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Toby was working it; this was SOOO much better than jacking off that he couldn’t even compare the two! And Jean was, well, enthusiastic … He’d heard about dead lays — and that was DEFINITELY not Jean! She was grinning again and her hips were moving and her pussy felt like a hot, wet glove, massaging his cock… Man, I can do this FOREVER! Toby thought; it seemed like he had gotten a charge from the Energizer Bunny!

About a minute and a half later, things came to a head; Toby saw that shift in expression that told him that Jean was close again — and at the same time, probably because he knew what he was seeing this time and got more excited, he began to feel that tickle that announced the arrival of his own orgasm. Frantically trying to bring Jean over the threshold before he lost control, Toby upped the ante again, working even harder to bring about their conclusion…

Jean was already there; she WOULD orgasm, one way or another — the only question was how hard. Toby settled that; the answer was to be HARD! That final hammering attack caused Jean’s eyes to pop and her mouth to open as Toby hit the boosters just as she slid over the peak… "AaaaaaAAAAAAAAHH!!!!"

She was climbing all over him again; her pussy was pulsing and her legs were hauling him against her even harder than he had been pounding before … Toby let go, boring into Jean and pouring semen into her, crushing her to him while he pulsed and pulsed and pulsed, a strained grunt the only sound possible to him…

Then they collapsed. Toby was sweat-soaked and the muscles that had propelled him while he was imitating a human pile-driver exacted their revenge, giving way and refusing to function. Jean came to herself with Toby collapsed atop her, apparently boneless, his lungs heaving as he tried to recover from the act. Fortunately he wasn’t heavy … He wasn’t asleep, either; his first panted words were, "Can’t … move…"

"Shhhhh! Relax! Rest a bit…" Jean caressed her young lover’s dark curls, content for the moment to lie beneath him.

Chapter 8

Posted: February 08, 2009 - 09:52:54 am

Downstairs, Lon and Beth were just getting into the swing of things. Lon discovered that getting a second hard-on wasn’t difficult when a woman kneels at your feet and proceeds to suck in your entire cock while gazing up at you with adoring eyes. Beth had him up and running in no time, and might have gone on to suck him dry again if he hadn’t tugged on her hair. "C’mon, let’s fuck."

Fuck. Fuck was a good word, as far as Beth was concerned. It wasn’t a delicate euphemism like intercourse, or a vague generality like having sex — like you were ordering it from a restaurant menu. It wasn’t making love — Lon might like her, but he certainly didn’t love her. No, it meant that Lon was going to stick his dick in her and go to town — and that was JUST FINE! "How do you want me?"

"Uuhh … I dunno — any suggestions?" Lon asked.

"Well, we could do missionary on the floor … Or you could just bend me over the couch arm…"

"Nothing on the couch?"

"It’d probably be crowded, big as I am," Beth replied. "We could toss cushions on the floor…" While they discussed things, her hand continued to move on his wet meat, sliding his foreskin back and forth, keeping him stimulated almost automatically.

"Let’s do that then."

Beth struggled up off her knees, then gave Lon a hand up. Lon snagged a cushion and tossed it off to his left, clearing the coffee table; Beth collected the other one and carried it beyond, dropping it and kicking them both into alignment. Lon held out his hands and Beth took them, using them to balance while she dropped to the cushions and arranged herself, legs splayed. "How’s this?"

"Looks good…" Lon settled his knees on the cushion. "What about you? Don’t you need a warm-up?"

"If you’re in a hurry, you don’t have to," Beth replied diffidently, "but if you want to look around or whatever…"

Lon DID want to look around … Beth had quite a furry pelt, in basically the same shade as the hair on her head — maybe a bit greyer. In the hollows of her thighs, the skin was darker, but looked to be more supple. Her pussy lips — the inner, thin ones — the outer ones didn’t really seem to resemble lips as much as just padding — were open, displaying a pink channel. Below that was her asshole, which looked somehow indefinably used. "Ummm, have you ever, uh, had your ass done?"

Here we go … On to abuse already. "Yes, many times. Is that what you want?" It wouldn’t be fun; it had been quite some time and she was neither aroused enough or physically prepared for anal sex — not to mention lubrication…

"Uh, no, just asking. It just sorta looked like you had…" Lon started running a finger along Beth’s pink channel, collecting drippings.

"Uhhhh," Beth grunted. "My ex liked it — anything to keep me in my place…"

"So you don’t like it?" Lon asked while probing her opening.

"It can be good, if it’s done right, and you’re prepared. If not, it just hurts…" Beth replied. "That doesn’t, though…" she added gasping as his finger penetrated her.

"I bet not," Lon grinned, moving and wriggling the finger. "Clit’s up under here, right?" His other index finger descended on her clitoral hood.

"Uh huh," Beth got out through suddenly constricted lungs.

"Okay, I’m gonna play a bit — let me know when you’re ready." Lon kept fingering her hole while he did other things — traced her lips, tried to expose her clit fully, pinched it gently — Beth got noticeably wetter. "Am I doing anything right?"

"You’ve — uuuhhh — gotten me excited before," Beth replied. "You — ahhh — seem to know what you’re doing…"

"I guess a lot," Lon replied. "Might be a good thing for me to get more familiar…"

"Well, there are — ooohhh — differences; some girls can’t take having their clit worked on directly, so you kind of work along the hood…"

"Like this?" Lon ran a finger up either side. "I can feel it humping up…"

"Yeah," Beth gasped, "That’s real nice … Other girls can take having you just go at it from undernea-- AAAAHHH!!"

"Like that?" Lon asked, grinning.

"Uh huh!" Beth was really agitated — and for good reason! Lon had her well up the scale, and anticipation just added to it. "Oh oh oh! Now? Please?" She couldn’t keep her ass still on the pillow; her twat was up chasing fingers.

"Sure." Lon knelt up, knees on the cushion, and started probing. He’d just had a finger in there … Down low…

Beth froze. "There! Push it in! Oh, God!" Lon’s blunt cock passed the gates of her womanhood, bringing instant pleasure to both of them.

"Shit! Man!" Wow! Pussy was fucking incredible! He got about three inches in and the lips turned under and things got difficult.

"Back out some!" Beth gasped. "It’ll lubricate…"

"Oh, right…" Lon backed an inch or so. Backing out was almost better than driving in; the ridge around his cock head dragged along the walls of Beth’s pussy. He headed back in, penetrating another inch or so before it was time to back out again. Damn, this was good shit! By the fourth stroke, he was balls deep and moving relatively freely. "Okay," he grunted, "How’s that?"

"It’s Heaven!" Beth gasped, locking eyes with him. "Fuck me, Lon! Fuck me hard!"

Lon got started, but his position wasn’t the best; it was like doing push-ups, and after a couple of minutes, his arms were giving him trouble. "Damn…" he gasped, "Getting … hard … to…"

"Oh!" Beth lifted her knees. "Lean up and brace on my knees!"