THE TESTING INDUSTRY: Barbara Miner, “Keeping Public Schools Public,” Rethinking Schools, Winter 2004–5.
PAUL MCCARTNEY: All material in this segment came from an original interview for this book.
REGGIO SCHOOLS: Carolyn Edwards, Lella Gandini, and George Forman, The Hundred Languages of Children: The Reggio Emilia Approach Advanced Refl ections (Greenwich, Conn.: Ablex, 1998).
LORIS MALAGUZZI: Loris Malaguzzi, “Invece il cento c’e,” translated by Lella Gandini.
GRANGETON: Portions of this segment came from an original interview for this book.
OKLAHOMA A+ SCHOOLS: Nicole Ashby, “Arts Integration at Oklahoma School Provides Multiple Paths for Learning,” Achiever, June 1, 2007.
Abilene Paradox, 144–45
Adderley, Julian “Cannonball,” 124
aging, 195–98, 202–6
Ailey, Alvin, 115–16
Allen, Debbie, 114–16
Altman, Robert, 122
amateurs, 209–18
derivation of word, 210
leisure vs. recreation, 218–24
in Olympic Games, 212–13
Pro-Am Revolution, 210–11
transformation, 216–18
Anlo Ewe people, 31
ants, swarms of, 146–47
aptitude, 22–24, 159, 179–80
Aristotle, 36, 121
Armstrong, Lance, 185
Armstrong, Neil, 186
Aronica, Lou, 180–81
Asch, Solomon, 144
Athenian Stoics, 121
attitude, 22, 24–25, 156, 159, 160–68
authenticity, 90–94
balance, 31–32
Ballantine, Ian, 180–81
Bardens, Peter, 29
Bates, Edward, 126
Beatles, 10, 113, 125
Bennis, Warren, 123
Biederman, Pat Ward, 123
Big Brothers Big Sisters, 178, 185
Bill (car salesman), 214–15
Binet, Alfred, 38
BIRGing (Basking in Reflected Glory), 128
Black Ice, 94–96, 116
blindness, 156–59, 200–201
Bogdanovich, Peter, 122
Book Buddies, 204–6
and creativity, 76–79
and culture, 150–51, 152
gender differences in, 78
hemispheres of, 77–78
of infants, 198–99
and intelligence, 44
and language, 150, 199–200
lateral occipital complex, 151
and memory, 79
neural pathways of, 199, 201–2
physical development of, 201
plasticity of, 200–201
structural differences in, 151
and visual perception, 150–51
brain cells, 201, 202
Branson, Sir Richard, 225–27
Brecht, Bertolt, 32
Brigham, Carl, 41
Bruce, Jack, 29
Buffett, Warren, 176, 179
Buzan, Tony, 97
CandoCo Dance Company, 135–36
Capaldi, Jim, 217
Carson, Rachel, Silent Spring, 253–54, 259
Chambers, Paul, 124
chance, 25, 160, 161
change, pace of, 17–21
Charles, Ray, 176–77, 178, 179
Chase, Salmon P., 126
Chee, Michael, 151
Child, Julia, 192, 206
Christie, Agatha, 196–97
Cialdini, Robert, 128
cities, growth of, 256–57
Clapton, Eric, 29, 91, 217
Clarke, Arthur C., 211
Clawson, Mr., 185
Cleese, John, 11
climate crisis, 252–58
Close, Chuck, 132–35, 155, 194
Cobb, Jimmy, 124
Coelho, Paulo, 137–38, 155
Coghill, Neville, 241
Cohen, Adolph, 164
Coles, John, 158
Collins, Randall, 121
Coltrane, John, 124
Comaneci, Nadia, 34
Comedy Research Project (CRP), 110
common sense, 32
conformity, 144, 230–35
Connelly, Billy, 130–31
Conner, Bart, 33–34, 48
contagious behavior, 149
Cooper, Robert, 44
Coppola, Francis Ford, 122
Cosell, Howard, 130
Cowell, Simon, 191
creativity, 16, 55–57
and the brain, 76–79
dynamics of, 70–76, 125–26
features of, 71–73
and imagination, 57–59, 66, 70, 81
and insight, 76–77
and media, 72–76, 79
myths of, 56–57
opening your mind to, 76–82
power of, 67–70, 81, 82
process of, 71–72
reach of, 81
thinking outside the box, 97–100
critical reasoning, 37
Crouch, Donald, 183–84
crowd vs. tribe, 127–29
Cruddington, Grace, 166
Crumb, Robert, 5
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 92
and the brain, 150–51, 152
constraints of, 152–55
contagious behavior in, 149
definition of, 148
influence of, 148–52
and language, 149–50
survival manual for, 152
swimming against the tide, 152–55
Davis, Miles, 28, 124–25
Death Valley, 258
deindividuation, 129
Descartes, René, 37
disapproval, fear of, 137–42
diversity, 46–49, 121, 125
Doerr, Harriet, 191, 195
Doerr, John, 123
domains, 111–14
Drexler, K. Eric, 120–21, 176
Durband, Alan, 241
Dylan, Bob, 68, 118–20, 131, 153
dynamics, creative, 70–76, 125–26
dyslexia, 226–27
Dyson, Freeman, 117
ecology, 253–54
Edelman, Marian Wright, 177–78, 179
education system, 12–15
assessment in, 235, 236–37, 249–50
“back to basics,” 15–16
in Britain, 171–72
conformity in, 230–35
cram schools, 234–35
creativity drained by, 16
curriculum in, 235–36, 247–48
elemental, 247–50
higher education, 232–34
and intelligence, 36, 38–42
lack of interest in, 228–30
pedagogy, 235
practical training in, 39–40
quality assurance in, 249–50
reforming, 235–38
Reggio approach, 241–43
teaching, 12, 74, 107, 175–76, 237–38, 249
transforming, 238–46
Egan, Nick, 74–75
Einstein, Albert, 49–50, 202, 251
Element, 8
barriers to finding, 9, 132
groupthink vs., 142–46
personal constraints, 132–36
social barriers, 137–42
what it is, 21–22
and the zone, 86–90
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Self-Reliance, 184
encouragement, 181–82
enjoyment, elements of, 92
Enlightenment, 37
Epicurus, 121
epiphany stories, 8, 74
eugenics movement, 39, 40, 41
Evans, Bill, 124, 125
evidence, scientific, 37
expectations, 161
fandom, 127–29
fast-food model, 249–50
fear of disapproval, 137–42
Feynman, Richard, 69–70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 120, 121
fields, 111–14, 117
Fischbach, Gerald, 201
fish, swarming, 146–47, 154
Fleetwood, Mick, 27–30, 48, 102
Fleetwood, Sally, 28
Fleetwood, Susan, 28
Fleetwood Mac, 27, 29
flow, 92, 93
Fordyce, Michael, 223
Franklin, Benjamin, 196
Freed, Alan, 112
Frost, Robert, 183
Fuller, R. Buckminster, 49
Fury, Peggy, 104, 111, 174
Gardner, Howard, 43
Gerver, Richard, 244–45
Geurts, Kathryn Linn, Culture and the Senses, 31
Gielgud, Sir John, 165
Gilmour, David, 217
Goleman, Daniel, 44
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, Team of Rivals, 126–27
Grace Living Center, Tulsa, 204–5
Graham, Benjamin, 176, 179
Grangeton, England, 244–46