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Jinshan clicked and several red circles appeared, spread out across the map of the US. The lights began to go out on the map, simulating the effect of the EMP weapons on the US electrical grid. “These EMP weapons would further amplify our attack on utilities and communications infrastructure.”

“This capability is very impressive,” the first politician said.

“Gentlemen, we have reached possibly the only point in our lifetime when three things will be true simultaneously. We have a distinct military advantage over our main adversary, a distinct economic advantage over our main adversary, and the people’s support of our capable political leaders. You see, gentlemen, I study trends. And the trends indicate rapidly approaching changes in our national health. If nothing is done, our unemployment will go up. Our per capita income, adjusted for inflation, will go down. And we will lose the support of our people. The Chinese citizen will demand change. After that occurs, history tells us that violent revolution will soon follow.”

The politicians squirmed in their seats. “Is it really that bad?”

Jinshan nodded. “I liken the world of international relations to the jungle. As the saying goes, it is kill or be killed. Our leaders must show strength and choose aggression when that is the best option for our survival. China needs a change in strategy.”

Jinshan read their faces carefully. The politicians looked alarmed, but attentive.

“Do either of you play Xiangqi?” Pronounced Shyahng chi, it was sometimes referred to as Chinese chess.

“Of course. I used to play a lot when I was in school,” one of the men offered. The other politician, and the general, stayed quiet, waiting to hear Jinshan’s point.

“I played when I was young as well. I enjoy it very much. It hones one’s strategic skill. Do you know what the Western translation is? I will tell you. They translate Xiangqi into ‘the Elephant Game.’ Partly — for obvious reasons — because the first character for the word means elephant. And partly because the original pieces were carved from ivory. Taken from creatures of the jungle, who knew how to survive in the wild.”

He paused for effect.

“But when explaining the game to Americans, I have always called it Chinese chess.” He shook his head. “I think that explanation doesn’t do the game justice. The Elephant Game is so much more nuanced than a simple game of chess. I bring up the Elephant Game because it mimics our own situation. In the game, soldiers normally do not support each other in the beginning. Because at that point, they are vulnerable. But as the game progresses, it becomes advantageous to form new alliances.”

He met their eyes.

“We have always been your close friends, Jinshan,” said the first politician.

“I know you have. But now, our bonds must become stronger still. Let me ask you a question. What do you think will happen in ten years, when our inflation is twenty percent and our GDP is negative four, as indicated by the chart earlier? More importantly, what will happen to your sons?”

Jinshan did not wait for an answer. “Do you think our political system will survive if unemployment increases to more than one in four? And if wages decrease by more than half? This is what we project in less than ten years. You will not hear these figures uttered in the halls of parliament. But I assure you, they are accurate. As a businessman, it is my profession to study these figures, for the benefit of my company. But as a servant of China, it is my duty to recommend action based on these figures, for the well-being of our country.”

The politicians took in what they were hearing. Both looked concerned.

Jinshan spoke gently now. His eyes seemed to pierce those of his audience. “Our nation needs direction. We have the greatest country on earth, filled with peace-loving people. But our population needs more resources in order to sustain its growing prosperity. The United States clumsily throws its military around the world, killing civilians in the name of peace. Its citizens, too, yearn for direction. Chinese policy and law have transformed our nation into a dominating force. Today we have the ability, gentlemen, to transform the entire world into a unified and prosperous planet. Imagine a world without borders, without the threat of war, without the need to build up stockpiles of weapons and worry about whether our financial burden will support our potential ability to kill. Have you ever wondered what a united world would look like? It could look like China…” His voice was just a whisper now.

It wasn’t just an act. Jinshan felt pride and excitement at the great things they could accomplish with one set of laws around the globe. He wanted to cement his legacy before it was too late. Before his sickness took him to his grave. This was the one choice that China had if it was to continue prospering. And it would cure not only China, but the world as well. Jinshan knew that they must act now to secure China’s future with bold action, or they would slowly go down on a sinking ship.

Jinshan used altruism as his reason for action. He did this not because politicians were altruistically motivated, but because they wanted altruistic reasons to be seen as their primary motivation. Even in this small group, he knew that it was the best way to manipulate them. When he finished listing off how China’s global “spreading” would better the world, Jinshan switched to his true pitch: appealing to their vanity and ambition.

“Each of our new Chinese states would need Chinese governance. And a new global Chinese government would need new and more powerful leadership — capable leaders with the foresight to plan for all contingencies. These leaders would no doubt be the same ones who had the foresight to take bold steps when others were happy with the status quo. You see, gentlemen, as we realize the dramatic shift in strategy our nation must make to ensure our prosperity, we also realize the internal reorganization that must take place — so it is not only your support that we seek, but your leadership as well.”

Now they were both starry-eyed as they imagined their personal futures. A knock at the door snapped the four men back to the present. The general pressed a button on his remote and the screen went blank. He walked over to the door and let in a pair of servants with roller carts. Lunch was being served.

Jinshan spoke again. “Let us eat, gentlemen. We can discuss this more after lunch.”

He was pleased.

He saw General Chen looking back at him, a knowing grin on his face. With these two, the rest will go, Jinshan had told the general on the phone. Jinshan sat back in his chair and refilled his teacup. They had done it. Over tea, they had just overthrown the Chinese government and cemented the start of a world war.

* * *

The meetings continued for the next hour. Then the Chinese politicians and military advisors departed. Jinshan looked to his assistant and nodded to bring his next guests in.

The Russians were only too eager to put the screws to the Americans. Jinshan’s conversation with them had been ongoing for more than a year through back channels.

The Russian ambassador actually had a prepared message from his own president, which offered military cooperation with China in the Pacific. But that was not part of Jinshan’s strategy. He needed the bulk of Russian military assets to remain near Europe. There, the Russians would force the Americans to keep valuable assets in the European and Middle Eastern regions. Jinshan needed the Russians to serve as a deterrent.