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Toby shook his head. "If I told some of the guys at school that I was having sex with an older woman, they’d go You horndog! and clap me on the back!"

Jean nodded. "No doubt. But one or more of them would turn you in, so they could get famous for ratting you out and putting the stop to a horrible perversion…" She looked sad. "People suck. Individuals are wonderful, but a group is only as good as its worst member. That’s the way it is…"

Toby nodded. He’d been rubbing Jean’s thigh all along; now she looked as if she needed it. Apparently, she had harbored hope that he would prove her fears to be groundless … He leaned up and went to work on her back, instead. "So we keep a lid on it."

"That won’t work," Jean sighed. "It’ll get out. YOU might not say anything, but Lon? I’m sorry — I don’t trust him — not for this! Even Rick might not realize that it’s serious…"

"Well, okay — but it’s done already, you know? There is ALREADY a secret out there…" Toby pointed out.

Jean nodded. "If we impress upon them how dangerous the whole thing is, we might be able to shut things down, now — but if we keep it up, I don’t see how it’s going to go unnoticed." What REALLY sucked was how good Toby’s hand felt, touching her, giving her strength and solace. And she was going to have to give that up…

"Well, the damage is done. We’re going to have to make everyone understand that this is a one-time thing…" Toby murmured.

"Yeah…" Toby was amazed at the emotional freighting Jean gave that word.

"Come here," Toby growled. His hand snaked up Jean’s back and settled on the back of her neck, pulling her toward him.

"Why? What are you doing?" Jean whined, resisting.

"If it’s a one-off, don’t you think we should get our fill?" Toby asked. Despite her struggles, they were face to face. Jean stopped, blinked; Toby leaned up and brushed his lips against hers. "We don’t want to have to go around wishing we’d done it just one more time…"

Jean thought about it and smiled gently. Toby had a point; the damage was already done for this incident, so they might as well get as much from it as they could. It would be a beautiful memory … She leaned forward and pressed a return kiss to his lips. "When you’re right, you’re right…" She rolled forward, sliding into his arms.

Chapter 9

Posted: February 08, 2009 - 09:52:54 am

Candace hopped up and pressed a towel to her dripping snatch. "Well, I figure that if we haven’t seen Lon and Beth, and we haven’t seen Toby and Jean, they’re busy — what about you?"

"They’re probably taking a nap," Rick grinned.

Candace waved him over to her and used the towel to wipe their sticky mix of love juices from his cock and balls. "Want to go look?" she asked, her eyes full of mischief.

Rick grinned back, "Okay." Candace held a finger to her lips and they entered the house through the slider.

Once inside, Rick took the lead out of familiarity, holding Candace’s hand. He thought a bit and decided that it was better to burst in on Lon and Beth than Toby and his mother; Jean was skittish enough. He turned and led Candace to the stair.

At the top, though, there was a complication; Rick recognized Toby’s flip-flop and it’s significance. "Ummm, I think we ought to go back down…" he whispered.


"I figured we were safer starting with Lon and Beth — and if things had gone to plan, they’d have had Mom’s room," Rick confided. Candace grunted; yeah, she’d heard about that… "That shoe there means that things didn’t happen that way," Rick amplified. "Mom and Toby are in there…"

Candace nodded, "Okay." But she went to the door, anyway. Jean was talking — and it didn’t sound like the kind of conversation Candace wanted to break in on. Waving Rick toward the stair, she followed him down the first few before he stopped and looked the question. "They were talking. I’m not sure Toby got any, after all…"

"Bummer." Rick figured that if he didn’t score, Toby and his mother Jean were probably BOTH miserable. He shook his head and moved on.

At the foot of the stairs he turned and headed for the den. The door was closed, but rhythmic slapping sounds were coming right through. "Well, we’re batting five hundred," Candace murmured, "or maybe six sixty six…" Rick grinned and applied his ear to the door. Candace slipped up beside him and did the same, grinning at him as she put the opposite ear against the panel…

Beth was being vocal; you couldn’t make it out, quite, but she didn’t sound unhappy. She was moaning or saying something or other in counterpoint to the fleshy smacks. Rick put a finger to hip lips and waved Candace back so he could get at the knob. Turning it slowly, he quietly cracked the door open…

"Fuck … fuck … fuck … fuck … fuck … fuck … fuck … fuck … fuck…" Beth chanted, her eyes glassy, while Lon made like a perpetual motion machine above her. Lon had Beth’s knees over his upper arms and he was long-stroking her, a feral grin on his face. While the other couple watched, Beth surged up and wailed, "Oh, OH, OOHHH!!!" then collapsed for a moment before taking off again moaning, "Oh, God — you’re WONDERFUL! Fuck me! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck…" Lon just kept pounding.

Rick backed up, pulling the door closed before whispering, "Wow! You don’t think that’s their first time, do you?"

Candace shook her head. "I doubt it. Lon probably didn’t last any longer than you did — it’s tough at your age! On the other hand, you guys can manage seconds or thirds — and that’s what I imagine they’re getting…" Her eyes twinkled.

Rick took the hit over his first pass poorly, "Hey! I didn’t mean to…"

"Honey, EVERYONE does that until they get used to sex! I wasn’t singling you out! The first time tends to be, well, overwhelming — frankly, the fact that you got me off in the process is something you can be really proud of!" She eyed him sidelong, "Want thirds?"

Rick honestly wasn’t sure he could go again — but he wasn’t limp, either. "Maybe. After we check on everybody, maybe I’ll be recharged."

"I’ll bet you’re recharged NOW!" Candace replied, closing her hand on his semi-erect cock. Rick grinned, but nodded at the door. Candace nodded back, and he popped it open again.

Things hadn’t changed markedly; Beth was still hunching and babbling, and Lon was still long-stroking. But Lon was getting a bit red in the face, and Beth was sounding frantic, wailing, "Take it! Get it! It’s yours! Any time! Fuck me! I want to feel your cum! Fuuuuck!" Beth heaved again, and Lon muttered the first word the other couple had heard from him since they started eavesdropping, "Six…"

Rick’s eyes bugged. "Six?" he hissed in surprise.

Candace snatched the door closed, "Shhh, Silly!"

"How can he get her off six times?"

"Well, if they ARE on thirds, that’s where the endurance guys your age has comes in," Candace chuckled. "The other thing is that apparently Beth doesn’t cum like I do — she gets little cums, spaced just a little bit apart, where I get bigger ones and they tend to take longer to get and take more out of me. It’s apples and oranges, Honey — don’t feel like you haven’t done your job. If you did Beth, you’d probably get the same result."

"Sounds like a commercial," Rick grunted. " 'Your results may vary… '"

"Something like that," Candace agreed. "Now what? Do we watch them finish, or…"

"Let’s go check on Mom and Toby."

This time, there wasn’t conversation coming through Jean’s bedroom door, as before; instead, there was a series of exclamations, with a rhythmic undercurrent. Rick eyed Candace, who raised her eyebrows and nodded — it sounded like Toby was getting his way, after all … Rick quietly cracked the door.