For most types in Rust, both of these traits are automatically derived for you by the compiler. However, because CSCounter contains an UnsafeCell, it is not Sync, and therefore we could not make a static CSCounter: static variables must be Sync, since they can be accessed by multiple threads.
To tell the compiler we have taken care that the CSCounter is in fact safe to share between threads, we implement the Sync trait explicitly. As with the previous use of critical sections, this is only safe on single-core platforms: with multiple cores, you would need to go to greater lengths to ensure safety.
We've created a useful abstraction specific to our counter problem, but there are many common abstractions used for concurrency.
One such synchronisation primitive is a mutex, short for mutual exclusion. These constructs ensure exclusive access to a variable, such as our counter. A thread can attempt to lock (or acquire) the mutex, and either succeeds immediately, or blocks waiting for the lock to be acquired, or returns an error that the mutex could not be locked. While that thread holds the lock, it is granted access to the protected data. When the thread is done, it unlocks (or releases) the mutex, allowing another thread to lock it. In Rust, we would usually implement the unlock using the Drop trait to ensure it is always released when the mutex goes out of scope.
Using a mutex with interrupt handlers can be tricky: it is not normally acceptable for the interrupt handler to block, and it would be especially disastrous for it to block waiting for the main thread to release a lock, since we would then deadlock (the main thread will never release the lock because execution stays in the interrupt handler). Deadlocking is not considered unsafe: it is possible even in safe Rust.
To avoid this behaviour entirely, we could implement a mutex which requires a critical section to lock, just like our counter example. So long as the critical section must last as long as the lock, we can be sure we have exclusive access to the wrapped variable without even needing to track the lock/unlock state of the mutex.
This is in fact done for us in the cortex_m crate! We could have written our counter using it:
use core::celclass="underline" :Cell;
use cortex_m::interrupt::Mutex;
static COUNTER: Mutex<Cell<u32>> = Mutex::new(Celclass="underline" :new(0));
fn main() -> ! {
let mut last_state = false;
loop {
let state = read_signal_level();
if state && !last_state {
COUNTER.borrow(cs).set(COUNTER.borrow(cs).get() + 1));
last_state = state;
fn timer() {
// We still need to enter a critical section here to satisfy the Mutex.
interrupt::free(|cs| COUNTER.borrow(cs).set(0));
We're now using Cell, which along with its sibling RefCell is used to provide safe interior mutability. We've already seen UnsafeCell which is the bottom layer of interior mutability in Rust: it allows you to obtain multiple mutable references to its value, but only with unsafe code. A Cell is like an UnsafeCell but it provides a safe interface: it only permits taking a copy of the current value or replacing it, not taking a reference, and since it is not Sync, it cannot be shared between threads. These constraints mean it's safe to use, but we couldn't use it directly in a static variable as a static must be Sync.
So why does the example above work? The Mutex<T> implements Sync for any T which is Send — such as a Cell. It can do this safely because it only gives access to its contents during a critical section. We're therefore able to get a safe counter with no unsafe code at all!
This is great for simple types like the u32 of our counter, but what about more complex types which are not Copy? An extremely common example in an embedded context is a peripheral struct, which generally is not Copy. For that, we can turn to RefCell.
Device crates generated using svd2rust and similar abstractions provide safe access to peripherals by enforcing that only one instance of the peripheral struct can exist at a time. This ensures safety, but makes it difficult to access a peripheral from both the main thread and an interrupt handler.
To safely share peripheral access, we can use the Mutex we saw before. We'll also need to use RefCell, which uses a runtime check to ensure only one reference to a peripheral is given out at a time. This has more overhead than the plain Cell, but since we are giving out references rather than copies, we must be sure only one exists at a time.
Finally, we'll also have to account for somehow moving the peripheral into the shared variable after it has been initialised in the main code. To do this we can use the Option type, initialised to None and later set to the instance of the peripheral.
use core::celclass="underline" :RefCell;
use cortex_m::interrupt::{self, Mutex};
use stm32f4::stm32f405;
static MY_GPIO: Mutex<RefCell<Option<stm32f405::GPIOA>>> =
Mutex::new(RefCelclass="underline" :new(None));
fn main() -> ! {
// Obtain the peripheral singletons and configure it.
// This example is from an svd2rust-generated crate, but
// most embedded device crates will be similar.
let dp = stm32f405::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let gpioa = &dp.GPIOA;
// Some sort of configuration function.
// Assume it sets PA0 to an input and PA1 to an output.
// Store the GPIOA in the mutex, moving it.
interrupt::free(|cs| MY_GPIO.borrow(cs).replace(Some(dp.GPIOA)));
// We can no longer use `gpioa` or `dp.GPIOA`, and instead have to
// access it via the mutex.
// Be careful to enable the interrupt only after setting MY_GPIO:
// otherwise the interrupt might fire while it still contains None,
// and as-written (with `unwrap()`), it would panic.
let mut last_state = false;
loop {
// We'll now read state as a digital input, via the mutex