volatile bool signalled = false;
void ISR() {
// Signal that the interrupt has occurred
signalled = true;
void driver() {
while(true) {
// Sleep until signalled
while(!signalled) { WFI(); }
// Reset signalled indicator
signalled = false;
// Perform some task that was waiting for the interrupt
The equivalent in Rust would use volatile methods on each access:
static mut SIGNALLED: bool = false;
fn ISR() {
// Signal that the interrupt has occurred
// (In real code, you should consider a higher level primitive,
// such as an atomic type).
unsafe { core::ptr::write_volatile(&mut SIGNALLED, true) };
fn driver() {
loop {
// Sleep until signalled
while unsafe { !core::ptr::read_volatile(&SIGNALLED) } {}
// Reset signalled indicator
unsafe { core::ptr::write_volatile(&mut SIGNALLED, false) };
// Perform some task that was waiting for the interrupt
A few things are worth noting in the code sample:
• We can pass &mut SIGNALLED into the function requiring *mut T, since &mut T automatically converts to a *mut T (and the same for *const T)
• We need unsafe blocks for the read_volatile/write_volatile methods, since they are unsafe functions. It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure safe use: see the methods' documentation for further details.
It is rare to require these functions directly in your code, as they will usually be taken care of for you by higher-level libraries. For memory mapped peripherals, the peripheral access crates will implement volatile access automatically, while for concurrency primitives there are better abstractions available (see the Concurrency chapter).
In embedded C it is common to tell the compiler a variable must have a certain alignment or a struct must be packed rather than aligned, usually to meet specific hardware or protocol requirements.
In Rust this is controlled by the repr attribute on a struct or union. The default representation provides no guarantees of layout, so should not be used for code that interoperates with hardware or C. The compiler may re-order struct members or insert padding and the behaviour may change with future versions of Rust.
struct Foo {
x: u16,
y: u8,
z: u16,
fn main() {
let v = Foo { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };
println!("{:p} {:p} {:p}", &v.x, &v.y, &v.z);
// 0x7ffecb3511d0 0x7ffecb3511d4 0x7ffecb3511d2
// Note ordering has been changed to x, z, y to improve packing.
To ensure layouts that are interoperable with C, use repr(C):
struct Foo {
x: u16,
y: u8,
z: u16,
fn main() {
let v = Foo { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };
println!("{:p} {:p} {:p}", &v.x, &v.y, &v.z);
// 0x7fffd0d84c60 0x7fffd0d84c62 0x7fffd0d84c64
// Ordering is preserved and the layout will not change over time.
// `z` is two-byte aligned so a byte of padding exists between `y` and `z`.
To ensure a packed representation, use repr(packed):
struct Foo {
x: u16,
y: u8,
z: u16,
fn main() {
let v = Foo { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };
// Unsafe is required to borrow a field of a packed struct.
unsafe { println!("{:p} {:p} {:p}", &v.x, &v.y, &v.z) };
// 0x7ffd33598490 0x7ffd33598492 0x7ffd33598493
// No padding has been inserted between `y` and `z`, so now `z` is unaligned.
Note that using repr(packed) also sets the alignment of the type to 1.
Finally, to specify a specific alignment, use repr(align(n)), where n is the number of bytes to align to (and must be a power of two):
struct Foo {
x: u16,
y: u8,
z: u16,
fn main() {
let v = Foo { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };
let u = Foo { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };
println!("{:p} {:p} {:p}", &v.x, &v.y, &v.z);
println!("{:p} {:p} {:p}", &u.x, &u.y, &u.z);
// 0x7ffec909a000 0x7ffec909a002 0x7ffec909a004
// 0x7ffec909b000 0x7ffec909b002 0x7ffec909b004
// The two instances `u` and `v` have been placed on 4096-byte alignments,
// evidenced by the `000` at the end of their addresses.
Note we can combine repr(C) with repr(align(n)) to obtain an aligned and C-compatible layout. It is not permissible to combine repr(align(n)) with repr(packed), since repr(packed) sets the alignment to 1. It is also not permissible for a repr(packed) type to contain a repr(align(n)) type.
For further details on type layouts, refer to the type layout chapter of the Rust Reference.
• In this book:
• Rust Pointers for C Programmers
• I used to use pointers - now what?
Interoperability between Rust and C code is always dependent on transforming data between the two languages. For this purposes there are two dedicated modules in the stdlib called std::ffi and std::os::raw.