to get a handle on things. "You bastard," she said without heat, "Where has that been?"

"Beth’s pussy," Damian replied blandly. Candace nodded and sucked him in. Things were quiet between them except for liquid sucking sounds for a moment; Damian played with Candace’s bleach-blonde locks without trying to direct her efforts.

Candace pulled back after a bit. "You treated me like shit," she accused.

"For a while," Damian agreed.

"Why did you have to do that?" she whined.

"Because you were trying to get away with something," Damian replied evenly.

"It was the letter of what you told me…" Candace whined.

"Yeah, but you knew I wanted you to do it in front of everybody," Damian replied.

"You were gonna rub my nose in it, anyway," Candace grumbled — but Damian wasn’t concerned; her tone of voice was distinctly odd — resigned, more than anything else…

"Yeah, I was," Damian agreed. "And you pretty much knew it was coming, didn’t you?"

"Yeah." Candace dropped her eyes and wouldn’t look at him. "How did I get here?"

"You went to sleep cuddled on me in that chair over there," Damian replied.

"Yeah?" Candace still sounded sulky, but more childish than anything else.

"Yeah." Damian took her hand and led her to the chair, then sat and pulled her into his lap again. "Like this."

"My mouth tastes nasty," Candace sulked.

"It was supposed to," Damian replied.


"You know why." Damian began nuzzling her neck, and Candace just couldn’t stay angry. In fact, she hadn’t started angry, per se — merely unhappy. The fight was more or less leached out of her. She DID know why Damian had done what he did; basically, he was pressing home the point that there were no deals, no negotiations — she would do whatever he told her, period. Part of her rebelled at this — and part of her reveled in it. That left her without clear direction — and without will. Damian’s arms offered comfort, and the easiest and most pleasant thing was to accept it, so she did so. Damian handed her his Coke, and she took two or three swallows, swishing it around her mouth to remove the nasty taste; after that, he apparently had no compunction about kissing her. The whole situation moved from focused sex and dominance to romance and comfort petting. Candace surfaced momentarily, after a torrid kiss, feeling his hands on her breast and flank, and blurted, "Damian, I can’t…"

"Marry me?" Damian interrupted. "Shut up." And he pulled her lips back to his and forced his tongue between them. Candace gave up and let him work on her.

Terence was puffing and sweating, plowing Beth’s pussy, but both his endurance and his ability to hold back an orgasm were waning. "I’m gonna bust a nut!" he grunted. "Who’s up?"

"Sweetheart?" Sally drew back from a kiss with Lon, "I think it’s you…"

Lon popped up and started counting on his fingers. There was Toby … oh, yeah — THAT wouldn’t work… "Okay. I’m coming. Go ahead and finish up…"