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Chennai, 155

Chetty, Shunmugan Nganasamantham, 255–258

childhood, 123–126

China, 133

Chinese culture, 398

Chowgule, Ashok, 31

Christianity, 12, 46–50


cultural assimilation by, 25

as Indians, 190

in Kerala, 281

violence against, 46–48

Churchill, Winston, 87, 129, 381

cinema, 69–72


lost heritage of, 159–162

renaming of, 153–158

Citigroup, 389

citizenship, eligibility for, 14

civic culture, lack of, 91

civic engagement, 315–318

civil conflicts, 315–318


Arab, 229–230

early Indian, 159–162

Islamic, 229–230

civil society, 384

“clash of civilizations” thesis, 17–18, 229–230

clubs, 448

Cochin, 155–156

Collective Choice and Social Welfare (Sen), 224

colonialism, 72

common good, disregard for, 91–92

communalism, 34, 41–42, 46–48, 57, 70, 181, 385

See also Hindutva movement

communal violence, 448–449

Communist Party, 16

conflicts, civil, 315–318

Congress, 449

Congress Party, 80, 176, 185

consumer goods market, 373–376

corruption, 83–87, 437, 449–450

Cousins, Norman, 171

cows, 297, 450

Cowsik, Shyamala, 73–76

cricket, 55–62, 95–103, 239–248, 405–407, 450

crime, 149–151

crowds, 450–451

cultural assimilation, 24–25, 62–63

cultural tolerance, 51–53


Hindu, 15–18, 24–26

hybrid, 7–18

Indian, 52, 398–403

Islamic, 15–16, 24–25, 311–312, 343

lack of civic, 91

popular, 69–72, 399–400

promotion of, abroad, 398–403

soft power and, 398

Westernization of, 131–136

youth, 115–117

dacoits, 451

da Gama, Vasco, 252, 281

dance, 451

Dantzig, Tobias, 310

Davos, Switzerland, 369–371

Delhi, 156–157


agreement in, 14–15

dangers to India's, 434

Hindu fanatics and, 32

Islam and, 230

literacy and, 140

Nehru and, 168–171

state of Indian, 83–87

demographic imbalances, 437–438

Deve Gowda, H. D., anniversary speech by, 9

development, politicalization of, 436

dhabas, 452

dharma, 37–40, 45, 259

Discovery of India, The (Nehru), 13

disinvestment, 452


in Hinduism, 14, 16–17

Indian, 7–10, 381–384

of languages, 12–14

of religions, 11–12, 14

doctors, who emigrate, 348–352

doodhwalas, 452

dowry, 452

Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) Party, 80, 155

dualism, 40

Dubai, 96

Durant, William, 313

Durrani, Salim, 57

East Africa, 345–347

East Pakistan, 182–183

economic development, call centers and, 387–389

economic myths, 373–376

economic success, education and, 139–140

economists, 223–224


foreign trade and, 429–432

Indian, 369–371


in Kerala, 279

literacy and, 137–143

Nalanda University, 145–148

public schools, 475

of girls and women, 141–143

elections, 453

election symbols, 453–454

Ellora cave temples, 353–360

Elst, Keonraad, 189

Emergency, 454

Engineer, Asghar Ali, 24

English language, 13, 462–463

Englishman, 11

entrepreneurs, 391–393

environmental issues, 91–93

epic interpretations, 73–76

epic narratives, 234–237

Ethnic Conflict and Civil Life (Varshney), 315–318

ethnicity, 11

eve-teasing, 454–455

expatriates, 96, 337–352

doctors, 348–352

entrepreneurs, 391–393

in the Gulf countries, 342–345

in Kenya, 345–347

Fabian, K. P., 222

families, 89–93

family planning, 455

fasts, 455–456

fasts, personal, 456–457

federalism, 438

feminism, 131–136

Festival of India, 400–401

festivals, 15–16, 119–121

film industry, 69–72

films, 457

See also Bollywood

foreign imports, 373–376

foreign trade, 429–432

France, 11, 398

free trade, 429–430

Friedman, Thomas, 374

fundamentalism, 17, 22, 39, 42–44

Gandhi, Feroze, 205–206

Gandhi, Indira, 127–128, 138, 205–210, 463–464

Gandhi, Mahatma, 127, 133, 165–171, 174–175, 179, 183, 193, 401, 456, 458

Gandhi, Rajiv, 208, 321, 458

Gandhi, Sanjay, 207–208

Gandhi, Sonia, 17, 18, 383–384

Gandhi-Irwin Pact, 177

Ganga River, 458

Garten, Jeffrey, 147

Gavaskar, Sunil Manohar, 239–248, 458–459

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 429–430

Geneva Cricket Club, 98

geography, 14

Germany, 11

gheraos, 459

girls, education of, 141–143

globalization, outsourcing and, 387–389

godmen, 459

God's Own Country (Tharoor and Husain), 278

Gopal, Sarvepalli, 127, 180, 182

Government of India Act, 177

Grameen Bank, 418–419

Great Bengal Famine (1943), 224

Great Indian Novel, The (Tharoor), 37–38, 40, 95, 108

gross domestic product (GDP), 370

“Group of 77,” 430

GTR Campbell (GTRC), 422–423

Gujarat riots, 27, 317, 318, 403

Gulf, The, 459–460

Gulf countries, 342–345

Habib, Shahnaz, 62–65

Haldane, J. B. S., 217

Harappans, 311, 314

Harijans, 192, 460

Hasnain, Syed Iqbal, 61–62

health, education and, 142

Healey, Denis, 129

Heller, Joseph, 260

Henriksson, Anders, 299

heresy, 20

Herzl, Theodore, 24

Hindi language, 9, 12, 460–461

Hindu chauvinism, 41

See also Hindutva movement

Hindu culture, 15–18

embracing of, by non-Hindus, 24–26

as uniting factor, 24–26

Hindu festivals, 15–16, 119–121

Hindu fundamentalism, 17, 22, 39, 42–43

Hinduism, 461

accomodationism in, 20

agnosticism in, 227

diversity of, 14, 16–17, 20–21

Hindutva movement and, 22, 26

Islam and, 15–16

as majority religion, 9–10, 15

merging of Islam and, 24–25

misuse of, 24

opposites and, 39

pride in, 31–32, 33–35

tolerance as tenet of, 20–24, 30, 49–50

as uniting factor, 24–26

Hindu-Muslim riots, 27–30, 32–33

Hindu myths, 15

Hindus, animosity of, toward Muslims, 44–46

Hindustani, 12

Hindutva movement, 15, 17, 33

communalism and, 46–47

Hinduism and, 22, 26

names and, 66–67

religious intolerance and, 33–35, 47–49

secularism and, 37

Sen on, 228

historical amnesia, 13

historicism, 13


Arab, 229–230

faith and, 30–31

of Indian science, 309–314

role of, 33