How can we reliably interact with these peripherals?
1. Always use volatile methods to read or write to peripheral memory, as it can change at any time
2. In software, we should be able to share any number of read-only accesses to these peripherals
3. If some software should have read-write access to a peripheral, it should hold the only reference to that peripheral
The last two of these rules sound suspiciously similar to what the Borrow Checker does already!
Imagine if we could pass around ownership of these peripherals, or offer immutable or mutable references to them?
Well, we can, but for the Borrow Checker, we need to have exactly one instance of each peripheral, so Rust can handle this correctly. Well, luckliy in the hardware, there is only one instance of any given peripheral, but how can we expose that in the structure of our code?
In software engineering, the singleton pattern is a software design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object.
Wikipedia: Singleton Pattern
We could make everything a public static, like this
static mut THE_SERIAL_PORT: SerialPort = SerialPort;
fn main() {
let _ = unsafe {
But this has a few problems. It is a mutable global variable, and in Rust, these are always unsafe to interact with. These variables are also visible across your whole program, which means the borrow checker is unable to help you track references and ownership of these variables.
Instead of just making our peripheral a global variable, we might instead decide to make a global variable, in this case called PERIPHERALS, which contains an Option<T> for each of our peripherals.
struct Peripherals {
seriaclass="underline" Option<SerialPort>,
impl Peripherals {
fn take_serial(&mut self) -> SerialPort {
let p = replace(&mut self.serial, None);
static mut PERIPHERALS: Peripherals = Peripherals {
seriaclass="underline" Some(SerialPort),
This structure allows us to obtain a single instance of our peripheral. If we try to call take_serial() more than once, our code will panic!
fn main() {
let serial_1 = unsafe { PERIPHERALS.take_serial() };
// This panics!
// let serial_2 = unsafe { PERIPHERALS.take_serial() };
Although interacting with this structure is unsafe, once we have the SerialPort it contained, we no longer need to use unsafe, or the PERIPHERALS structure at all.
This has a small runtime overhead because we must wrap the SerialPort structure in an option, and we'll need to call take_serial() once, however this small up-front cost allows us to leverage the borrow checker throughout the rest of our program.
Although we created our own Peripherals structure above, it is not necessary to do this for your code. the cortex_m crate contains a macro called singleton!() that will perform this action for you.
extern crate cortex_m;
fn main() {
// OK if `main` is executed only once
let x: &'static mut bool =
singleton!(: bool = false).unwrap();
Additionally, if you use cortex-m-rtic, the entire process of defining and obtaining these peripherals are abstracted for you, and you are instead handed a Peripherals structure that contains a non-Option<T> version of all of the items you define.
// cortex-m-rtic v0.5.x
#[rtic::app(device = lm3s6965, peripherals = true)]
const APP: () = {
fn init(cx: init::Context) {
static mut X: u32 = 0;
// Cortex-M peripherals
let core: cortex_m::Peripherals = cx.core;
// Device specific peripherals
let device: lm3s6965::Peripherals = cx.device;
But how do these Singletons make a noticeable difference in how our Rust code works?
impl SerialPort {
const SER_PORT_SPEED_REG: *mut u32 = 0x4000_1000 as _;
fn read_speed(
&self // <------ This is really, really important
) -> u32 {
unsafe {
There are two important factors in play here:
• Because we are using a singleton, there is only one way or place to obtain a SerialPort structure
• To call the read_speed() method, we must have ownership or a reference to a SerialPort structure
These two factors put together means that it is only possible to access the hardware if we have appropriately satisfied the borrow checker, meaning that at no point do we have multiple mutable references to the same hardware!
fn main() {
// missing reference to `self`! Won't work.
// SerialPort::read_speed();
let serial_1 = unsafe { PERIPHERALS.take_serial() };
// you can only read what you have access to
let _ = serial_1.read_speed();
Additionally, because some references are mutable, and some are immutable, it becomes possible to see whether a function or method could potentially modify the state of the hardware. For example,
This is allowed to change hardware settings:
fn setup_spi_port(
spi: &mut SpiPort,
cs_pin: &mut GpioPin