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The bedroom door was poorly positioned for eavesdropping as the bed faced it; Rick had to open it enough to actually stick his head through. He opened it, VERY slowly, then eased around it until he had an eye on things.

Jean and Toby were crosswise on the bed; Toby was on his back and Jean was rising and falling on his erection, chanting, "Oh, Toby! Oh! So good! Uh! So big! Uh! Uh!" Rick had a great profile shot of his mother, head thrown back, eyes closed, smiling in a manner that he remembered dimly, but hadn’t seen lately. He withdrew and grinned from ear to ear. "They’re doing it! Just like we did on the chair!" He stepped back, and Candace eased into place to get a look.

Minutes before, the post-conversation necking had resolved itself to a situation wherein Jean was atop Toby, rubbing her clitoris and labia against his aching erection. "I want to ride on top," Jean had moaned, and Toby had agreed, readily.

Jean was used to this; Hugh had tired easily (in retrospect, it was probably because of his heart condition), and Jean had always been light and athletic, so it had worked well for them. Jean loved the control it gave her; position adjustments were easy for her and that allowed her to maximize her satisfaction without having to try to communicate issues to her partner. Hugh had seldom had any problem achieving orgasm, so there had been no requirement to watch out for him; on the few occasions that he DID have problems, they would just roll over…

Now, her control over the situation as she rose and fell on Toby’s erection, braced stiff-armed against his hips while her knees and hips moved her up and down, brought her certainty; Toby WAS bigger than Hugh! At full insertion, she was full — cervix kissing glans full — and that was new and different in a big way!

Toby added to things, too — he just couldn’t hold still under her — bringing a pounding counterpoint to her efforts that she rapidly adapted to and integrated in what was becoming just an incredible coupling! They’d been going at it only a couple of minutes, but Jean could feel the bubble of joy rising in her, expanding, every pumping stroke inflating it. "Oh, Toby! Oh, God! Uh! So good! Oh! So big! Oh, God! Uh! Uh! UHH! Oh, WOOOW!!!" Suddenly she started snapping her hips in an action more circular than vertical, reaming herself on Toby’s big penis while she shook like a leaf, red as a beet, only the whites of her eyes showing, "GAAAAAAWWWWDDD!!!!" Toby grabbed her hips when it looked like she was going to fall off, but she recovered in a moment and resumed her up and down motion. "OMIGOD!" she gasped, "That was SOOO GOOD!"

Toby grinned agreement; he had absolutely no complaints with the ride! He was nowhere near a cum at this point, but Jean’s inner lining was hot and wet and velvety soft, and it brought him wave after wave of pleasure. He figured he had a while, and he looked forward to seeing Jean’s manic orgasmic activity a couple more times, if he was lucky…

Watching Jean get off was too much for Candace; her hand stole between her splayed legs to tickle her puffy clit. Rick watched her for a few moments, then stepped up behind her and took over. Candace widened her stance to give Rick more to work with; he’d sure taken to fingering! Maybe she could talk him into giving head…

Jean was warming up for another cum — you could see it in the flush on her neck and chest. Toby was managing to smack into her from below, which was pretty athletic for a guy who didn’t look like much. Candace watched Jean’s head roll on her shoulders and listened as her litany of lust got more strident — and Rick’s hand in her crotch got to be too much!

Backing up, she pulled the door shut, then gasped to Rick, "I need that cock of yours, Honey!" Glancing around, she added, "Your room!" and hauled him along by the wrist. Behind them, Jean’s noises indicated that she had reached her orgasm…

Once in Rick’s room, Candace didn’t stand on ceremony; grabbing the footboard of the bed, she wailed, "Just plug in, Hon, and go to town! Mama needs it, bad!"

Masturbating Candace in the hall had brought Rick to full erection, anyway — he’d actually been considering the idea of penetrating her in the hallway! Stepping up, he rubbed his cock against Candace’s rubbery nether lips — which were already hanging open — and applied it to her opening.

"Oh, SHIT, that’s good! Make Mama happy!" Candace trilled, and Rick set to work. He had to bend his knees just a bit to hunker down to her shorter stature, but it wasn’t bad — and the pussy was GREAT! Rick set a brisk pace, and the noises coming from Candace said that was just fine with her! "Oh, Jeezus! Get it, Honey! God, that feels good! Go! Go!" Rick grinned and hammered away.

Downstairs, Beth was approaching orgasm number eight from Lon’s current effort — but Lon was approaching his even faster! Beth could see it in his face; the intensity of his expression shot up suddenly. This wasn’t the time to be greedy; Beth began seriously setting him up to enjoy his orgasm, "Cum! Cum in me! Fill me up! Fill your slut with your juice! Breed me!"

Beth’s wild encouragements took their toll, and Lon hit his final approach — that eternal moment when you know that you’re going to shoot, and you hold it back, milking it for the ecstasy it provides. With a strained grunt, Lon let go, pouring his third load of semen into Beth’s snatch — but he kept stroking, and that — combined with the feel of his ejaculation in her hungry twat — brought Beth one final orgasm, "Oh, God! That feels so good! I’m cumming again!" Beth surged against her sweaty blond lover one final time, her twat pulsing, then collapsed, pulling him down onto her heaving, sweaty chest. "That was Heavenly! God, if you only knew!"

"It beat anything I’VE ever had!" Lon declared. "Fuckin' great! I’m wasted!"

"No wonder!" Beth exclaimed. "Rest now…" She rubbed his sweaty back while he relaxed atop her, happy tears leaking from the corners of her eyes. This would never happen again — Lon could do a lot better than a fat old hog like her — but it was a memory she would cherish, always!

Lon’s concept of the situation differed by just about one hundred percent; while he wanted to get between Jean’s legs 'just because, ' Beth had made a powerful impression. Lon intended to pop Beth at every opportunity; he was happy to fuck her and she was happy to have him — why get stupid? Besides, she OBVIOUSLY would do whatever kinky thing came to mind — he could pop her ass, and … He drifted off toting up the possibilities.

* * *

Jean was coming down from orgasm number three — and was running out of energy. She wasn’t eighteen any more and riding on top was WORK — especially since every time she had an orgasm, the discharge took some of her vitality while giving her pleasure. Toby was helping, but number four seemed to be out of reach…

Toby sensed this — and he had too much invested for her to quit! "Lay down on me — we’re gonna roll over!" he announced.

Oh thank God! "Okay" Jean flopped forward and ran her arms up under Toby’s shoulders, then hung on as he initiated the roll, being careful not to crush her leg on the way over.

When it was over, Toby was prone atop Jean, who had her knees up. Toby pulled his knees in and resumed stroking, bracing on her shins as soon as she let go of his shoulders.

The increase in control increased Toby’s ability to obtaining pleasure and virtually ensured that he would orgasm within the next few minutes — and relieved Jean of energy-sapping motion, which increased her chances, too! Jean recognized that she had gained as much as Toby in the change almost immediately, as pleasure resumed it’s ascendancy over fatigue. "Mmmm, yes! Oh! Oh! So good! Yes!" Jean gasped, once more headed for the peak.