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Rick was happy to oblige; he’d been watching them bounce to her motion, fascinated. It turned out not to be the easiest thing; she was moving quite a bit. Rick contented himself with grasping her nipples and hanging on while her movements provided their own stimulus. "Uuuhh, yeah, that’s good!" Candace cooed. She could adjust that, too, just by moving differently; all Rick had to do was adjust the tightness of his grip to ensure he didn’t lose it. Of course, he added the occasional twist … Watching her was amazing; Candace rode him with her head up, nostrils flared as she gasped deep breaths, moaning little comments like, "Oh, Honey, that’s SOOO good…"

About three minutes in, Candace’s face and chest developed a distinct flush and she got this incredibly intense expression; Rick remembered Lon’s comment, earlier that afternoon — surely this was what he’d been talking about. "Oh, God, I’m gonna get one!" Candace wailed, and went absolutely spastic! Rick let go of her nipples and grabbed her hips as she started gyrating wildly and almost unseated herself, wailing, "UUUUUUUUHHHHHNNG!"

Candace flopped forward to brace herself on stiff arms against Rick’s shoulders — but this didn’t help Rick keep things going! Not interested in losing his own opportunity at a cum, Rick started driving up into Candace from below — and surprisingly, it worked! He managed to push things for twenty seconds or so while Candace got her wind back, at which point she resumed posting on his cock.

But that wasn’t good enough, any more; Rick continued to add to things from below — it seemed to improve things for him. Candace adjusted to this quite readily, as she got more and spent less in the way of energy — and it seemed to multiply things…

In no time, Candace was pinking up again — but this time, Rick was getting HIS, too! "I’m getting close!" he grunted, feeling the charge building in his cock.

"'Kay," Candace gasped. "I’m close, too!" She shifted a bit and started rocking even harder, riding her clit against him.

Rick, watching her face, recognized the expression. He didn’t want her losing it just before he got off, so he put things in overdrive, taking control from below, controlling her position with his hands on her hips. Candace let it ride, working with him to get hers while allowing him to do what he needed to do to make it.

It all came together a few strokes later. Rick hit his peak, gritting his teeth as he jacked things up, hoping — and it worked! Candace gave out a wail and started thrashing just as his head came off and he crushed her to him while his cock spewed a second load of seed into her pulsing twat. Candace was perfectly happy to mash herself back at him, falling forward and hugging herself to him.

"Man!" Rick panted, recovering, "That was GREAT!"

"Mmmm hmmm!" Candace agreed, sucking in great gulps of air. "Am I glad you guys came up with that crazy plan of yours! Wow!"

* * *

Jean lay on her bed, wakeful, gently cuddling Toby — who was snoozing — and working her way through her feelings. There was a man atop her, and she was tender and sore in places — but that was background to some serious happiness and contentment. She hadn’t had an afternoon like this since Hugh died, and it had been badly needed — heck, she wasn’t certain that Hugh had ever been that good; certainly, he hadn’t been that big…

Unfortunately, there was a flip side to things. The man lying atop her wasn’t — he was a boy, half her age! That killed any chance of this thing becoming a committed relationship, and put her in the position of being a fool with no control over her libido or emotions. What they’d just done was probably illegal, one way or another, despite the age of consent. So she’d acted like a slut and done something morally and probably legally wrong in order to slake her physical desires…

NOW what did she do? She couldn’t fly up out of the bed, have a fit, and spurn Toby — it would be a serious blow to his ego that he didn’t deserve, for one thing — but she couldn’t have sex with him again, either; it was just wrong! She had to let him down easy…

On the other hand, what if he failed to take no for an answer? He’d been very forceful on occasion — and she had proven weak — VERY weak — on two occasions, already. Could she even hold him off? Ultimately, would she end up fighting herself, too, like she had before?

DAMN Candace! The woman chased young boys shamelessly, and she’d roped Jean into going along with the boys' wild plan, never intending to put a stop to things! By now, she’d probably seduced Rick — and that son of hers had probably gotten to Beth, too! I should never have brought this whole thing into the open — it left Candace with too juicy an opportunity to pass up! Jean mused, but then she had to admit to herself that SHE had screwed up with Toby before Candace ever entered into the picture…

Still, Jean probably could have recovered by the simple expedient of avoiding Toby for a while — or maybe having a heart to heart talk about the incident beside the pool. But Candace had pushed and prodded and manipulated — and now all THREE of them had done wrong…

Or had they? Maybe, ultimately, only Jean had fallen … That thought made Jean incredibly uncomfortable — too uncomfortable to just lie in bed, thinking about it. She stirred, and Toby struggled up, "Huh?"

"I have to pee," Jean lied.

"Oh, okay…" Toby rolled off her and onto his back, resuming a quiet snore almost immediately. Jean got up and looked down at him fondly; he was such an odd mix — one moment, he was a gangling boy, and the next he was cool, calm, and in charge — and all man! Some young girl was going to be VERY happy … Too bad young girl didn’t describe HER!

She was dripping, their mixed juices running down her inner thigh and dripping on the rug from her puffy labia. Cupping a hand over her mons, she went off to the bathroom, after all, ducking and hiding lest someone see her nude (as if they hadn’t all already done so). A quick but thorough wipe with a damp washrag and she was good — for the moment, anyway; she took the washrag back to the bedroom to collect drips on the floor. The bed had a major wet spot on it, but that could wait…

Jean went to the window and peered down at the pool deck; there was no one to be seen … Wait! Candace appeared from under the awning, collecting a towel and wiping her denuded crotch in a manner all too familiar to Jean — yes, she’d had sex, all right! A moment later, Rick appeared, and Candace knelt and began wiping at his penis and testicles — which meant that Candace had managed to suborn Jean’s son, for certain. Jean sighed. How on Earth were they going to fix this, now? What were the chances that Beth had shown some sense and fended off Lon’s advances? Based on the way things had gone in the pool, Jean doubted it…

Jean turned from the window to find Toby up on his elbow, watching her. "What’s wrong?" he asked.

"This," Jean replied, her wave taking in the entire situation, not just her bedroom. "The three of you hatched this insane plan, and instead of stopping you or warning you or even just telling you that it’s wrong, all three of us probably went along with it!"

"Oh." Toby looked wary. "So you DID know…"

"Yes," Jean sighed. "I overheard the three of you hatching this from the kitchen the other night. I knew that Candace would pass it off, so I tested the three of you — and I failed, instead of YOU!" She shook her head. "Then Candace got that look in her eye when I told her and your mother — I should have known better … Instead of stopping it, we facilitated it!"